Weekly Post 27.11. - 03.12.16

flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
No loss this week...to much eating on my non fast days ;-) But I have been stable for the last two weeks and I'm happy about that.

Went for a run yesterday and today. Haven't done two days in a row in a long time, because my knees or legs would be sore. Today all was good. Ran to my construction site and to my fruit farmer (about 5k) and then walked home briskly with 3kg of apples and potatoes. A foggy afternoon but it felt good to be out.

Not fasting tomorrow...I'm going to pick out my new kitchen in the afternoon with my mom and sister. We are an awesome team for that kind of stuff B) and then we will go for dinner. My fasts are planned for Tu/We/Fr or Tu/Th/Fr.

Have a great week! And happy fasting!


  • megellcor71
    megellcor71 Posts: 21 Member
    Flumi_f... Good luck with kitchen and that is great you can run then shop getting in so much exercise!

    I haven't lost at all since following 5:2 but it is because I have overeaten on non fast days. Thanksgiving and the last two days have been hard. Almost binging. Can't decide if this is the fast days causing me to reflexively over eat or just perfect storm with TOM and food heavy holiday and junk in house that is not usually there. I will fast Monday and Thursday this week and continue to try to kee calories to 1800-2000 on non fast days.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Great job Flumi! And enjoy your shopping with your mom & sis!!

    Meg, I feel the same pain of having crap in the house! Desserts and treats galore and it's only going to get worse with Christmas coming next. Last year I enjoyed all the treats I wanted, I just had smaller portions and counted every single calorie! I think when i guess, I could be off by 100-200 cals! Or more!! Time to measure weight and count everything!

    I tore my hip flexor last week so I have not been doing my 6-7 k each day. But slowly getting better thanks to the tiger balm my hubs got for me. I'm needed to stretch properly before my walks.... yes, it's my age!!

    It's grey cup today, our nations' football finale! Gotta love a day of appetizers! :s
    Fast day tomorrow and possibly my wed too!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Sounds like the challenges of the holidays are well upon us. It almost feels like the Hinger Games...haha, pun totally intended!
    Hawaii was MOST unkind to me. Let's say I feel "fluffy" at the moment. It was such a food-centric trip (my mom and sister are obsessed with food and the perfect meal), I don't think I ever really felt hunger. Yesterday, I did a fast, but ate a little more at dinner. It just felt good not to have anything in my system for a day. This week will be about recalibration before stepping on the scale and declaring "its go time". I sense I will be gearing up for my battle cry by weigh in on Saturday...one can tell when they are over a little.
    Flumi, have fun creating your new home. It can be both stressful, fun, and overwhelming. Glad you have a good team!! Meg, this is a time when it's hard to pinpoint why exactly you aren't losing. So many factors play into the holiday season. Just stick with it because even maintaining is a total win!! Mama...I'm so sorry to hear you're injured. I use a foam roller on my lower body most nights and when I roll on my hip flexor, I nearly fly through the roof, but then it feels so much better afterwards. As you've counseled me about strength training, I shall do the same about stretching!!! I never before gave much thought to it. However, with the emphasis of flexibility in ballet, I now see how much easier it is moving throughout the day when you are flexible (literally and metaphorically). So I highly recommend committing to a solid stretching routine...give it a trial to see how you feel and let me know!!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Yeah you're back! Great post Flossy!! Cheers to a successful recalibration week (I like that! :p )
    I'm investigating those roller thingys, varieties of shapes & sizes, diameters and lengths.... And yes you're right about the importance of stretching! I am NOT a natural stretcher, just lace up the runners and off I go. I'm trying to incorporate some stretching before the runners are put on!! It's not something I like doing... I'm just walking, why do I need to stretch first?? >:) I'll take your advise, good bones are nothing I suppose without good nimble muscles supporting them! I'll look on Pinterest for something to guide me instead of the lame things I've been half heartedly trying recently!

    I've done terrible on my "stop the sugar" challenge for myself!!!! It's embarrassing! I really want to see if that affects my joint pain but I keep buying crap & then eating it! Ugh!! The annual Christmas fudge is in town! :s Why!!!!!!!!!

    Out for dinner tonight but I know what I'm ordering and as above, meals are not my problem!! Have a nice day everyone hope fasting is going well for people! I'm doing one on Wednesday since I blew it yesterday!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Oops....total blow out on my fast today. Shall try again on Thursday.

    Nice to have you back Flossy!
  • Kmbender0908
    Kmbender0908 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all...I'm new to this. I have been doing IIFYM half heartedly for a couple months. I also just turned 50 and it seems like my metabolism also decided to slow to a turtle's pace and all of the sudden the fat around the middle is SCARY. Anyway...I joined a bootcamp type fitness class in July, and haven't been 100% thrilled with the results of that either. I'm floundering. LOL. So my bf and I both are giving this a go. Tues/Thurs are our fasting days, as we didn't want to schedule them on our M/W/F bootcamp days. If we workout on Tues/Thurs, it's usually a slow 5k run. Today of course, my stomach has been growling all day, but I know that will change once I'm used to this. I'm glad I found this group. I basically had coffee all morning and waited until lunch to eat. I think that approach should work most days as I'm busy at work and my mind will be occupied.
  • megellcor71
    megellcor71 Posts: 21 Member
    Well I went for my annul exam today. I'm healthy except for overweight. I was telling the practitioner about 5:2 intermittent fasting and she said "that sounds like the worst diet and it is terrible to restrict calories in a peri menopausal woman". Of course she then went on to tout eating every 2-3 hours and not getting hungry and portion control blah blah.. Even though I would have liked some support and encouragement I felt strong in my conviction that this way of eating makes sense. For years I have literally tried everything... and I believe most all diets work if you can find a way to restrict your calories and stick to it. I just couldn't stick to it 7days/week. But I can do it 2 days/week!! So I hope I wont feel foolish like I have after other diets fail and I move on to the next fad.

    Kmbender0908 ... I'm new to this fasting and group
    too! I am actually not struggling most fast days but admittedly have been eating more like 600-700 than 500 calories. I have NOT lost much weight , maybe a pound or two but it makes sense to me and I am going to keep at it !! I have found skipping breakfast , miso for lunch and most calories at dinner is easiet. But this is only my 4th week.

    My main concern is I will reflexively eat more on non fast days and won't lose. So I am really going to monitor calories on those days.

    Flumi_f... sorry you blew a fast day! Good thing there are more days to try! Thursday will be better!

    One thing I am committing to this month also is way more water. I plan to get in about 100 ounces/day. I bloat so much and eat too much sodium that it makes it hard to track weight loss weekly!

  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited November 2016
    Megellcor- my doctor found 5:2 to be a good thing and borrowed my book :p If 5:2 fits or not is so dependent on the person doing it. No right or wrong... just what works for the individual

    My answers when i feel like it...
    Eat every 2-3h....yup cave men definitely did that :D
    Breakfast is important...yup but it can be at 6am or 3pm...whenever you eat after a fast window, you break your fast...breakfast :D

    Unhealthy for women's hormone... Possibly, but not all are effected the same. When i was losimg weight, i lost my period for about 9mth. I thought it was the fasting. Well still fasting, about 6mth in to maintenance I got my period back. However if you are trying to conceive, even Mosley doesn't recommend any type of intermittent fasting. Just be aware of your cycle and if it's out of whack while dieting in anyway, reduce the deficit.

  • Kmbender0908
    Kmbender0908 Posts: 4 Member
    I made it through my first fasting day yesterday. Even ran 5k with my running group at 7pm before going home and making dinner of steamed summer squash, ground turkey and tomato sauce and the tiniest bit of rice and parmesan cheese. It tasted like heaven. Ended up the day with 570 calories which I will call good. I was more than a little pissy though...kind of feel bad for my BF as I nearly bit his head off after the run about something I normally would have just let pass....hangry for sure!

    Weighed myself this morning and I'm down 3 which I know is water but considering the scale had only been going up previously, I will take it. Normal day today and I'm going to track in MFP just to make sure I don't go totally nuts.

    megellcor71 - I am menopausal and I will tell you that during peri I could lose weight by just eating clean and exercising, not counting calories. But as soon as I crossed over into menopause, I have found it's like a switch was flipped. The pounds have been packing on like crazy and mostly around the middle which has NEVER been a problem area for me in my life. It's like I don't even know my body anymore. I look in the mirror and see more of an apple than a pear. And I was a definite pear. Anyway...I am ready to do something completely different. And I thought...why not? I don't have a lot of faith in doctors knowing much about nutrition and weight loss. But I do feel like what works for one person may not work for another and you just have to keep trying until you find the fit for your lifestyle that will also allow you to lose. My non-professional 2 cents.
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    I agree with Bender. Meg, I would add that that the nutrition education of physicians is minimal. I have a friend who is a pediatrician who still recommends low carb as her blanket nutrition advice!! One size does not fit all, for sure. I have found that EVERYONE is an e pert in diet. I keep what I do to myself to avoid having to defend myself.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all! Ok here's my bit. I totally agree with what 'works for your own body' plan....& also with drs getting one course in nutrition does not make them an expert on health necessarily, however, I also partially agree with Meg's doc.... I was always told by my drs that being a little heavier at this stage of your cycle reduces symptoms like headaches, sweating/hot flashes, irritability etc etc. I started 5:2 right at the time that I became menopausal and found that losing weight just melted off with this 5:2 plan. So maybe it's coincidence, maybe I worked at 5:2 diligently, maybe it was being in menopause..... either way, I lost 8" off my waist relatively fast and did not and do not suffer thru menopause symptoms other than a warm flash every now & then. Your cycle is unique to you. I'd just say careful trying to lose too much during the peri-menopause stage of the game, our bodies are suppose to chub up for reasons we don't like or understand.

    I'm doing a fd today!!! I waited until noon to enjoy a mandarin orange and look forward to tea after my dog walk! Feeling hungry so I'm heading to the kitchen now and down 2 glasses of water. Upon looking back at my last years food diary entries, I would down a glass or two before reaching for the cupboards. Funny how I'm not doing that now.... maintenance vs complacency....? I'm inspired by the new people joining this group, so all of you great job and keep posting! When you're in maintenance mode it's really helpful to read about your achievements, struggles and successes!!!!
    Peace out B);)
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    My doctor has been very happy with my weight loss and blood panel results. He asked what I am doing and I told him I follow a plant based diet and engage in twice weekly 'fasts.' He is of Indian heritage and is a vegetarian who also occasionally fasts so he was super supportive of this approach. I have been in my healthy weight range now for about 3 years due to 5:2 (have been plant based for longer, but I can still overeat with just that plan alone). I was peri-menopausal when I started but at 51 I have now officially passed into menopause as has been confirmed with my fsh blood test. I only fasted and exercised once during Thanksgiving week (plus one walk - the rest of my family visit was indoors due to rain.) This week I am back at it, having fasted on Monday and planning to fast again tomorrow. I am feeling some muscle soreness now that I am back into my (minimally really) exercise routine! I made some yummy vegetable soup for dinner that was very filling and a good antidote to the dark and chilly early evening. Cheers, fasting friends!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Planning my 3rd fast for today, then I'll weigh myself hoping the detriments of my trip were temporary. Like sanjo, I've been doing 5:2 for a few years. My lab results have also been favorable. I see my endocrinologist next week and we will see if my cholesterol and hormones continue to stay in check. I'm 47 and I may be in peri?? Sometimes I think I am, but other times not. I'm still fairly regular in my cycle with a few aberrations, but that happens outside of peri. One thing that has not improved for me is my blood pressure. Hypertension runs in my family, so I may not be able to do anything about it on my own (I mean, I'm a normal weight, exercise most days, and eat a vegan diet...what more can I do). I have recently added HIIT two days a week to see if that helps. While I'm not carrying around a huge ziploc bag full of medication bottles, I still take more than I'd like. I'd hate to add another!

    Mama, I think it's great that you have available your diet history to reflect on what helped you be successful in the past. My tracking is spotty, at best. And so is my memory :p

    Thanks for the welcome back, ladies! I've missed you guys! I'm happy to see we have some new people to the group.
  • Kmbender0908
    Kmbender0908 Posts: 4 Member
    Second fast is today and I am feeling slightly less moody than Tuesday :P I am going to look into miso soup and maybe even make a batch of homemade veggie soup for next week's fasts. The veggies definitely help take the edge off the hunger. For today though I'm just sticking with what worked Tuesday. I am a creature of habit so I think that is the best approach to keep me from going off the wagon :)
  • tina_belg
    tina_belg Posts: 36 Member
    I'm totally new at this. Today is my first FD. Getting a bit hungry, trying to drink a lot of water. Hope to lose some weight before Christmas!
  • FengShwayze
    FengShwayze Posts: 8 Member
    I am back to MFP after a long absence and will be revisiting 5:2 as it made me feel awesome when I tried it before. MFP worked for me before in terms of good old fashioned calorie counting and weight loss, (I quit logging and gained the weight back), but it was the 5:2 plan that made me feel better and more energetic. Looking forward to getting back in the swing of things. I noticed the MFP website looks really different than what I remember. There used to be a thread to post menu ideas for fast days. Does anyone know if that still exists? I can't find it. Thank you in advance.