Jingle Joel December

Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
Hi y’all… I am SO sorry was such a bad ETL’er in November. Work is just getting more and more overwhelming. I was even working here at home on Thanksgiving day for heaven’s sake, and in the office all three days over the holiday weekend. This really can’t go on much longer.

I have put on an alarming amount of weight over the past two months. I can’t rally and eat right for a few days, then go crazy for a few days and expect not to gain weight. It sure does come on faster than I can get it back off. I’m getting really depressed over it to tell the truth, but I am getting it together this month.

I wish I was one of those people who can’t eat when they are stressed. Unfortunately I’m not and I’m going to have to focus on other things to relieve stress like exercise and meditation.

Carla, I hope you enjoyed your quiet at home holiday weekend, and got to relax.

Lia, has your baby bump started kicking at you yet? Are you going to find out the sex beforehand or do you want it to be a surprise?

Hope we’ll see Karrie and Terri soon. And Emmy, how are things going for you on the 6 week plan?



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    LOL I love Jingle Joel December! That's going to make me grin every time I come here in December to post.

    I ate my way through the holiday weekend at home. We ended up getting a 5 day break from work and we pretty much just did what we wanted and loafed around. For 5 days. It was great. We were a little disgusted with ourselves by the end though. I feel bad even posting this because I know how crazy busy you guys are right now.

    I am hoping Karrie will stop by one day soon and show us some pics of her awesome hand made socks and hats. I imagine she has been making some as Christmas gifts. Hopefully by January we'll have people checking in more regularly. I miss them!

    I'm not off to a great start so far in December. I don't think it is going to be a stellar month with the holidays and with the attitude I've got right now (hah). I'm going to aim for some more home cooking, and see if I can't make some easy soups and the curry (of course) to improve my diet.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Heheheheeh I also love Jingle Joel December, that must be one of our all-time bests lol.

    Mihani, I totally understand, I definitely EAT when I'm stressed. When I'm busiest, it seems I never am one of those people who 'forgets' to eat, instead I just eat quick and crappy foods. What are your plans or hopes for limiting the workload/stress? Any hope for this week? Maybe just start with one small goal a day, ie. I will eat a fruit for snack today. I need to do baby steps too... my small goals lately are to avoid sweets except after dinner or something. Yesterday I ate more sweets than normal food... (I made OSG cookies lol)

    We hosted a dinner party on Friday night and ordered all vegan thai food. It was delicious! But of course my friend who owns a bakery can't just NOT bring his own food, so we had three desserts and FIVE loaves of bread for 7 people, so I had a lot of bread this weekend lol.

    Carla, I am with you, December is always so hard for me! So many events and gatherings and cozy hot cocoa haha. Good idea re home cooking, that is always my best offence too. Did you feel rejuvenated after the holiday weekend?

    Baby bump is really feeling out there, but I don't think it's noticeable as pregnant. LAst week I had weird rumblings and feelings in my lower tummy, so I think it's that, but nothing concrete yet. Overall, too many weird things going on in there lol. My baby app told my today that baby was a sweet potato, and my uterus is a canteloupe today lol. Love all the produce comparisons. But I find out the sex two weeks today!! I feel like that has been my number one priority since day 1 that I found out. If I can know, I NEED to know! haha

    Sorry for the novel! Love you guys :)

    PS Karrie - I finally bought a roll of yarn!! Now I just need to find some youtube vids to get me started lol
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Ah your five days loafing sounds wonderful Carla! I really think I'm going to try to do a "staycation" at some point. Not go anywhere just do what I want for a few days and maybe get on some long neglected household chores.

    Lia, that's it exactly, I got a box of triscuits last week and by the end of the day realized I had eaten almost the whole box! Just grabbing a couple throughout the day. So that's my main goal, not eating mindlessly. That's funny, I knew you would want to know the baby's sex right away! Which cookies did you make?

    I did much better today, although I had an upset stomach most of the morning so I didn't want to eat anyway. I had a couple lundberg brown rice cakes, a banana, a clementine, and unfortunately a few sourdough pretzel nuggets but only a few and I didn't go back for more. Dinner was baked potato and roasted broccoli. Almost forgot how much I love roasted broccoli, I was picking it out of the pan eating it before I even made a plate. Tomorrow will likely be similar but no pretzels or rice cakes, and add more veggies and some beans. I have overnight oats in the fridge for breakfast, with a tablespoon of chia seeds added.

    My main goal for the next couple weeks is just to eat whole foods. Veggies, fruit, beans, whole grains, none of those pesky salty snacky things that lure me into calorie overload.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Another good day, yay! No snacks or pretzels.

    B - overnight oats with vanilla almond milk, chia seeds, a few walnuts
    L - leftover baked potato and broccoli, banana, 2 clementines
    D - blended salad (romaine, carrot, celery, green onion, tomato, avocado), threw 3/4 cup of great northern beans in it after it was blended. I used the chop button so the veggies woulds stay more chunky, kind of like a gazpacho. Grapefruit for dessert.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    So no good food news over here, just thought I'd say hi to you guys!

    I had a spicy chik'n veggie patty by Boca today for lunch and it was really tasty. Not healthy or anything though. Salty and breaded. No wonder I enjoyed it LOL. I'm making up for it with Red Lentil Cauliflower curry for dinner.

    I've never loved roasted broccoli, Mihani. Maybe I've just never done it right. The head part is all dry and burned in places and the stalk is too crunchy. Obviously I don't know what I'm doing! Any advice? I think a staycation is a great idea for you. I know we bring up you needing a break a lot, but I do think it would be so great for you to have several days in a row with no work at all. A week or two would be even better. Do you get a paid vacation as part of your employee benefits? I don't know that I recall you ever being on vacation but hopefully I'm totally wrong about that.

    Vegan thai sounds amazing, Lia. That's one thing I really miss now that we've moved. We're only 35 or so minutes from the last town we were in, but somehow it just makes all the difference and we haven't gone out for dinner there since we've moved. This small town has fewer options for sure. I am super excited to find out if you're having a boy or girl! If you're sharing that info, that is!

    This may sound strange, but I'm kinda freaking out right now because someone wants to commission a large piece of art from me. My mom shows everyone my art and of course her friends tell her its nice because what else are they going to do LOL so I didn't think anything of it when my mom said their friends really liked my art and wanted to buy something. Anyway, they called my mom to get my phone number and are going to call me. YIKES. I am totally unprepared. I don't know what to charge and then of course they are friends of the family so what kind of discount do I offer and I'm not set up on Paypal or anything like that and they are in Canada so I have to figure out how to ship across the border. I'm gonna be losing sleep over this one! No one is even supposed to know I'm making art yet except for you guys and my immediate family! HELP!!!!!

    Okay, breathing deeply...

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Carla, that is awesome news about your artwork! It would be hard to figure out what to charge.

    Here's a good guide on roasted veggies... vegkitchen.com/recipes/roasted-vegetables-an-asparagus-to-zucchini-guide/ You do need a little bit of olive oil. I put the veggies in a bowl and add a small amount of oil (I had three heads of broccoli and used about 1 tablespoon) with some spices, then stir well before throwing them in the pan. You might be overcooking them.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited December 2016
    Jingle Joel December is an awesome theme!
    Thanks for the roasted veggies reminder.

    I am also having overnight oats this morning, a new recipe I tried where you pan fry them for a few minutes first. Steel cut oats.
  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    Hi, I'm Dianna...been leaning the Nutritarian way for a year now and I'm back on plan. I joined Dr Fuhrman's Woman's Health Study and I'm looking forward to the extra accountability I feel it will give me to continue to eat this way! I know my body feels so much better when I do! Always looking for "Nutritarian" MFP friends!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi Dianna! Welcome to the group. The study sounds interesting. Is it an online thing?

    Sabine!! I have missed you. Please share the recipe for the toasted overnight oats.

    Carla, I haven't taken a vacation in several years, in the 18 years I've been at my job I've only taken 2 real week-long vacations. Yes, I know, I am certifiable. I keep telling my boss that I'm just going to retire at 60 and he has to keep paying me for another 5 years for all the vacation time I didn't take lol.

    Decent day, ended up at the office a couple hours late so I got into the pretzels, but didn't overdo it, just had a few.

    B - overnight oats same as yesterday
    L - leftover broccoli and baked potato, banana
    D - the rest of the broccoli and some great northern beans
    S - 6 pretzel nuggets, 2 clementines

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I missed yesterday, my breakfast and lunch were repeats. Had two clementines mid-afternoon. Dinner was red lentil kale soup from the freezer stock which was the very last of the freezer soup. I am going to make a few soups over New Year's weekend to restock. Tonight I'm making the Glowing Spiced Lentil Soup which will get me through a few days of dinners. Lots of work to do this weekend, the end of year pressure is on now. I must have easy, ready to go healthy food or I'm doomed. Going to chop up stuff for salads tonight too. So, today...

    B - overnight oats
    L - subway veggie sub
    D - the soup
    S - 2 clementines

    I have given up on fitting into "the dress" by next Friday and the big annual party, but at least I'll be down a few pounds and my pants won't be tight! This is the second year I haven't fit into the dang dress... maybe next year. :(
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I think I'm talking to myself lol. Spent almost 6 hours in the office today and got through exactly 2 files. Sigh. One alone took 3 and a half hours to deal with. That's not exactly clearing off my desk.

    B - oatmeal with raisins and almond milk and cinnamon (cooked the oats with water and just added a splash of milk when serving it up)
    L - pretzels (I know, I know)
    D - either leftover soup or this ohsheglows.com/2012/02/26/cozy-millet-bowl-with-mushroom-gravy-and-kale/. I made it a few times a couple years ago and it is delightful. Bought the mushrooms and kale on the way home but not sure I feel like cooking tonight.

    Also having a glass of wine tonight. I've been really good about avoiding the alcohol lately for the most part though.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Hi Dianna! Welcome to the group. The study sounds interesting. Is it an online thing?

    Sabine!! I have missed you. Please share the recipe for the toasted overnight oats.

    Carla, I haven't taken a vacation in several years, in the 18 years I've been at my job I've only taken 2 real week-long vacations. Yes, I know, I am certifiable. I keep telling my boss that I'm just going to retire at 60 and he has to keep paying me for another 5 years for all the vacation time I didn't take lol.

    Decent day, ended up at the office a couple hours late so I got into the pretzels, but didn't overdo it, just had a few.

    B - overnight oats same as yesterday
    L - leftover broccoli and baked potato, banana
    D - the rest of the broccoli and some great northern beans
    S - 6 pretzel nuggets, 2 clementines

    I used this one: http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-creamy-steelcut-oatmeal-the-make-ahead-method-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-134185

    And have been eating savory oats all week!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Thanks Sabine, I'll give that a try!

    I have been hit or miss the past couple days. Super tired which makes me hungry. I'm going to bed super duper early tonight. I'm still working really hard at eating mostly real food though, not so much processed snacky stuff.

    B - overnight oats
    L - subway veggie sub
    D - baked potato and leftover mushroom gravy
    S - banana, some pretzels
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi Guys!

    I bought more of those Boca spicy chik'n patties. I know they are far from ideal but they are a fast warm lunch option. I'm surviving off of those and Amy's wraps instead of eating proper meals.

    I finished my first commissioned painting yesterday! The client ended up ordering a size 24"x36" instead of the 30"x60" that I thought she might. I was really glad about that - I didn't feel confident about going up that much in size and I'm not set up properly to keep a large size like that completely level and protected from dust. I will post of pic of it soon...hopefully I can get a photo of it hanging up in their house to show you guys!

    Who all is decorating their place for Christmas? I keep meaning to put our tree up but I haven't yet. We also have some laser lights to beam onto the house. I saw some beautiful wreaths online and was thinking about ordering one, but I left it too late to get enough use out of it.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Carla, that's awesome you finished your painting! I can't wait to see the pictures. I have not done any Christmas decorating. I don't have people over anymore we go to my brother's so it's not worth the bother to me. I quit hosting holidays quite a few years ago because work is just so busy this time of year I can't get into it. I love those Boca chicken patties, and also the chick'n tenders, dipped in BBQ sauce nom nom.

    I am totally freaking out over deadlines and overwhelming piles of work right now, so much to do before end of year. I'm not dissolving into tears at least lol. I'm learning to cope a bit better I guess, but there's still a lot to do. I haven't even considered buying any presents yet, need to think about that. I may try to take half a day off next week and just hit a mall to get it done. Amazon isn't inspiring me, maybe wandering a mall will inspire.

    Diet is up and down. I am still trying to eat mostly real whole food, but a few luna bars and blue corn chips have found their way in. I did buy a container of Raw Fit yesterday though, and plan to try to do a little reboot over the weekend. My big holiday party that I go to every year is tomorrow night, so there's no point trying until the wine has been consumed lol.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I didn't enjoy the party as much as past years. Not sure why, other than I'm having my usual holiday blues, which generally only lasts a couple days. Plus, the weather is total crap, freezing cold, ice, some snow, warmed up and rained today, back to freezing tomorrow so all this rain will turn back to ice. Ugh. I went to the office for a couple hours today but just wasn't grooving so I came on home, brought work home to do tomorrow so I don't have to go back in there tomorrow.

    Did stop at the store and restocked lettuce and beans for salads this week. So I at least have that going!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    HI guys,

    Sorry for being the worst MFP!!!! I've missed you but I haven't had a chance to come on and actually write to you.

    I got my gender news this morning- we are having a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so thrilled. I feel like this is the first time where I actually feel excited, it feels a bit more real now. And now I don't feel like I can concentrate on work, which is why I'm finally browsing around on the internet! hehe.

    Oh man Carla I'm a Christmas crazy!!! I put up my tree in November. We have a fake one so I can put it up early, but our condo tree now looks so small in our grown-up house lol. I think we will upgrade next year. I would love a real one! What do you guys do?? We got those laser beam lights too, they're amazing!

    Mihani, how are you doing? The weather is AWFUL right now here too. So miserable and cold and slippery. I just want to hibernate around the clock. Sorry the party wasn't that great.. what did you end up wearing?? And yes get to that mall, lady! It will be one less thing on your plate to worry about...

    Miss you guys xoxox
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Too bad about the party, Mihani. Have the blues passed you by yet? We've had some weather here, too. It snowed 4 inches and then got unusually cold for the area so the snow stuck around. It finally warmed up enough and rained so the snow is now ugly patches of slush. Good luck with the mall wandering for inspiration. This year we're only getting gifts for my niece, 2 nephews, and one of my aunts. She always gives us money and we can't stop her, so I pick out a nightgown for her every year. We're having dinner at my in-laws on Christmas Eve, so we really should bring them something too...I'm thinking of covering the handle of a cutting board with resin to match the coasters I made for them earlier, but I've tried to make a few and am having trouble with the resin bleeding under the edge and not looking quite right.

    Yay!!! A girl! So exciting, Lia! Time to start picking out some cute outfits!!
    Some years I do a lot of decorating for Christmas, and others I do nothing. Usually, if I'm going to do it, I like to have it all done by December 1 so we get to enjoy a full month of it before taking it all down. Last year we didn't get around to taking the tree down until halfway through January. Ugh haha. We closed our blinds so the neighbors wouldn't see we still had our tree up lol. I guess we're putting up decorations today...really late for us! Plans were up in the air but we're having Christmas dinner at our place. Our Christmas tree is fake. When we lived at our condo we weren't allowed a real tree and we haven't gotten around to replacing it. I like the idea of doing a live tree and planting it on the property afterwards...maybe next year when we're more organized.

    If things get crazy and I don't get to post again, I want to wish you guys a wonderful and Merry Christmas!!! I'm so glad to have you in my life, even though we are not geographically close enough to get together. *big hugs*

  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    edited December 2016
    Mihani wrote: »
    Hi Dianna! Welcome to the group. The study sounds interesting. Is it an online thing?

    Sabine!! I have missed you. Please share the recipe for the toasted overnight oats.

    Carla, I haven't taken a vacation in several years, in the 18 years I've been at my job I've only taken 2 real week-long vacations. Yes, I know, I am certifiable. I keep telling my boss that I'm just going to retire at 60 and he has to keep paying me for another 5 years for all the vacation time I didn't take lol.

    Decent day, ended up at the office a couple hours late so I got into the pretzels, but didn't overdo it, just had a few.

    B - overnight oats same as yesterday
    L - leftover broccoli and baked potato, banana
    D - the rest of the broccoli and some great northern beans
    S - 6 pretzel nuggets, 2 clementines

    I used this one: http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-creamy-steelcut-oatmeal-the-make-ahead-method-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-134185

    And have been eating savory oats all week!

    You can access the study at https://www.nutritionalresearch.org/ and join from the website. You can read about it as well.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Squeeeeeeeeeee... a girl Lia!!! So happy for you.

    Carla, still a bit blue but coping. And work is not letting up or getting done. I had a bit of a mini-meltdown today, I just don't see any way I can get all this stuff DONE by the end of the year. I'm planning on working most of the "holiday" weekend. I would like to know who the hell decided to put all these holidays at the end of the year when my workload is the worst lol.

    Cool link goingtobefit... thanks! I got an email about this too... engine2diet.com/28-day-challenge/ Thinking about signing up just for fun.

    I'm probably out until next week, sorry y'all. Quoting Carla, I'm so glad to have you all in my life. Love y'all. Merry Christmas!