Determined December 2016: Week 1 (12/1-12/7)



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    12/3 check-in:
    * Calories: under goal
    * Carbs under 30-40gm net: 23gm net
    * Exercise: Rest day (realized I overdid it yesterday) but exceeded my step goal.
    * Bed time: Aiming for 11:30 tonight. Moving in the right direction. :)
  • changingleemfp
    changingleemfp Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for continuing this. Last month was a great success, so I hope this month can be as well.

    Monthly Goals:
    5lb weight loss
    2% body fat reduction
    Workout twice weekly
    2 Liter daily water intake

    Hope everyone has a great December!
  • jtkatch
    jtkatch Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning all...first week check in for me

    Determined December Goals;
    1- 1400 cal ✅
    2- under 30 net carbs✅
    3- continue exercise 5x/week✅
    4- lose 5lbs (to hit my goal)
    5- pre-log meals + don't sway✅
    6- NO BLTs (bites licks + tastes) It ALL COUNTS✅
    7- weight 133 (I think...will weight in tomorrow am)❌weighed myself...134.6 ⬆️1.6

    Maybe I wasn't 133??? Okay this is a start. I can still lose 5 lbs this month!! I would be very happy if I could achieve that goal! At least providing the above parameters (my trainer set them)
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,593 Member
    For 12/2-12/4
    Treadmill 45 min, elliptical 50 min
    No baking yet, waiting for my new stove Wed
    Meal planning was better over the weekend but I didn't actually prep anything yet.

    I'm still feeling really tired all the time and I think it's related to the shortness of daylight. Considering upping my vitamin D for the rest of the month.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Determined December goals:

    Stay under calories every day - check

    Complete all scheduled exercise - check on the Beast workouts, getting in some of my extra workouts but still not 100% recovered from the plague, but making progress and getting there

    Target loss of 2lb for December - my weight is actually up 2 lbs, but based on how incredibly snug my bra is, I'm guessing that's a lot of water weight and will go away after shark week commences sometime next week (ugh)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    edited December 2016
    Fri, 12/2-12/4:
    SW: 163.4
    CW: 163.6

    Water: 72oz Small-checkmark.png
    Electrolytes Good: Small-checkmark.png
    At or Under Carb Level:110g total Small-checkmark.png
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Fine, except for Saturday (FATurday) as planned. I had a talk with the Hubs and told him I will NOT eat any snacks he brings up. He was nice about it.Small-checkmark.png

    Busy weekend. Youngest daughter had a birthday. No exercise this weekend with the exception of my kettlebell routine Friday. It was rainy and 40 deg. In-laws had the kids Sat night so I got a date. Stayed on-plan. :+1: Oldest son came home and had an episode. In-laws fed him a ton of junk, (again) including too much lactose. He got really sick. Again. I'm seriously about to put him on a gluten-free diet. 7 years of this IBS garbage from the pediatrician...something is causing it. Being taking seriously would be nice. I was up all night with the birthday girl. They are filthy, germ-nuggets. Busy a lot today. I'm not feeling a strength workout, but I'll make myself do it.


    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:

  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Lillith32 wrote: »
    Ok, I know I'm late to the party, but... starting weight - 172lb (dang it, gained 20 lb over the summer)
    Goal #1 - get back to 160s
    Goal #2 - log everything I eat the whole month with possible exceptions of company holiday party and new years' eve.
    Goal #3 - stay under carbs and calories 90% of the time, and if I go over on calories make sure it's keto food.

    Ok... starting weight - 172lb, current weight - 173lb
    Logged EVERYTHING the last week.
    Stayed under 20 gram carbs 6/7 days (21 grams yesterday), stayed under calories too.
    Maybe after shark week I can post some losses.

    Also, twisted my ankle last Monday, so cannot do my usual running/crossfit and am stuck doing yoga for workouts, which is nice, but not really a workout. Plus my general walking is severely curtailed. Doctor's appointment scheduled for Friday, so hoping to resume activities soon. Have a great week!

  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday to all!!
    This was an okay weekend, Saturday was very light on the food (was out and running around most of the day, so not much food consumed) - came in at just over 1000 calories for the day with macros good all around! Sunday was not so good, as I found the chips and ate 4 lunch-sized bags across the day. Still came in under maint but over in total calories and carbs for the day. Exercise was good, got over 10,000 steps in Saturday and Sunday was a rest day. Started the week this morning with a multi-circuit, chest/legs/back workout so off and running! Also did IF on Saturday and doing IF today as well.

    Weight was 219 this morning, so broke even for the weekend (prolly 'cause the light day on Saturday). Going to stay outta the chips the rest of the week so expect to make good progress on losing weight!
  • crunchketo
    crunchketo Posts: 49 Member
    Aww, I missed the first 5 days but I'm here now, back on Leto for Christmas! (And beyond).

    This time my goals are:
    1. Stay in ketosis by planning meals.
    2. Working out 3 days a week - I'm doing 'body by you' a body weight program so getting to the gym is not an issue.
    3. Getting outside everyday for at least 1/2 hour
    4. Taking iodine, vitamin c, iron, plus some bulletproof supliment recomendations.
    4. Doing one small healthy thing extra a day- one stretch, one vitamin, one walk, one facial... something mini.

    I'm so glad to be making health a priority!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    clord72 wrote: »
    Aww, I missed the first 5 days but I'm here now, back on Leto for Christmas! (And beyond).

    This time my goals are:
    1. Stay in ketosis by planning meals.
    2. Working out 3 days a week - I'm doing 'body by you' a body weight program so getting to the gym is not an issue.
    3. Getting outside everyday for at least 1/2 hour
    4. Taking iodine, vitamin c, iron, plus some bulletproof supliment recomendations.
    4. Doing one small healthy thing extra a day- one stretch, one vitamin, one walk, one facial... something mini.

    I'm so glad to be making health a priority!

    This sounds close to my goals!
  • BeautyDoll
    BeautyDoll Posts: 86 Member
    Hello all. I am new to the group. My goal is to stay under 30g carbs per day, drink 8 glasses of water, workout daily, get to sleep by 11pm, get in 10k steps per day!

    I currently weigh 159 lbs. and my goal is 140 lbs.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    December Goals:

    Don't give in just because it's "The Holidays" (especially at work the all the crap food and treats co-workers bring in)

    Take my walk at least 4 nights or days per week or ride bikes with my son. (Yes I live in Florida so it's still 80 degrees!)

    Cut down or out alcohol...maybe only some wine at our Christmas Party and on Christmas Eve.

    Make low carb appetizers for the Christmas Party we are hosting at our house this year.

    Calories between 1200-1300

    Carbs between 30-50

    Enjoy my family's traditional Christmas Eve Dinner and then right back on track!

    Lose 8 pounds

    Current weight this am: 163.2lbs
    Goal at month end: AT LEAST 155lbs

    12/5 Check-in

    *Haven't ate any chocolate in the break room :smile:

    *Only walked maybe 2 nights so far :/

    *Only had some wine on Sat

    *Under both calories and carbs

    Started at 163.2lbs
    CW 161.2lbs

    Yay! :#

  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,593 Member
    For 12/5
    No taste testing yet-baking will commence once the new oven arrives tomorrow
    More activity- last night I was up and down on the ladder washing the ceiling by hand so my husband can paint it today.
    Better meal prep- Leftover fathead pizza for lunch and had hubby make me some fried eggs for breakfast today.

    Feeling less tired yesterday and today :D
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    edited December 2016
    Dec. 12/5 results:
    Carbs -> 33 net B)
    Calories -> 1360 B)
    Workout -> Cardio/weights B)
    Weight -> 219 B)
    IF -> 19/5 B)

    5/5 trees for the day!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Check- in from yesterday: 12/5


    Calories- 1080 (a little low but I wasn't very hungry)

    Took my walk after work with my son and the puppies!

    No treats at work and no wine after dinner!

    Overall a great day! Today is my sister's birthday so we are going to dinner for hibachi.
    Planning on just the meat and veggies they cook, no rice. And water to drink. I'll have to skip the cake too. I can do this!

    *Also I got my cholesterol labs back: In 3 months I have dropped my total from 279 to 239!
    (LDL went from 165 to 129) and (HDL from 83 to 97) and my (Triglycerides from 154 to 67)

    Super happy :#:#

  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Check in yesterday 12/5

    *carbs 24

    *calories 1080

    *took my walk with my son and puppies!

    *no treats at works!

    *no wine after dinner

    Overall a great day! Today is my sister's birthday. We are going out for hibachi. I am planning on just the veggies and meat, no rice. Water to drink. And of course skip the cake.

    *Also I got my labs back.... In 3 months my Cholesterol went from 279 to 239
    *HDL from 83 to 97 *LDL from 165 to 129 *Triglycerides from 154 to 67

    Super Happy :#

  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    So far so good for the most part. I have briefly considered the scale a few times but resisted. I've stayed mostly LCHF. However, on Saturday my husband, daughter, and I visited a really cool little artisan village in Maryland and I broke down for the homemade apple cider offered by the cute Mennonite kids. Something about the caps and homespun wore me down. Plus, if there is anything I miss about LCHF its apples. Love apples.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I am determined. My body, however, has other ideas. My weight is up 15# over the past year and a half and now, I have high blood pressure and my doctor wants to put me on a med. I've been eating this way for a long time, and I don't think I'm doing it wrong. I'm disgusted and frustrated. Keeping calories and carbs in check and doing IF most days.

    I could use any words of wisdom you all might have.