I ate some evil Pizza!

PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
Ok...I am not actively trying for ketosis but the past few days I have been coming in under 50 carbs. Yesterday I only had 26. Last week we did get pizza though and hubby doesn't like mushrooms so I felt obligated to at least eat a little more of it before it turns into dog treats. Soooooooooooo, I had 2 pieces of Papa Johns Thin and Crispy with grilled chicken, canadian bacon and mushrooms on it. I guess it isn't too bad as long as I don't touch any carbs for dinner. The two large pieces I had was 38 carbs and 450 calories. I guess for pizza that really isn't all that bad. I also was rooting through stuff in my freezer yesterday that I would not dream of eating now and looked at my boxes of microwave fries. Only 12 grams of carbs so that was almost half of my whole days worth of carbs yesterday. Do you guys do stuff like this now and again or are you super strict about absolutely no bread or potatoes?


  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited September 2016
    I purposefully work in around one cheat meal a month, usually around a celebration. For instance, I wanted an Apple Cider donut which are huge local autumn favorites up here in Vermont. I could easily eat half a dozen a day.

    I waited till a fair I wanted to go to came up, went with my hubby, and indulged in two donuts. They were exquisite.

    Then after that one meal, I went right back to LCHF. I also walked about five miles at the fair that day, but I was back in ketosis the next day. I'm guessing all the walking helped burn the sugar right up.

    So, yes, I indulge, but I have a few rules. It's a rare thing, and I won't do a full day - just a meal. I also plan to exercise more after than meal to help my blood sugar go back down (but I'm a diabetic).

    Totally planning on doing something for October. Not sure what yet. And also planning on having mashed taters and my mom's stuffing on Thanksgiving Day in November.

    (Ps. I tried having a full cheat day once a week but that was a mistake. It would knock me full out of ketosis, and the cravings it caused were awful. One meal once a month seems to work perfectly for me.)
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Before I went Keto for a neurological disorder, I lost and kept off 63 pounds eating a little bread and potatoes. Legumes. Rice. Pasta. Carbohydrates were ~40% of my daily calorie intake.

    The only weight related advantages I find personally regarding Keto are satiation and diminished cravings (which may be one and the same).
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    I am pretty good. I can stay under 50 a day and still have a sandwich on my 8grams of carb bread and a small potato or noodle side dish with dinner when I want. I just have to watch the portion. I know when you do eat carbs, it isn't supposed to be what I am allowing myself but I am just getting started and I really don't think I could totally give up potatoes.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited September 2016
    Potatoes are my kryptonite, too. I can't have them in the house, lol.

    Are you Irish, too? ;)
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    kpk54, the only reason I am thinking about Keto is because people say you lose so much faster and wanted to at least get a chunk of this weight off. I can easily stay at 50-75 carbs a day and still have my potatoes and my sandwich if I want. I am bouncing back and forth. The last for days, I have had 50, 32 and 26 carbs. there were a couple days of 52 and 54 as well. I am still having a really hard time grasping the idea of being able to eat fat without it going straight to my *kitten*. OH...that was a question I had. I see conflicting info about. Some people say if you are low carb to crank on the proteins and still stay reasonable and not overdo the fat and others say don't eat too much protein but eat a ton of fat. I don't want to screw up so my protein and fat have been pretty even here lately. I am having a hard time getting my calories in though because I am "afraid" of the fat. I think I only ate 600 calories yesterday and was fine. I usually average between 700 and 900 ...occasionally over and occasionally under. I just don't get hungry. I eat lunch at noon and dinner at 5 with no snacking.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    I have some Irish in me but I am mostly Hungarian....lol I think I might have gone into ketosis though. Hubby about fell over from my breath when I kissed him yesterday....lol
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Lol. Same here! My great grandfather came over from Hungary. He died during the prohibition when his bathtub still caught fire and he fell down the stairs running to put it out. His biggest customer was the City Chief of Police. My other side has a lot of German tho.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    Yup...Dad was all Hungarian. Mom had German, Irish, Slovak and a few others. I am blessed with being HAIRY. I mean it really SUCKS sometimes...
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    PamWOhio wrote: »
    kpk54, the only reason I am thinking about Keto is because people say you lose so much faster and wanted to at least get a chunk of this weight off. I can easily stay at 50-75 carbs a day and still have my potatoes and my sandwich if I want. I am bouncing back and forth. The last for days, I have had 50, 32 and 26 carbs. there were a couple days of 52 and 54 as well. I am still having a really hard time grasping the idea of being able to eat fat without it going straight to my *kitten*. OH...that was a question I had. I see conflicting info about. Some people say if you are low carb to crank on the proteins and still stay reasonable and not overdo the fat and others say don't eat too much protein but eat a ton of fat. I don't want to screw up so my protein and fat have been pretty even here lately. I am having a hard time getting my calories in though because I am "afraid" of the fat. I think I only ate 600 calories yesterday and was fine. I usually average between 700 and 900 ...occasionally over and occasionally under. I just don't get hungry. I eat lunch at noon and dinner at 5 with no snacking.

    Your fat should be eaten to make you happily satisfied. Eat to your carbs or under. Keep your protein moderate and your fat high for LCHF, whether keto or not. My understanding is keto hits for most at around 50 carbs a day or less. I personally try to stay at or less than 20 and recently learned that a hostess cupcake made me sick for a day and a half. I just can't eat those refined carbs any longer. I need my carbs in the form of veggies. I can't imagine what would happen if I ate bread, rice or potatoes now..and I loved all of them SO much.

    From a nurse and a former CICO person I am fully empathetic with fat going to your *kitten* mentality. It took me a long time to get on board with cooking my eggs in butter or bacon fat because my entire career has been based on low fat methods and teaching. I've lost 44 lbs since April eating tons of fat and moderate protein. I've been lousy about logging lately but if you look back a few months you'll see my diary shows how I eat. On days that carbs are high it's because I ate sugar alcohols. They don't affect me, best I can tell the way they do others and I subtract them but that's not recommended for everyone. If you are not hungry, don't eat. You will have times when you can't eat enough. I've learned to go with it but I eat fat when I'm dying for food, not high protein.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    PamWOhio wrote: »
    Yup...Dad was all Hungarian. Mom had German, Irish, Slovak and a few others. I am blessed with being HAIRY. I mean it really SUCKS sometimes...

    Lol. I feel your pain. I told my mom last week I blamed her for my whiskers. Lol.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I avoid bread and potatoes and anything else with heavy carbs... especially pizza. Sometimes I'll volume eat and end up with a ton of carbs from what would otherwise be considered low carb foods. Peanuts and peanut butter are examples. Peanuts are mostly fat, then protein, and finally carbs are the smallest amount - only 4% of the calories in a peanut. But it isn't hard to eat 200g of carbs from peanuts as a mere snack because of the quantity of peanuts.

    On occasion, I'll let myself eat foods that are heavy carbs- including pizza, bread, donuts, potatoes, etc. I consider those cheat days, and I feel awful because my BG goes crazy and because I'm fat adapted, so my body isn't ready for a sudden surge of carbs. Even though I feel terrible afterwards, the taste of these things is so good and I can't resist forever. The last such day was mid-August and I hope to do it again in another month.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    I just realized what that darn "kitten" is. That is too funny.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    HAHAHAHAHA, Jessica. You sound just like me. Ok, I have found that my small baked poato STUFFS ME. I have one with my steak with some full fat sour cream and chives and it keeps me really really full. Other veggies...not so much... My lean meats also satiate me. Ok...I still haven't changed my macros so carbs are still sitting at 150 and I think fat at 40...something like that. It is the default macros for a 1200 calories. So my fat grams should be coming in higher than my protein? Lately they have been within 10 grams or so of each other and I am usually a little higher in protein in fat but that still only comes in around 60 grams with the low calories I have been taking in.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    I can't stop laughing, midwest! I don't crave sweets or anything like that so my ONLY carbs are the 16 I will get from a sandwich or the 30 or so I will get from a baked potato. I can do my french fries for 12 but when I do those things, there are no carbs coming from anywhere else so I can still stay under 50 very easily. I think the fact that I don't need to snack helps. All I have is lunch and dinner and I get satiated so easily and am good to go till noon the next day. I have not had any problems at all feeling bad after a sandwich or a potato with dinner. Like I said...I keep the helping very reasonable and it still totally stuffs me.
  • Kimo159
    Kimo159 Posts: 508 Member
    Personally, if I were losing weight, not having cravings, and feeling satisfied with my WOE, I wouldn't change it. What you're doing seems to be working for you and keeps you sane. It allows you to eat the things you love while losing weight. This sounds like something you can do long term....unlike the keto diet you seem to be thinking of for increasing your weight loss. Your calorie intake does seem a little low though, so you might find yourself getting a little hungrier later. If that's the case try to fill in the rest of your calories with fats. Don't get me wrong, I have my 800 calorie days, for sure. I also have my hungry days where I'm sure I eat 2000 or more. It all balances out for me.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I personally will not eat anything with wheat or corn in it.
    Something that I do allow small amounts of on rare occasions is fruit like apples. And only small, tart apples. Well, they're labeled as tart though they taste like sugar to me. Lol
    I don't handle veggies well so even eating broccoli or a salad is eating off plan and I do it sometimes for sure. I seem to be able to mostly avoid my digestive issues it brings by taking some ACV beforehand.
    I'm not willing to be flexible in tat way with grains though.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    I have switched it up a couple times...started out just with calorie deficit and keeping in line with MFP defaults...I tried being mindful of fat...never going over. Then I decided to try low carb (between 50 and 100 grams...usually around 75) which was also very doable. I was allowing myself some Soda Stream cola ...up to 12 ounces a day but when I decided to start watching carbs I stopped that and just started fizzing my water and adding orange water enhancer which tastes exactly like orange pop with nothing in it. I thought I was doing ok with the cola because it was so much better than Coke or Pepsi as far as sugar and calories but it was still contributing to a lot of carbs. I was drinking 2 liters of that before I started here on MFP..then I cut down to the 12-16 ounces a day and now all I have is 4 ounces every few days when I really want some with dinner. Anyway, ...long story short..through the couple different ways I have tried it, I have never gone up on the scale...always down. I started on August 7th and am down 24lbs. I think always making sure I stay under my 1200 calories a day has worked well no matter which way of eating I end up most comfortable with. The little bit of carbs here and there dont' seem to have any negative affect on how I feel. All I am dealing with right now is a bit of a headache...some loss of energy and really nasty breath. Will see how that goes and change things up again if I need to.
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    I find I just can't eat it anymore without real stomach upset, but the few times I've indulged, I have continued to lose. I'm working hard at trying not to think of it as "oh kitten, I've blown it" just because I have one meal or a cookie that's off, I think that train of thought is what leads to completely falling off the wagon and yo-yo dieting. I am below 50 g, but have lots of days below 20 g as well. I'm also eating a bit of carb on my heavy lifting days as my workouts were really taking a hit.
  • PamWOhio
    PamWOhio Posts: 120 Member
    I haven't started working out much yet. I was walking till I twisted my foot when I stepped into a whole when trying to mow the back grass but as soon as I get a bit more of this weight off, I want to set up an actual exercise routine but there is sooooooooooo many things I could do, I have NO clue where to start. Hubby is going to pick me up some 5 and 10lb hand weights for some of the youtube stuff people keep telling me about. I have less than 1 lb to go before I get into the 170's and I am so excited about that coming up here hopefully Monday morning.