hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
Welcome to the "Amazing Race - Fall Fun!" Your Team Captain is @HASWLRS! We hope you have a fun filled
eight weeks!


  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    This is my first time with this group, and I am SO looking forward to this.
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    First time here too! Very excited and ready to jump, run, dance whatever it takes !!!
  • mbansal123
    mbansal123 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! First Timer! Very Excited!!! Ready to Win
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    It's my first time too and I'm super excited. If any of the previous racers on Team 3 want to give us some tips, that would be great!!
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    Yay returning player here. This is so much fun. What I can give for advice is get the challenges done earlier in the week, you will be surprised how quick the week can go and how you can forget about challenges until the last minute.

    Also, there are some people who will put up big numbers, don't feel bad about that as every has their own amount of time available, but you will find it might push you to add even an extra 10 minutes a day. Bonus it burns more calories and helps your team to gain miles.

    Other than that have fun is the best thing I can say! Excited to do this with everyone
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Another first timer here...looking forward to this challenge.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    This is my third challenge and I agree with @glossysweetums. Do the challenge early in the week! This group is really good about modification, so I'd a challenge has you jumping and dancing but you have a bad knee, feel free to just do it standing. As long as you give it everything you can do, even if it's not what the video shows, it counts.

    Also if you have a day where you didn't get any minutes, Pintrest and YouTube both have workouts that can be 5,10,15 minutes. Every little bit helps. Usually I go for an extra stretching session just to put numbers up.

    Everything beyond your normal routine counts. Walking the dog, vigorously cleaning the house, etc. But don't do any more than you are able to do comfortably. An injured player gets us no points and we'd rather you take a rest day or sit out of a challenge if it's going to hurt you.

    We will post more as we go! @HASWLRS is our captain and she's great at it. I hope you guys will find this group very supportive and motivational!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi! Welcome.

    I'm returning too. @glossysweetums and @BJerzy summed it up well.

    All I have to add is information about the spreadsheet. I advise to login and update it at least three times a week.

    Waiting until Sunday night means if you forget or the system goes down then the whole week is missed and as a team we need all the minutes and challenges we can get.

    It's also fun to cheer teammates on during the week so posts in this thread are motivating and help.

    The fist weeks change will include giving an introduction in this thread and friending all your teammates. In this one case it's ok to start early. I'll introduce myself once the coffee is brewed.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I'm Joy this is my first time in this challenge and I can't wait to get started. I have a big dog who needs walking twice a day and workout most days so my numbers tend to be high. I'm on holiday next week but we are taking the dog and will have WiFi so I will still be participating but my numbers will be lower next week. Glad to be a part of this.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    joybedford wrote: »
    Hi I'm Joy this is my first time in this challenge and I can't wait to get started. I have a big dog who needs walking twice a day and workout most days so my numbers tend to be high. I'm on holiday next week but we are taking the dog and will have WiFi so I will still be participating but my numbers will be lower next week. Glad to be a part of this.

    Hi. Welcome. My pup is my exercise buddy too and we get out every day. He has just gotten old enough that we have started the C25K for this challenge.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    I'm Sherri and I live in Kansas City. I telecommute for work and I have a passion for food, cooking, knitting, and teaching my dog as many tricks as possible.

    I started MFP in January and reached my goal weight in July and I'm now maintaining. This is my first successful weight loss of my life and I'm quite pleased. I'm also determined to not gain it back. I made the exit strategy to keep logging for the first year of maintenance to learn appropriate portion sizes and joining the challenges help fight complacency.

    I'm not athletic myself but I have a young dog and we get out everyday to burn off his energy. I walk to podcasts and I love, love, love Zombies.RUN!. As an additional to that, this challenge I have a personal goal of strengthening my core muscles and working on better posture.

    My fitbit silently adds my exercise calories burned to the day which is awesome but also makes my newsfeed boring. I'll be spicing it up by adding what I do for this challenge manually into the newsfeed in a bit of a MFP parody. So if they look not quite right that is why. ;)
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    If you click on each person's name in the spreadsheet it takes you to that players homepage for easy friending.

    @MissionEnforcer, You are AWESOME!
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi again I thought I should do a proper introduction as most people in this team I am not currently friends with. My name is Joy I'm 45 and live in the UK. I am married to Miles and mum of 3 Marcus 20 and twins Piers and Lydia 12. Marcus and Piers have autism and Piers ADHD also. I work fulltime as a midwife. I have a German shepherd dog remus who needs a lot of walking. I enjoy weight lifting and dancing. I take 2 dance classes a week and do most forms of dancing and I perform in a show once a year. I used to run to half marathon standard but I was ill at easter and haven't really run since. I keep saying I'm starting again but never seem to get around to it. I have fibromyalgia which causes chronic fatigue and muscle/joint pain. Due to this I have regained the weight I lost and am currently working on getting it back off. Feel free to add me as friend
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    edited October 2016
    @TangledThread - thanks for the heads up on friending folks (and already friending me) and introducing ourselves.

    My name is Becky, and I am married (12 years) with 3 kids (4, 9, and 11), 2 dogs and a turtle. :) I work full time and absolutely love my job. It's a hectic and crazy life, but I would not change it for the world. The typical "mom" excuse happened with my weight gain......put family and work first. Since joining MFP, I have lost 13 lbs and hope to lose another 11-12 lbs. I thoroughly enjoy working out, so it is my diet that needs the control (after work eating is the downfall). I am very excited to meet new folks from this challenge. Go Team 3!

    I just sent friend requests to everyone in the group.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to the newbies, and great to be back with the Vets of Team 3! My name is Lori. This is my 3rd race and very happy to be starting again. I agree with all the advice that has been given so far.
    My two-cents worth - give every challenge a try, even if you think it's not your thing, whether its food or exercise related. You never know, you might come across a new favourite! That happened for me and Yoga :)

    Also, can't stress enough what @glossysweetums says - don't be intimidated by the big numbers you may see from some people. It is a team effort, and we understand that everyone has different lives and schedules. Do what you can and stick with us! It's a lot of fun and we are a pretty great group! :)
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Hey enjoying getting to know you all!
    Sounds like a really busy bunch.

    I am 34 stay at home mom of two (girl soon to be five , and boy very soon to be three). My husband is a farmer (we live on a farm ), I have a full time job that I get to work mostly at home since my kids (office 1-3 times a week min 1 HR commute each way) and I own a horse farm with my sisters (half way to work). My daughter goes to pre school two days a week. And since my kids I have determined that I NEED to do something for myself to stay fit and be with them for as long as possible. So I get in a workout a day (NROL or any Jillian micheals DVD ) except on commuting days (out of the house early and home too late to have the energy)

    Weight wise I have lost most everything I wanted except for the jelly belly .... so aiming for last 10lbs to come off (have been at the same weight for about a year now...) so since June have added NROL to recompose this body if I can't get to loose those lbs.

    Summer is over. So less movement (less farmer work garden work and walking fields/fences). Hope this challenge keeps me moving like I did all summer. Looking forward to racing with you all!
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hello everyone! My name is Latha, I'm 39 (next week!) and live in the UK. I am married with 2 kids (13 and 6). I used to work fulltime in research but have been on a break since February this year due to delays in the bureaucratic process of naturalisation.

    I joined MFP 2 years back and hit maintenence early this year. Weight-wise, I would like to get at the lower end of my goal range and lose a few more inches off my waist and tummy. Participating in challenges like these helps me to stay motivated and provides a healthy outlet to my stress and takes my mind off the uncertainties of real life!

    I usually work out at home and enjoy running, walking, strength training with dumbbells and yoga. Lately, plantar fascitis has kept me from running regularly. I have been a vegetarian all my life and my downfalls are high carb and low protein meals. Please feel free to send a friend request....hoping to have a great challenge with you all.
  • mbansal123
    mbansal123 Posts: 7 Member
    For intro, my name is Muskan and I am from North Carolina. I am single and joined MFP because I have always been known as the "chubby one" in my group of friends. I am not obese but still a little overweight. My goal is to lose 5 more pounds! I am both a runner and martial artist so I hope to help our team win! My biggest pitfall is eating after 10pm! Hope to have a great challenge and meet both my personal goal and our team goal!
  • tammo41
    tammo41 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I'm a newbie. My name is Tamara. 43 years old. I'm a mom of 2 boys (one just turned 13 and the other turns 11 next week). Married. This last summer I had a wake up call watching my mom struggle with pre-diabetes. So I started logging into MFP every single day and I'm working hard to reach my goal weight. We have a golden retriever that LOVES to go on my walks with me and she's thrilled about the extra steps. I love to hike whenever I can make the time.

    I just sent friend requests to everyone in the group.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,429 Member
    Hi fellow team members, I am new here; to the challenge and team. Still not sure what we are doing, but I am ready for the challenge!