Determined December 2016: Week 1 (12/1-12/7)



  • kethra
    kethra Posts: 85 Member
    edited December 2016
    Determined December Goals

    Monthly Goals Overall
    Lose 8 lbs minimum (2 lbs a week)
    Keep keto macros on point
    Stay under calories and carbs
    Exercise Daily (Rest Days only stretches)
    Keep my water intake up (at least 116oz)

    I log on Tuesdays so my days are slightly skewed

    Week #1 (11/29-12/6) Goals
    Lost 2 lbs Small-checkmark.png (2.8)
    Daily macros on point Small-checkmark.png
    Under on calories and carbs every day Small-checkmark.png
    Complete 6 consecutive days of DDP Yoga Small-checkmark.png
    Drank 120+ oz of water daily Small-checkmark.png

    December SW (11/29): 230.4
    W1(12/6): 227.6 (-2.8)
    W2 (12/13):
    W3 (12/20):
    W4 (12/27):

    December Total Loss (so far): -2.8
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    I am determined. My body, however, has other ideas. My weight is up 15# over the past year and a half and now, I have high blood pressure and my doctor wants to put me on a med. I've been eating this way for a long time, and I don't think I'm doing it wrong. I'm disgusted and frustrated. Keeping calories and carbs in check and doing IF most days.

    I could use any words of wisdom you all might have.

    I don't remember, Deb, but have you had a full thyroid panel? Or have any known hormonal imbalances? I'm so sorry you are still having such a hard time. :disappointed:
    I'm still struggling with the Sjogren's symptoms, myself. Nothing is fixing it. I've tried taking just about every supplement known to man. :angry:

    Amy Berger has written a 5 part series on the subject of why people might not lose weight on a keto diet. Here's the link to part 1:
    Part 2 starts getting into the suspects we don't usually think of.
  • nanapuddin1
    nanapuddin1 Posts: 45 Member
    Well, shoot! Better late than never, I guess. Today is Tuesday Dec. 6.
    Goals for December:
    **Log in to MFP daily (pre-log as much as I can)
    **Meet/exceed protein goal of 106 grams
    **Keep Net Carbs 20 or less
    **Keep fat 50--70 grams
    **Take my supplements daily
    **Finish eating by 2PM
    **Fast 2 days a week (Tuesday and Wednesday?)
    CW: 192.6 lb.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    @baconslave- My doc has just ordered TSH, and Cortisol, along with some inflammation stuff. I'll see how these come out then push for more. He did say if the tsh is normal, chances are nothing is wrong. Not so sure I buy that.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    my husband is taking black cohosh to lower his blood pressure...he's been on it a few weeks and it's down 20 pts so far (165 to 145 for the top number)
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited December 2016
    baconslave wrote: »
    I am determined. My body, however, has other ideas. My weight is up 15# over the past year and a half and now, I have high blood pressure and my doctor wants to put me on a med. I've been eating this way for a long time, and I don't think I'm doing it wrong. I'm disgusted and frustrated. Keeping calories and carbs in check and doing IF most days.

    I could use any words of wisdom you all might have.

    Amy Berger has written a 5 part series on the subject of why people might not lose weight on a keto diet. Here's the link to part 1:
    Part 2 starts getting into the suspects we don't usually think of.

    This article really spoke to me-- especially the part about the "ripple effect"
  • AshStout83
    AshStout83 Posts: 190 Member
    Checking in for week #1:
    Goal #1-Lose 4 lbs.(2 down, 2 to go)
    Goal #2-Drink 64 oz. of water per day. (nope)
    Goal #3-Walk 5,000 steps per day. (2 days yes, 5 days no)

    I have lost my desire for water. I don't know what's going on.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    @baconslave -- I went to the website where you got your article and found this one as well:

    Insulin resistance, sleep deprivation/chronic insomnia, adrenal fatigue, and stress hormones have been negatively impacting my weight loss efforts.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    edited December 2016
    @baconslave- My doc has just ordered TSH, and Cortisol, along with some inflammation stuff. I'll see how these come out then push for more. He did say if the tsh is normal, chances are nothing is wrong. Not so sure I buy that.

    He should have also ordered: thyroid antibodies, T3, T4, and reverse T3. Sometimes TSH doesn't tell the whole picture. But I hope something turns up with the bloodwork to give you something. Speaking from my hellish experience, at least it's worth the money and effort to knock out what it ISN'T. Even though it's frustrating to not have a definitive answer. is a good resource to glance over. And you can always order your own lab if you still feel it might be thyroid but he is stuck on TSH nonsense. It's not that expensive.

    I'm ordering my own cortisol test. At least I'll then know another thing it isn't if it turns up normal. Hormones are next.
    DebSozo wrote: »
    @baconslave -- I went to the website where you got your article and found this one as well:

    Insulin resistance, sleep deprivation/chronic insomnia, adrenal fatigue, and stress hormones have been negatively impacting my weight loss efforts.

    I debated whether or not to post that one as well.
    I'm glad you found the series helpful.

    So for me:
    Sigh...I don't even know what day it is...
    Wed? Yes, Wednesday. My carbs have dipped too low under 100 for too many days and the past 2 night my eyes have been really fricking mean. I guess I should eat a banana today. Freaking YUCK.
    It's insane. Goes against EVERYTHING I've heard about keto, but apparently under certain conditions some people really can have too few carbs. Bleh. That's one of the only things I've been able to nail down. It's not thyroid, since all labs were fine. But the closer I get to ketosis, the worse the Sjogren's symptoms are.

    Anyway, blah blah blah:
    Tues, 12/6:

    SW: 163.4
    CW: 161.6

    Water: 72oz Small-checkmark.png
    Electrolytes Good: Small-checkmark.png
    At or Under Carb Level:93g total Small-checkmark.png
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yep.Small-checkmark.png
    Exercise: 45min dreadmill walkSmall-checkmark.png

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:

  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    Check-in for 12/6:
    Carbs -> 48 net :(
    Calories -> 1468 B)
    Workout -> weights (legs/chest/shoulders) B)
    IF -> 18:6 B)
    Weight -> SW: 219, CW 217 B)

    4/5 ain't bad, gotta watch them chips tho!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    12/6 Check-in

    *Carbs 37

    *Calories 1272

    *Still not eating any treats from the break room at work :)

    *No wine or bad choices at my sister's birthday dinner last night :smile:

    *Didn't get my walk in due to late dinner out

    *Drank a TON of water

    *Took all my supplements

    Another all around good day. Waiting to weigh again until after TOM is done ;)

  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @tishsmith101 - It's Wednesday, inquiring minds need to know, did you fire up your new stove yet?

    I'm really back at it! Found my groove again, after many weeks off. This is my second/third week of seriously sticking to it again after several failed weeks of pretending... At first you don't succeed, Try....again and again. Down another pound. this week, for a total of 4.5, (after a 25 pound regain over the summer and fall.) ARG! Getting back at it setting an 11 week goal til vacation.

    Under carbs :)
    Under calories :)
    Logging and measuring - yes!
    Exercise/movement -Done today :)
    Water, Broth, teas! :)
    Planning ahead - Brought lunch and dinner is in the fridge!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I was doing great today in terms of calories, carbs, macros (and sleep last night). I had a gyn visit tonight and they commented on my slimness and overall healthiness, so yay. ;) (I first met this ob/gyn when I was 30w pregnant with twins ... I'm about 60 lbs less than I was then. ;))

    Then tonight I stress-ate a caramel brownie and half a chocolate chip cookie. I have to admit, they were amazing, but obviously not within my macros.

    Going to do YAYOG now though and try to go to bed by 11. REALLY need to work on moving bedtime earlier.
  • changingleemfp
    changingleemfp Posts: 18 Member
    I had to up my carbs due to my dry eyes. I had no idea that low carb would cause that!

    Next week, I will start back on low carbs with a weekly moderate carb day.

    I am really enjoying learning about how the body processes nutrients. Keto is such a great tool for a healthy lifestyle.
  • pacific904
    pacific904 Posts: 92 Member
    I have changed my goals - I am now having 50 grms of carbs a day instead of 20 grms - apparently less than 50 grms can mess up with the thyroid gland. True or not I am not taking that chance.

    After reading "The Book of Fasting" by Jason Fung, I am going for the one meal a day route with restricted carbs.

    Steadily lising weight.
  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    Going to do YAYOG now though and try to go to bed by 11. REALLY need to work on moving bedtime earlier.

    What is YAYOG?

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    You Are Your Own Gym
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    12/7 Check-in

    Calories 1056

    Carbs 19

    Lots of water!

    Still no caving and eating any treats in the break room at work. Plus a customer brought us 2 dozen donuts and I didn't even look at them, lol

    I really wanted a glass of wine after a stressful night but I didn't!! :#:#

    Got my walk in after work :)

    I am feeling very proud! This thread is really helping me stay on track and accountable. Thank you @baconslave !
  • changingleemfp
    changingleemfp Posts: 18 Member
    After upping my carbs this week, I was afraid to step on the scale. I actually got some surprising results!

    For the week:
    No change in weight
    -0.7% change in Body Fat
    -1 inch change in Waist size

    Hope you all had a great week as well! Off to week 2!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    You Are Your Own Gym

    I watched some of the youtube videos. It looks good!