saying hi

Hi, thanks for letting me join! I am not new to controlling carbs but recently am making the transition into keto. Lost forty pounds but to long after a diabetes diagnosis a couple of years ago. (I have another hundred or so to Go, give or take. Yikes, is that still hard to even just write!) Anyway I did that mostly logging everything and trying to keep my carbs below 50-100. Though I was working sugar into those macros and i really shouldn't have been. Then i stopped trying as hard but held steady for several months. Then this year I started stress eating again and put 25 back on. I now almost have that back off and an looking forward going further now that I'm re focused.

Dr. says that as long as I keep going the way i am and continue losing there is no reason to think I'd ever have to on insulin or stay on my medications forever. That is a great motivator in and of itself.

Anyway I've recently lowered my carbs to 5℅ which is lower than I've ever gone, and and upping my fats has been scary but so far my body seems to be responding. I'm determined to be at goal this time next year!

Sorry that got so long! :) I'm looking forward to interacting with like minded people and picking the brains of the lchf veterans! Feel free to friend me if you like, I could use all the support I can get!

Thanks for your time! :-)


  • kimberlyb6682
    kimberlyb6682 Posts: 79 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi, I'm pretty new to this forum. and only 8 weeks on keto but so far so good. I Just wanted to say Hi back.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks! I can already tell I'm going to learn a lot here. I'm hoping it will help me find success!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    Welcome to you both, @DucklingtoSwan and @kimberlyb6682 Glad to have you aboard!!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    Welcome aboard!
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    Welcome @DucklingtoSwan! You can absolutely avoid insulin and get off meds. My BG has improved dramatically over the last 3 months. I will get my formal 3 month A1c reading at my dr appt on Monday, but based on my BG readings, I think I may be all the way back into normal readings.

    I also posted recently about a friend in the NSVs thread who went keto last Tuesday and by Sunday had stopped taking quick release insulin before meals, reduced dosage of slow acting insulin and still had his morning BG readings drop from the 240's to the 120's. His A1c has been consistently in double digits for years, so this is a huge deal for him and his wife.

    If you read the research and listen to many doctors who have changed their practices to treat diabetes properly by using LCHF like Jason Fung, Brian Mowll, Adam Nally, Mark Hyman, etc., all talk about reversing diabetes rather than the standard mantra from the ADA about "managing" it.