

    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Okay I just "watched" the first Kyoto video and did some stretching and abs and yoga poses. I put the 15 minutes in Monday to make it look like I did something yesterday! I put watched in quotes, because it is hard to "watch" while stretching!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys! Great day today. My kiddos at school loved the candy. I ended up using it to randomly group them for an activity, so it served a dual purpose. LOL

    I am doing good on calories today. Did not eat one bite of the candy while at school, and only one mini bag of swedish fish after school. I will also be able to fit in a reese's pumpkin b/c I spent an hour and a half raking and mowing the lawn. :smile:

    I plan to do 2 more videos tonight and some more squats.
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    5400 divided by 20 players (not sure if @francaisluvr is still with us?) is 270 minutes minimum per team member this week.

    That's only 38.5 minutes a day. I'm willing to commit to 75+ minutes a day, what about everyone else?

    I'm going to input exercise minutes for yesterday, 128. I wasn't able to access the spreadsheet last night. I was under calories last night and will also be under tonight too. I completed Kyoto videos and did two stretching videos this afternoon. So 4 more days of stretches! :)
  • slgibbs1987
    slgibbs1987 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey team! Got day 2 done for both the Rajio Taiso videos and staying under my calories! Also did 50 sumo squats today. I really love those little Rajio Taiso videos! I did it this morning and it really helped to wake me up! Also, I want to start using those videos as a warm up before I start exercising from now on.

    That is one thing I truly love about this challenge... learning new forms of exercise :smile:

    I really gotta catch up if I want to make my 300 minutes this week. I am going to do my best and try to wake up earlier tomorrow and get an exercise in before work. It's a true struggle to get out from underneath them sheets!! haha

    Have a good "hump day" tomorrow team! :smile:
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Morning all...... getting up at 430am yesterday had me sleeping at 830pm haha but by going to bed at 830pm I was awake bb 430am here I am on the treadmill.

    Here is to another Journaling day.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Does it say somewhere we have to do the radio videos AND stretching each day for 5 days?
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    So yesterday I only got in the 2 radio videos, I did do 40 SUMO squats and a short walk.
    Having an active social life is killing me! LOL! I have not done well on the logging challenge. Was over on monday :( and didn't log yesterday. We were at a banquet last night so I am unsure how to log the dinner. We have 2 more events to attend this weekend and then things will go back to normal.
    I won't be home till around 8 tonight, but I will workout! Should be able to get a walk in today at work and will continue with the challenges. That's my plan, anyway!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    @BJerzy, the way I understand it, you only have to do two radio videos (any two, your choice) for five out of seven days this week. Stretching to the Kyoto videos is a one time thing if you want those bonus minutes.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited November 2016
    :) Right!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good morning!

    Here's my update:
    • Radio Videos - 2 days done (M,T)
    • Squats - 60 done now
    • Eating under calories: zero done. I need to get my act together!

    Hope everyone has an amazing day! Keep moving...all the minutes add up!!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Well team, today I'm having to switch from maintaining to gaining weight. I don't like how small I'm getting. So I may or may not get the 5 points for being under goal 5 days this week.

    I love the Rajio Taiso videos and do them while brewing coffee and I feel all warmed up for the day. Day 3 for that. Currently at 25 sumo squats and will kick that into gear today.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    summ72 wrote: »
    I to am so happy about staying under calories this week considering I am starting a day late... i think I was on strike yesterday....but i was up and on the treadmill by 440am. Here is to a better day.

    Wow! 4:40am. That's dedication.
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    edited November 2016
    Update for me at this moment:

    1. 1/5 days for taiso videos
    2. 50/140 sumo squats
    3. 0/5 under calorie days. I will be on point for the remaining 5 days this week including today. I will update later today with my new update which will say 1/5 since today will be the first.
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Morning workout done! added another 56 squats for a running total of 114 (i think i might just do another round this afternoon to squash that challenge. Logging going well, under calories allotments so far everyday this week, and used the radio videos again this am for warmup to my weights = everything on target. Hope you are all doing well. Watched the advanced radio video= even my daughter cramped up laughing that they were folded over and swinging their feet around she said "mommy you can't do that!" i looked at her and said "yet" as i proceeded in failed attempt to swing legs over head, the other videos are more refreshing must stick to them for the coming mornings.

    BTW @Summ72 awesome job being motivated to get up that early to exercise (I am a morning person but 4;30 is EARLY!)
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    I will TRY! one day this week to get up and workout, but really I've been sleeping in for the past two weeks. Ugh. I've got 60 sumo squats done. I'm good for 2/5 days for logging, but I decided today to switch my goal from 1lb/wk to 1.5lb/wk and that cut out a little over 100 calories. I just don't like that I'm not losing like I usually do. This hitting 30 thing is real! hahaha I did two videos again today, so I'm on 2/5 for that as well.

    @TangledThread if you switch your goal in MFP, that should up your calories, right? So you could still try to hit those calories to make sure you're not eating junk food but putting on the right kind of weight. That's awesome, though. It's great that you're really at your goal and have clearly sustained the weight through lifestyle changes. I'm sure gaining is just as tough as losing sometimes, so good luck! And I feel you on getting too small - my goal weight is still about 15 lbs over what's considered normal for my height, but I've always been a thick girl and I don't really want to be thin, just healthy. Every body is different and we all have different goals, so I think it's great that we can still support each other even if we want different outcomes!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    @BJerzy, exactly. I should still come in under goal most days since MFP gave me another 250 a day for 2lbs a month gain and I want to gain at the rate of 1lb a month or slower. It's mostly to stop losing. I could stay here and be happy but I don't want to get even smaller. My new tiny cute bras are getting loose. :D:'(

  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    If anyone is still having trouble accessing the spreadsheet, send me your G-Mail address (ex:, and I will add you for direct access. Send it to me via MFP mail, which is found under "MY HOME", at the top of the page.
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    @TangledThread - so glad that you are not wanting to get too skinny and are thinking about your overall health (and cute bras :) ) Take care of yourself and gain eating healthy fats. Out of curiosity, and if I can ask (it may be none of my business and you can definitely tell me), did you originally join MFP to lose and now you are at maintain? Or, was it for other reasons? (if you said this in your introduction to everyone at the beginning of the challenge, then I missed it.....sorry).

    @summ72 - I do the same - I typically set my alarm for 3:30am, have a cup of coffee to wake up, then workout from 4-5am. I know folks think I am crazy, but I feel more alive and ready for the day when I do this.

    My stats update:
    Under calories 2/5 days

    Finished 140 squats

    3/5 Taiso videos complete - I really like these to get my day started and do before my workouts. My lower back isn't crazy about the one that you swing your entire upper body around, so I am careful with that one.

    Keep going, team 3 - you are an amazing group of people! Your health and mind deserve these moments of doing things for yourself. :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Mission Enforcer chimed in just in time to read Sherri's comment about her cute bras!
    I love being away from MFP for the day and then coming back to find 9 new messages! @Cheriels82, you're killing these challenges! Awesome job! Good luck @TangledThread getting to the size you want. It's what we're all trying to do! You're just coming at it from a different direction!

    My updates: radio taiso videos 1
    logging and being under calories 2
    sumo squats 0 ... I keep forgetting about this challenge! I think I'll change out
    of my jeans and do some right now!

    It's 6:19 pm right now. I'll come back in a couple hours to say good night to @summ72.
    4:30 am comes early!

  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    @HASWLRS was only missing 20 something to get those out of the way-> so did 2 x 15 with 35lbs to finish them this afternoon (off to work tomorrow so not much happening then), my legs are wobbly tonight, i will sleep well. it was gorgeous day here and spent the afternoon cashing kids on their bikes and pushing them up the hills they couldn't make, along with cleaning out the car (hauling everything out -> how do we accumulate so much in such a small space??? even found x4 more chocolate bars from halloween...confess i ate one, or two , or three this afternoon....logged them and eased up on dinner. the first two were small and the third was entirely my sons fault for not wanting to finish what he started...and i had coffee already in hand. COFFEE AND CHOCOLATE i need not say anything else.

    @smile_laughter and @summ72 would love to have a separate exercise room and get up early to do that -> my weights and exercise space are the open-end (i suppose sit area that we don't sit in) of my bedroom... my husband is not a morning person lol. so when i do get up early its paperwork time for me (which there always seems to be and endless amount of)

    Hope everyone had a great Wednesday!