Oh-Em-Gee - What's with the binging?!



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    BaconSan2 wrote: »
    Sometimes binge eating is just you like to combine two pleasures at once. It is to elevate the semi boring thing up to next level. Netflix is great but hey night after night? So I would watch a movie AND eat popcorn 2 favourite but common things have now become a pretty good thing. Was I even the least bit hungry absolutely not - often it was a struggle to eat the stuff. So why do it? Habit - I tried to not eat during movies but I spent all my time thinking about "No I am not going to eat that" and an activity which was only semi entertaining at best now is a misery. So on WOE of eating I am trying to save some of my carbs for movie watching and get a small picky thing like sunflower seeds or pumpkins seeds so it seems like I am eating for a long time. Boredom or semi boredom is a BIG cause of binge eating. "Get a new life" you say. Hey, I am trying.

    So true for me. And stress. I was just telling my husband last night that there were days on my way home from work I was so stressed that I would buy a candy bar...I wasn't hungry, it didn't taste good, but I would eat it because it helped my mood. :(
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I just binged on the whole lot of chia pudding I made earlier. And you know what? I feel okay with it. Actually i feel great. I'm full and sleepy. Stupid special lady time. ;)
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    UPDATE - Yesterday my friend took my out to a milkshake. After which I proceeded to binge on cookies, chocolate, ice cream with her(all the usual suspects) .... - with a slight difference than I used to have back in the day.... I was feeling pukey ALL. DAMN. NIGHT.

    This morning I woke up with the worst cramps, stomach feels super bloated and still feel pukey. (I know it's called nauseous, I just want to add a little Leana-flare to the post). I am not going to the gym today. I have a fear of puking in public. Lol. Oh and another thing.

    Back in the day, when I would really go at the sugar binges, like yesterday, my blood sugar would, throughout the next day, randomly drop very quickly (that's what I think happens anyway), and I would feel like fainting, feels like the earth is 'pulling my body down', and my vision and hearing fades for about a minute, and I'd break out in sweat all while shaking from cold.

    I really don't want to drive anywhere knowing that that might happen.
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    @Shadowmf023 : Binge-eating with friends, those were the days. (Insert sweet music here). Honestly, I have found keeping all my binge foods out of the house is a big help, it forces me to occasionaly binge on lc food. Hubby has carbs in house, but I consider those "his" and not "mine." Hate to say "glad you woke up feeling crappy" but it did reinforce something, I hope. Anyway, a new day, a new road to take. Hang in there! Back to your plan.
  • jaymo602
    jaymo602 Posts: 52 Member
    If someone said "increase your fat intake" anywhere above, I second it!
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    This is starting to freak me out. Every night I overeat by like - 600-1000 calories. It's not that I'm hungry. I just want to eat. Anything and everything (which are all LC luckily - there's nothing else in the house, and my dad's high carb food does not seem to tempt me.) This has been going on the whole week.

    I don't know about your eating habits but I typically always ate a ton at night, so what I did was I'd skip breakfast, have a small lunch between 11-12, and then eat most of my calories at night. That way I could have a big dinner and a snack. It takes awhile to get used to but it can be done.

    I also echo everyone elses advice on checking your protein and fats, make sure you're getting enough!
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    UPDATE - Yesterday my friend took my out to a milkshake. After which I proceeded to binge on cookies, chocolate, ice cream with her(all the usual suspects) .... - with a slight difference than I used to have back in the day.... I was feeling pukey ALL. DAMN. NIGHT.

    This morning I woke up with the worst cramps, stomach feels super bloated and still feel pukey. (I know it's called nauseous, I just want to add a little Leana-flare to the post). I am not going to the gym today. I have a fear of puking in public. Lol. Oh and another thing.

    Back in the day, when I would really go at the sugar binges, like yesterday, my blood sugar would, throughout the next day, randomly drop very quickly (that's what I think happens anyway), and I would feel like fainting, feels like the earth is 'pulling my body down', and my vision and hearing fades for about a minute, and I'd break out in sweat all while shaking from cold.

    I really don't want to drive anywhere knowing that that might happen.

    Ah yes the sugar binge... I would cut out eating all sugar if that's your case. Having a handful of raspberries or blackberries would sometimes send me into a crazy sugar binge, my brain would be like AHH I remember this, EAT ALL THE SWEETS! Have you tried fat bombs?

    Until you can control it of course, then enjoy low carb sweets in moderation :)
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Binging for me seems to be related to coming out of my fatshell and taking new risks in my social life. I may be overdoing it, but I press on because I feel a very strong need to be connected after so many years of isolation and lonliness.
    The anxiety of putting my heart on the line can drive me into ferocious, unstoppable binging. Mostly weekends are bad for me, and I just keep on reading others comments and trying new strategies in order to get a handle on it. Sooner or later, I believe something will click, or my fears will abate. In the meantime I have promised myself not to stop trying no matter what.
    The health and weightloss benefits are too amazing to give up, and what would be the point of getting to this point and not trying to also feel happy? So just keep at it is my answer.
    I like toadqueen's solution of just not giving in and just go to bed. I might do that tonite!
  • CeliaSea
    CeliaSea Posts: 51 Member
    I've been out of control the last few weeks. Definitely stressed, but I need to get a grip. Thanks for posting this. Knowing I'm not alone makes me feel like I can get back on the horse.