

  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    By the way, I am seriously no Rockette by any means, at one point my husband walked in looked at me puzzled and walked out, he didn't even want to ask what the heck i was doing...LOL
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Well, it looks like we are losing Motivatedsister, but we were able to get a replacement for next week. Please help me in welcoming @Mark_ to our team!!
    Managed to get another 11 minutes in this evening after getting home from the visitation and a late dinner. I totally had no motivation to do it but saw my cousin making the commitment to get on the computer to do homework so figured I could suck it up and do a little of my strength challenges I got so far behind on during vacation. This might be the first time I've actually still been awake at the close of the spreadsheet. Of course, I didn't think to look at where we were prior to close of the spreadsheet. Doh!! Lol. Can't wait to see where we are off to next!!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    Welcome @Mark_ to Team2beat!
    This weeks challenge of stairs is very doable since I have 13 steps to the lower level of the house and 14 stairs to the upper level of the house and I am up and down them a few times a day. I pulled a muscle behind one of my legs with my fall the other night so will take it slow. I do like to get my challenges done ASAP however. My day off today so will try to get some exercise minutes done between watching our 13 month old grandson. I have 3 -12 hour shifts this week along with 2 - 8 hours shifts so will do what I can. I had no will power left for exercise after yesterdays 12 hour shift and so had to put a 0 in the box :( Don't like to do that and my goal is to not let it happen again for the next 2 weeks. Have a great week all!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Welcome @Mark_ I hope you enjoy the challenge. If you have any questions please feel free to holler at me.

    @energyseeker Just do what you can and don't over do it. :)

    I have already done 250 stairs up and down. I hate stairs, but I am determined to get them done this week.

  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    edited November 2016
    Mark - I cannot imagine having to travel that much for work. That would be super difficult to develop healthy habits but once you get them developed it should hopefully be a lot easier to keep up. :)

    Kim - ugh...I forgot we had stairs this week. :# I read this week's challenge early in the morning and haven't had a chance to revisit it since. I will have to get on that one right away!! Be super careful with your leg so you don't end up injuring yourself more than you already are. I should hopefully be back to a more normal routine starting tomorrow morning and can try to get some more normal numbers...and there is no shame in entering a 0. Some days we just need rest. :p

    Jen - here's to you, and I, and as much of Team2Beat accomplishing the stairs!! :D

    I was hoping to get home and get a little more exercise in since I didn't get up early and only did 11 minutes this morning, but I am emotionally and physically just done. I'm going to take a nice, hot bath, hopefully eat a light supper and relax and one can hope go to bed early. Tomorrow begins a new day!!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Welcome @Mark_ , nice to have u.

    Guess what Team2Beat? We came third last week!!! Yay!!! Our best position yet. I'm so proud you guys :D . Let's keep the momentum going. 3rd or better this week right???

    Like I mentioned earlier, I am starting gym this week, or rather I started today. I've lost most of my strength since being out of the gym for so long. But it felt good to be doing something and getting some minutes in.

    As for the challenges, thank God I'm back at the gym to be able to use the StairMaster or else I would have to put a 0 in that column since I don't have access to stairs. But today I was able to do 37 floors. I'll try to keep this pace for my other 3 gym workouts in order to meet the challenge.

    Challenge # 2 is doable. # 3 is tougher but I'll get it done.

    Let's do this! (Can u tell I'm feeling motivated from that third place position?)
  • Mark_
    Mark_ Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you all for welcoming me to the team!! Started in on watching / following the videos. Thank goodness I was alone... you would have burned as many calories watching me from the laughter!! I was under my calorie goal for the day so I'm 1/5 the way done with that one. Still trying to figure out how / where I'm going to get the stairs in. Keep up the good work!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Ha! I saw the frog juice video and I thought maybe our food challenge would be to make and drink a green smoothie (with a frog-free option, of course.) Even though the challenge is not drinking a delicious green smoothie :'( , I'm sure I'll be able to get in under calories all week. I usually do.

    I've got this stairs thing, no problem. I just have to get to the gym and get on the stairmaster. The dancing thing won't be fun (I always end up looking like a fool due to my terrible lack of rhythm) but I'll do it...

    Good luck everyone and congrats on getting 3rd place this past week! What a bunch of fitness maniacs! Let's keep it up! :D

  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Tameika - isn't it crazy how much your strength can go...and so easily...yet it's heck trying to gain that strength!! So not fair! Lol.

    I'm ecstatic at getting 3rd...and that was on a rather rough week for getting in minutes for some of us and an MIA member. Let's go for broke and give it all we've got!! I was going to just do a couple of the challenge #2 videos and ended up doing them all, so that challenge is complete! For the bare minimum, it took about 20 minutes.

    Mark - there are many of us that are in that same exact boat when it comes to the dance videos. I have no rhythm at all!! In fact, on some of these, I would swear that the video was sped up and there's no way someone's legs could move that fast. :D I just give it my best effort though and it definitely gets my heart rate up. As for the stairs, are you staying at a hotel anytime this week that is multiple floors?? You could make part of your exercise routine one of these days just going up and down the stairwell.

    Jenilla - I'm so glad we are getting another chance to do the 5 of 7 days under calories. I have been struggling with this lately and now is the time to get back on track!! Good luck on getting the dancing done and over with!! I am glad to have that one completed already!! :p

    Happy Tuesday, Team 2 Beat!!

  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    Welcome @Mark_

    Day 1 under calories...not by much but is under!!

    I just did over 600 stairs on Saturday. Lol wish I didn't now! Oh well I'll get em done!!!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Welcome @Mark_

    Day 1 under calories...not by much but is under!!

    I just did over 600 stairs on Saturday. Lol wish I didn't now! Oh well I'll get em done!!!

    OH NO!! That is a bummer!! Good luck getting the stairs done, Jo...don't let your legs fall off!! :D
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @jamaicanlady Back to the gym already? That is fantastic. Please take it easy. I just signed up for a gym membership last night. It is a great gym that we checked out a few weeks ago. They happened to be having a black Friday sale, so we signed up. Now to find time to go.

    @mark_ My kids either laugh at me, or try to do them with me, then it is twice as much fun/laughter, silliness, my BF will come upstairs and watch me with a goofy smile. He likes to watch my front side jiggle. I try to do them when no one is around, which is nearly impossible.

    @lbenson2006 You are doing great, glad you are getting back to normal schedule, that will help you feel like you are getting back on the wagon. BTW you are doing a great job keeping up with all of us. Thanks for your work on our behalf.

    @jenilla1 A green smoothie nutrition challenge would have been cool too. You could always make it your honorary challenge :)

    @Joanna2012B Dang! 600 stairs in one day? My knees would cry. Just think of those fabulous muscles you are making with all those stairs.

    I did well yesterday ended up getting about 350 stairs in. We have a half set of stairs at work, so I combined the stairs with my normal lunch walk. It was windy as heck out there yesterday. So after lunch I came back, sweaty, hair everywhere and red as a lobster. Good thing I sit in a cubicle by myself. I am really hoping to get videos started today. I always end up having so much to do when I get home from work. Plus I have to fight with everyone to use the internet. Pbbts on them.
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Sorry for no Sunday or Monday minutes. My mom made t-day dinner and that night came down with the stomach virus. Of course that translated to me being out of commission with the same virus Sunday and Monday. Feeling good today so I am off and running later today.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Sorry for no Sunday or Monday minutes. My mom made t-day dinner and that night came down with the stomach virus. Of course that translated to me being out of commission with the same virus Sunday and Monday. Feeling good today so I am off and running later today.

    Oh no! Glad you are feeling better!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Sorry for no Sunday or Monday minutes. My mom made t-day dinner and that night came down with the stomach virus. Of course that translated to me being out of commission with the same virus Sunday and Monday. Feeling good today so I am off and running later today.

    :s That's terrible. I have a bit of a phobia when it comes to that kind of thing. Glad you're feeling better already!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Took me 43 minutes on the stairmaster to finish all 127 flights. I wanted to get a nice, round number to log, so I went a few extra flights and made it to 45 minutes. I wasn't sure I would finish because usually that stair machine kills me, but it was surprisingly easy today, so I just went for it! I did get a little sweaty, though. One challenge down, two to go! B)
  • Mark_
    Mark_ Posts: 50 Member
    Bravo @jenilla1 , well done!!