No-Nonsense November: Week 4 Check-In (11/22-11/30)



  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Goals for me:
    Drink my 8 glasses of water :)
    IF for at least 14 hours and preferably 18 daily :) Well, I managed 14 hours even though I ate late last night and got up relatively early this morning.
    Stay at or below my 25g net carb goal :| 47g net.... but I have found over this past month that I lose better when I am at between 25 and 50 or so.
    Make sure my protein hits approx 70g BUT not much more :) 68g
    Get at least one day a week of non-work related exercise :D Now that the metal is all out of the ankle, I am getting to do so much more.

    Side note.... When I first started this challenge I weighed 139.4. After keeping it under 25g carb I gained a bit and ended up staying pretty steady at 141 or 2. After a few days of 50 -60g net carb the past week I am back down to 139.2. So, I still have 7 lbs to go to get to my original maintenance weight. Which just sux. :/
    Sometimes I wonder why I bother, as Keto doesn't seen to have any real benefits for me and in fact, is the only time I get severely constipated (sorry TMI). I may just go back to low carbing below 100g net. I will finish this challenge off properly first though, on the 30th, then decide.
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Weight isn't moving, kinda settling in within +1 of last lowest of 199.8, which isn't terrible that it's not going up too much. Slight panic that I may not get down to 198 over these last couple of days of November! I am back on track with low carb, movement etc. sleep still not well...
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Today- 70 minutes on stationary recumbent. 15 miles for 150 miles this month.
    65 minutes remaining to November goal of 1200 minutes.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    Stayed low carb Fri/Sat, my only food on Thanksgiving (away) and Sunday (repeat Thanksgiving at home) was dinner. I indulged in small amounts of once a year carb favorites stuffing and mashed potatoes. Back on plan today.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Goals for me:
    Drink my 8 glasses of water :)
    IF for at least 14 hours and preferably 18 daily :) Well, I managed 14 hours even though I ate late last night and got up relatively early this morning.
    Stay at or below my 25g net carb goal :| 47g net.... but I have found over this past month that I lose better when I am at between 25 and 50 or so.
    Make sure my protein hits approx 70g BUT not much more :) 68g
    Get at least one day a week of non-work related exercise :D Now that the metal is all out of the ankle, I am getting to do so much more.

    Side note.... When I first started this challenge I weighed 139.4. After keeping it under 25g carb I gained a bit and ended up staying pretty steady at 141 or 2. After a few days of 50 -60g net carb the past week I am back down to 139.2. So, I still have 7 lbs to go to get to my original maintenance weight. Which just sux. :/
    Sometimes I wonder why I bother, as Keto doesn't seen to have any real benefits for me and in fact, is the only time I get severely constipated (sorry TMI). I may just go back to low carbing below 100g net. I will finish this challenge off properly first though, on the 30th, then decide.

    It's not like you haven't given it a fair try. And those side effects are no bueno.
    At least you are learning lots of things, so even if your weight didn't really go anywhere, you got some insights into what works best for you.
  • coloradoartstudio
    coloradoartstudio Posts: 104 Member
    I'm up one pound to 192 from 191 last week before Thanksgiving. I consider that a win though considering years past.

    In the last week, I only exercised 2x with family in town and over indulged in food and drink - even keto snacks like nuts. I think I'm one of those people who has to track calories to lose weight.

    I am not going to make my original goal of weighing below 190 by dec 1.

    But, I am going to do an egg fast this week to jump start Dec. I love eggs!
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    Welp, this holiday turned into a smorgosborg (?) for me so it was no bueno. But Im back on track today. Scale is moving so slowly for me these last 2 months, maybe 3 lb loss but no gain so thats a plus to me lol. As much as i would like to reach a magic number, seems like it will take a while. Trying to get fitness in, as I miss it, but new work schedule makes it much more difficult. No excuses though, need to get my butt in action :) Im looking forward to December!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    Today- 70 minutes on stationary recumbent. 15 miles for 150 miles this month.
    65 minutes remaining to November goal of 1200 minutes.

    Done! 4.1 walking miles, 70 minutes. 1200 minutes for the month of November walking or the recumbent. Beats sitting in the recliner flipping channels.
  • VKetoV
    VKetoV Posts: 111 Member
    Zero carb diet consisting of whole eggs, lamb, beef, & coconut oil is paying off; abdominals & serratus are staying sharp & no water retention is present. My impression is that coconut oil >>> evoo as far as appetite suppression resulting in far fewer kcals consumed from added fat.

    I'm not quite sure how I will be "cheating" to prevent adaptation; either a high kcal day 1-2 times every 2 weeks consisting of cheese or coconut manna seems plausible. Trying not to mess around with sodium/potassium as these often obscure progress/results
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Great day today!
    21gm net carbs
    10k steps
    8 hrs sleep
    Under cals

    DH is also kicking *kitten*. He's not LCHF (heart disease patient) but he's definitely dropped carbs/sugar, is working out hard 3x/wk, and has lost 15 lbs so far. His jeans are definitely fitting more loosely.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    For 11/28
    Water-64 oz
    Exercise-1 hour leisure walk
    Below 70g carbs-42
    Below 1400 cal-818
    Meals planned-cheese, veggies, pickles and olives, turkey soup
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Determined December on it's way. Stay tuned.
    Meanwhile, keep it up, me hearties!
  • MindfulMother
    MindfulMother Posts: 38 Member
    I lost the 10 pounds I set as my goal for November. I have lost another pound past that and very happy with myself and my LCHF lifestyle. I will be honest that I feel more out of shape now than when I started this 31 pounds ago. I was in denial then and had my eyes closed to the truth of how overweight and unhealthy I had become. I now am very aware and see what I have done to myself. I feel very thankful for the awareness. I am pleased that I am no longer in denial. This is a way of life for me not a diet.
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    edited November 2016
    Better day yesterday. At 200.6 today. Still 0.8 over my lowest and 2.2 over my Nov goal. Two more days. Hoping the water weight or something will drop over the next 48 hours and I'll be a happy camper on Thursday post scale. Need to sleep more. And manage stress better. Hard to keep morale up with bleak days back. Trying to exercise not for weight loss but so it boosts my morale.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Good day today. I didn't have a chance to work out but was very on track with eating, and got enough sleep. Yay.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    As we near the end of the challenge, I've done pretty good with my 8 glasses of water a day, my IF 14+ hours (sometimes 20), my protein goal at 70g, getting in my non-work related exercise.
    But, I will need to up my carbs to a 50-100g net so I can lose fat and still poop. I was hoping to get down to my previous goal weight of 132 but only managed to lose 1/2 a lb or so over the past month. Tomorrow I will take my last measurements and see if much has happened. I did fit into a couple pairs of shorts that I didn't think I'd be in again at this weight - packing for Jamaica. Still, waist is nowhere near the 25" it was at when I was at goal a couple years ago.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I have been horrible about logging the last 10 days or so and as a result I have probably let my carbs creep up too much (hello nuts, I love you). BUT I am ending the month with a 2 pound loss, so I lost 6 of my 10 pound goal. I knew 10 wasn't realistic since I ended October with a whoosh, so I am happy with the progress I made this month.

    This month held my one planned cheat since starting and I don't have another one planned in the foreseeable future, so here's to a great December! B)
  • kdz0444
    kdz0444 Posts: 143 Member
    Well ended the month on plan and drinking plenty of water. Didn't hit my goal of under 200 but I kept losing during thanksgiving so Im not too upset. Started the month at 207 and ended at 201.8