
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @smile_laughter, and everyone else, find the thread "The Amazing Race Spreadsheet" under "Announcements" and go to the tab for Team 3 at the bottom. There you can enter your numbers. But you have to have something Google downloaded first? This is where I need technical help from my friends!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,429 Member
    @MissionEnforcer I am in Minnesota, west of the Twin Cities and an expat from Canada. I love it here except for the is TOO cold :#

    @enuf200 my youngest is thinking of going to University of Manitoba next year....may be making a college/shopping trip sometime up your way :) I need some new mittens from the bay (the Olympic ones) hehe

    I am really looking forward to the challenge, I can already see how much work has been put into it! In return, I will also put a lot of work into completing all the challenges + extra :)

    As for this week, tomorrow we head off on vacation with no internet but since it's a hiking vacation I will be putting in lots of minutes/miles. Back on Saturday. Today I will get the drumming sequencing done :) check in when I can with my phone!
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning, afternoon, evening to all of you, wherever you may be! I'm Tuffgirl19, my real name is Ashley! (Tuffy is our cat, my image and where my MFP name comes from). I'm 46 and originally from Louisiana. We have resided in Las Vegas, NV since 2002, where our home remains. We are currently living in Alexandria, VA and will be moving back to LV at the end of December, yay!!

    I am married and we have two boys, ages 10 and 21- no that was not a typo! My little man keeps me busy with school, his travel soccer team practices and games and now tennis has been added to the mix. I'm currently a stay at home soccer mom and previously worked full time in CPS- Child Protective Services.

    Over the last probably 5 years, I've gained a lot of weight and finally went to the dr for testing. I was diagnosed with PCOS in late August. I joined MFP in September and am working to get down to my healthy happy weight, exercising regularly and taking care of me!

    I'm excited to be in the Amaazing Race Challenge and part of team 2!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @smile_laughter, and everyone else, find the thread "The Amazing Race Spreadsheet" under "Announcements" and go to the tab for Team 3 at the bottom. There you can enter your numbers. But you have to have something Google downloaded first? This is where I need technical help from my friends!

    The spreadsheet is here.

    You need google docs and possibly and invite from MissionEnforcer if you can't get in. On page 3 we enter our daily minutes and also that we completed the challenges. When completing a challenge also post in this thread and earburn MissionEnforcer, who will then change it from red to black and we get the points.

    Other cool things on the spreadsheet
    Team Totals: Where we see how we are doing as a team (currently in 1st place. YAY!)
    Power ranking: where each person is ranked in comparison to everyone else playing.
    Weight Tracker: Just like it sounds with a cool % lost feature
  • Diana0820
    Diana0820 Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hello I'm Diana from Virginia and a nervous newbie. I haven't regularly exercised in years and would rather diet than exercise so this will be very challenging. I need to get my dog in shape too so this will be good for both of us. :) Hoping motivation finds me very soon! Oh and I hate how awful fruits and veggies are this time of year!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    So as a question, do we fill in the spreadsheet at day end or can we modify it as the day progresses and we do more ?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Definitely can be changed, @Cheriels82, if you do more exercise that day.

    Don't be nervous, @Diana0820. You've got the right idea about walking your dog. Start with something doable.

    @carlsoda, enjoy your hiking vacation! Vacation and exercise for you, minutes for the team! A win - win!
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    edited October 2016
    Just checking to make sure...I just enter the Daily exercise minutes in the appropriate column, right? Do we also add the challenge points as we complete them? So, here goes...

    @MissionEnforcer What a fabulous idea for a challenge! Absolutely love the pictures of Iceland and the write up. I am from India but have made the UK my home for the past 10 years. I live in High Wycombe, a town midway between London and Oxford. Hoping to travel around Europe soon and Iceland is in the list. I think my list is going to get longer through this challenge :)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,429 Member
    Here's the best I could come up with including candle sticks instead of drum sticks LOL zle47h5bxj3a.jpeg
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    That looks just like the videos!
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    ABOUT CHALLENGE #1:Make sure all of the requirements have been met. All Teams have 21 players; some probably haven't shown up yet. Trying to "friend" them twice means over the period of the week, not the same day and not before the game started (which is today, Monday). There is no need to send a request to anyone who is already a "friend".

    The purpose of this challenge is to start bonding as a team, get to know all of your team members and to get comfortable posting on your team’s thread. Until I can verify that everyone who's going to show up has done so, and enough time has passed to realistically establish those connections, points claimed for this challenge will not be verified. Unverified Points show up as "Red" until accepted. Once accepted they will turn "Black" and the points will appear in the "Totals" column.

    Your post should be made on your particular team’s thread and needs to have @MissionEnforcer appear somewhere within that post (tagging). In this case just stick @MissionEnforcer (no spaces) by itself at the top of your post, or use it in a sentence (uh...maybe not). It doesn't show up as an E-Mail, but instead as a notification on my site.


  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    tuffgirl19 wrote: »
    Good morning, afternoon, evening to all of you, wherever you may be! I'm Tuffgirl19, my real name is Ashley! (Tuffy is our cat, my image and where my MFP name comes from). I'm 46 and originally from Louisiana. We have resided in Las Vegas, NV since 2002, where our home remains. We are currently living in Alexandria, VA and will be moving back to LV at the end of December, yay!!

    I am married and we have two boys, ages 10 and 21- no that was not a typo! My little man keeps me busy with school, his travel soccer team practices and games and now tennis has been added to the mix. I'm currently a stay at home soccer mom and previously worked full time in CPS- Child Protective Services.

    Over the last probably 5 years, I've gained a lot of weight and finally went to the dr for testing. I was diagnosed with PCOS in late August. I joined MFP in September and am working to get down to my healthy happy weight, exercising regularly and taking care of me!

    I'm excited to be in the Amaazing Race Challenge and part of team 2!

  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Ok can't update from my phone so will do so after these kiddos are asleep (if that ever happens)
    But very happy to say although we didn't attack the drums yet we did get in a super walk. And I did more than necessary water today (been along time I haven't tracked it because o have been pretty good about it and yup right up there no priblemo!)
    Let's keep moving ! I am missing 3 people to complete my friends Listing of this group. Very anxious for bonus points
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member

    Ok so I have requested everyone to befriend me on our team. I will let @HASWLRS know if any do not accept.

    I'm Jen. I am from Toronto, Ontario area but have been living the last couple of years just outside of Tampa, Florida.

    While everyone else is getting cool weather we are still sweating it out down here and even able to go to the pool, but you have to pack your sunscreen as it's still very easy to get burnt. Air conditioning is still on but the nights are getting a bit more mild and those are always nice especially compared to the hot days. Tampa is called the sunshine state and is also the lightning state. The hockey team does great and you see wonderful storms on the regular with magnificent lightning.

    I'm 33 and mom to a wonderful, sweet, kind, 4 year old. She's my world. Married to my husband for over 10 years now and still can't believe we've been together this long as it has gone by fast.

    I have always been between 118-128lbs most of my teen/adult life until I got pregnant. I gained about 55 lbs after starting the pregnancy a few lbs heavier (132lbs). My daughter is 4 now and I am still holding onto about 30lbs. It was only about 20 before summer but due to a bunch of up and down emotional roller coasters going on I definitely added 10lbs back. So here I am. Anyways here to have fun, get my exercise up even more than usual, and shed some wait.

    Plus, why not get to know more about the world without even traveling..Lets go team 3.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    edited October 2016
    Don't forget to tag @MissionEnforcer in your posts about where you live! (Okay, I used it in a sentence ;) )

    So as I said before I live in Philadelphia, PA now and I really love it. We are so close to so many awesome things and I really love seeing the industry - planes, trains, tall buildings, bridges, everything. Plus Philly is beautiful because of all the rivers on gorgeous spring days and with beautiful fall foliage, history, statues, cobblestone streets. On Saturdays we we go to the market for brunch and to get fresh veggies, meats, baked goods, juices...there are always street performers and craft fairs right outside. Plus Philly has street fairs, cheesesteaks, sports teams, and oh gosh I could go on forever. I love my city.

    Ran just a mile for the first time in months. It was slooooow but worth it. I'm going to stick with just a mile until I have the time down and then I'll go to two. I want to be back to running three miles with little issue. I drank 96 ounces of water day! Well more than needed so day one - down!
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member

    All.....I live in Fairfax, VA about 20 mins outside of Washington DC....very fast pace unlike @BJerzy I wouldn't say I love it here I would prefer to live in the country and on a river :) I have also sent friend requests to all team 3 participants.

    I am starting this challenge out with a bang and did 95 mins of exercise today. I thought I would take advantage of the time I had today because I can't guarantee how much time I will have the rest of the week. Just taking day by day....

    My eating was not totally in control today but I must say I logged EVERYTHING I ate.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Went for a short walk tonight. (I forgot how early it gets dark now!) My husband didn't want to go with me; he wanted to watch some of our recorded shows from when we were away, so I just went up and down the main street which is well lit. My main focus today was to log my food and stay under my calorie goal and, of course, drink my ten cups of water!
  • tammo41
    tammo41 Posts: 3 Member
    @MissionEnforcer I've sent everyone a friend request.

    I live on the edge of the Flint Hills outside the college town of Manhattan, Kansas. This area has some of the last standing tall grass prairie. We've lived other places (Kansas City for a while, the Sonoran Desert around Tucson, West Africa for a bit) but moved back here to be close to family when we had kids. This is a pic of one of my favorite hiking trails in the area on the Konza research prairie. p4td56zaihuw.jpg

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! @MissionEnforcer

    As I mentioned earlier, I was raised in Chicago, IL, USA and currently live in a suburb about 40 minutes north of the city. Despite living and working in the 'burbs, I'm still a city girl at heart. Fortunately, it's just a train ride or short drive away, and my parents and both sisters still live in Chicago as well.

  • slgibbs1987
    slgibbs1987 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey everybody! Thanks for the adds so far, it helped to remind me that this challenge was getting started :)

    @MissionEnforcer My name is Stephanie I am 29 years old. I have always lived in Morganton, North Carolina. Lots of beautiful mountain scenery around my area!

    This is actually my second Amazing Race! I'm going to do my best to be more active in this one than I was last time. My suggestion to keep yourself motivated would be to try and be very active in our team forum. It really does help to encourage one another!

    I have been obese my entire life. I did lose a little bit of weight at the first part of this year, but then I started slacking and lost motivation. I am hoping in this challenge it will help me get back on track to being healthier overall! I am going to turn 30 August of next year and I would love to have my weight more under control before then.

    Some of my interests... I love playing music (flute and guitar), photography, and studying languages :)

    I am so excited to be a part of this team's journey!! Let's get to racing!!