Boyfriend thinks I'm going to stroke out!



  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    That's awesome news! I wish that I could get my mother to adopt this WOE.
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    AWESOME!!! thats a great improvement!!
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    so amazing @Persephone7676
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    That's great! Maybe that will help your boyfriend lighten up a bit or maybe switch off the oatmeal and pancakes.
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    Wow! Great results for your mom!!!
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Btw @Persephone7676 this WOE has also been shown to benefit and sometimes improve Alzheimer's. Just fyi fwiw.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Holy moly! That's awesome!
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    I have sort of developed this habit: if I know I will be eating around others at some point in the day, I get my fats in during the "off" time. That way I'm eating similar to others at the lunch or dinner with a few vegetables with some butter and some meat/protein.

    Some might consider that habit as not "owning" what I eat (keto) but I clearly see it as a way of not having to listen to other people's negative opinions on my food choices.

    I love this advice.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,436 Member
    Fortunate that my husband has been eating lower carb and higher fat after seeing such positive results in me. The benefits can't be denied! He has lost about 15 pounds, but wasn't very much overweight to start with. He loves HWC in his coffee just as I do! Prefers butter and whole foods too! Doesn't care for anything processed anymore, and I love that! He has developed a love for dark chocolate, lol, even more than me!

    He was reluctant at first though! Once he realized that u was getting healthy his opinion changed. Hang in there! The benefits of this woe are greater than their opinion!
  • Aquawave
    Aquawave Posts: 260 Member
    Today my Mom had her endocrinologist appointment. She's been doing this WOE for about 1 month. Her last A1c was 8.4 and today it was 6.1!!!! Can you believe that!?!?!?!

    Holy Kittens! That is absolutely fantastic and motivating!!! Thanks for sharing.
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    Congrats! That is wonderful news!
  • madkcole
    madkcole Posts: 110 Member
    Recently, while out to lunch with co-workers, I made a salad at the salad bar and loaded it with cheese, black olives, bacon bits and olive oil. One co-worker commented "Wow! Going off your diet today?" I just smiled and told her that I had lost over 50 pounds eating this way every day. Eating high amounts of fat just doesn't make sense for most people. I cringe when I'm with people and they order things like turkey bacon, low fat yogurt, skinless chicken or skim milk.
  • Persephone7676
    Persephone7676 Posts: 91 Member
    Those numbers for my Mom really did help shut him up. He's being better now and more supportive. We went to Red Lobster for lunch and he finally seemed to get i cannot eat the biscuits.
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