

  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 862 Member
    thigh exercises done, will have 5 fruits/vegies in by end of dinner. Day 2 of 5.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Skipped thighs today. Only veggies I've had was broccoli at lunch. I'm not for sure how much it was, serving wise. I ended up having a crappy day at work and wasn't even logging as I went...which is really abnormal for trying to remember how much I ate of what...yikes!! Can't guarantee I'll get my 5 servings in, but will report back. :p Decided to take a relaxing bath with a drink and work on decompressing.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Per Tameika's serving size guide I'm assuming I made it to the 5. I had a full cup (2 servings) of cauliflower rice, a banana (1 serving), and I'm sure my broccoli at lunch was at least 1 cup (2 servings) although I think it was maybe even closer to 2 cups.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    So, current recap...2 days of fruits and veggies, did get the inner thigh exercise done 3 times so far, up to 69% of weekly average so I should be able to make 75%. Hope everyone is having a good pre-Christmas week.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 862 Member
    edited December 2016
    fruits/vegies 3 days done, 4th day of inner thigh exercises. Merry Christmas all.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    So, current recap...2 days of fruits and veggies, did get the inner thigh exercise done 3 times so far, up to 69% of weekly average so I should be able to make 75%. Hope everyone is having a good pre-Christmas week.

    I'm counting Sunday as the beginning of my week - not sure when we were supposed to start counting. As far as fitness is concerned, I'm having a good and LAZY pre-Christmas week. I ran 4 miles one day and hiked for 45 minutes with my dog on another. Aside from that, I've been busy with other distractions. Will be hitting the gym tomorrow for weights, though.

    Vegetables/fruits - pretty good so far this week! 3 out of 4 days at goal - Sunday I only got 3 servings, but that was before I heard about this "mini-challenge."

    Don't think we'll hear from too many people for awhile. I'm sure there will be plenty of things (various holidays, crappy weather, sicknesses, etc.) to distract everyone for the next couple of weeks... :/
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    I was continuing on the Monday start just because that was what the race did but it's not set in stone. This is all just to help anyone that needs it have a little more motivation. I will try to keep that in mind and post stuff late Saturday or early Sunday if I can. This week might be a little late because of Christmas but will try my best. As for communication, I will do my best to try to get in here daily it's just hard sometimes to find the time to post. But I try to get in multiple times each day to check I'm almost always here for support!! :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Well, I will keep checking in here then, because I don't want to miss out on the next challenge and I know you're good at keeping us informed! I appreciate your efforts! (Remember I'm the bozo who couldn't friend anyone for the first challenge, so I don't really have a way of staying in touch!) ;)
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Jen, I'll try to remember and see if I can send u a message when we know what date sign ups will be, etc.

    As for me, I ended up barely getting in the bare minimum workout this morning but have managed to get above 80% of my average weekly minutes. Did horrible on fruits and veggies yet again. No way to get in 5 days. :( Did buy a fruit and veggie tray to take down tomorrow for our Christmas celebration. It will be a relatively busy day but will try to come up with challenge ideas. :)
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    At the same time as the amazing race challenge I also did the Hogwarts Holiday challenge and I won overall Biggest Loser! I lost 5.95% of my body weight in the time frame of the challenge. I am so stoked at the news.

    And while it's hard to stay motivated during the holidays I hope everyone is doing well. Happy Holidays Team Two!!

    How awesome, Brittany!! Huge CONGRATS!! Keep up the commitment and have a happy holiday!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    At the same time as the amazing race challenge I also did the Hogwarts Holiday challenge and I won overall Biggest Loser! I lost 5.95% of my body weight in the time frame of the challenge. I am so stoked at the news.

    And while it's hard to stay motivated during the holidays I hope everyone is doing well. Happy Holidays Team Two!!

    Amazing! MFP Rocktar on our team! B)
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Ok, for those needing/ wanting extra motivation, here's what I am far as meeting our weekly average minutes, I'm sure it's going to be another hard week with New Years, but I think shooting for at least 90% sounds like a good goal.

    For the exercise piece, one option is trying to get in 10,000 plus steps for 4 of 7 days. The other option is doing the workout linked below which is an upper body one from that same website. This one should also be done for the 4 of 7 days just to be fair.

    For the nutritional/accountability piece, let's try a green smoothie challenge (all for u, @jenilla1). Let's shoot for 4 of 7 here too. I'm not sure what all counts for a green smoothie, so I'm hoping for some pointers!! I'm assuming for it to be a green smoothie we have to have spinach or kale or the like in each of them. I think it would be helpful for those participating to throw what they are doing or going to do out here to help those struggling with coming up with ideas.

    I will probably continue with a Monday start, just for consistency sake but feel free to make your week fit your schedule. This is all about keeping ourselves motivated so let's do what works best for each of us.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 862 Member
    Between working this weekend and church etc I won't be getting challenge completed. It has been helpful though to help me get something healthy done.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Between working this weekend and church etc I won't be getting challenge completed. It has been helpful though to help me get something healthy done.

    I get it, Kim. I did my best and it at least gave me a little push. Here's to starting fresh next week!!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas day. I had 2 rest days in a row but with all that eating, I was so glad to get back at it this morning. I'll probably try the paladin workout but also shoot for the 10k steps too. I rarely get in that many steps so I think that'll be a good one to shoot for. Still going to cover my bases though by doing the other! Lol
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Woohoo! Hit my 10k for the day...thank u elliptical for getting me almost halfway there!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...For the nutritional/accountability piece, let's try a green smoothie challenge (all for u, @jenilla1). Let's shoot for 4 of 7 here too. I'm not sure what all counts for a green smoothie, so I'm hoping for some pointers!! I'm assuming for it to be a green smoothie we have to have spinach or kale or the like in each of them...

    I completed last week's fruit and veg challenge, but just barely. (Didn't get the exercise component done. I admit it.) Then, I was out of touch with MFP for a few days for the festivities, but I'm back now. I've never actually made a green smoothie, but to make mine green this week, I'll just add spinach (because of the mild flavor.) It's usually just frozen fruit of various kinds, protein powder and almond milk in the blender. Would it be cheating to add a few drops of green food coloring to the mix? ;)

    I don't have a step counting device, but I will just put in mileage on the treadmill or the trail and then calculate out how many steps it would have been. If we don't make 10k on one day, can we make up for it by doing 20k the next? Some days I'm super active and others I'm a hibernator.

  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »

    Would it be cheating to add a few drops of green food coloring to the mix? ;)

    I don't have a step counting device, but I will just put in mileage on the treadmill or the trail and then calculate out how many steps it would have been. If we don't make 10k on one day, can we make up for it by doing 20k the next? Some days I'm super active and others I'm a hibernator.

    Of course it wouldn't be cheating to add green food dye to your smoothie along with the spinach!! Lol. :p

    As for the 10k steps, I think the purpose is trying to get you more active on a daily basis, so in general I would say no carry over, but this is just for extra motivation, so I say you can do that, but maybe try to shoot for more than the 40k total for the week. My particular elliptical is 2241 strides equals a mile. 70k strides divided by that number is almost 31.25 miles, so I'm not sure if that would be a realistic goal or not. Sorry, I didn't think about the fact that not everyone has a fitness tracker. Lol. Guess I get so used to having that information at my disposal. Whoops!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member

    Not sure the link will work correctly, but hoping so. Not all of these were green smoothies but thought it might have the possibility to give some inspiration! I haven't had the chance yet to get things for smoothies yet (even though I ran into a grocery store and target both this evening). This is going to be a crazy week for me, I think, because of having to take my brother in law to the ER yesterday and he got admitted so for the time being, going to work then rushing home to go up there and visit. Such is life though. Lol