Sign up and tell us about yourself

kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
If your coming from another one of my challenges, tell us how you did and what more you want to achieve, if your new, introduce yourself and tell us your goals.


  • TeresaOsborn11
    TeresaOsborn11 Posts: 4 Member
    Teresa - 44 - Utah - got my home gym finally set up - ready for the challenge!!
  • kaylangrandorff
    kaylangrandorff Posts: 94 Member
    My name is Kaylan and I am coming over from you previous challenge. I have done very well on the last one considering I had foot surgery and have not been able to exercise regularly for about 5 weeks. I am hoping that I heal enoughr to start a light work out plan for this challenge and totally kick butt. I am from a small town in Western Washington state, Rochester. Born and raise a Pacific -orthwest gal. Thank you for creating this challenge.
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 487 Member
    I'm 53 and about 70 lbs over weight. I've been in the last couple of challenges but haven't made any progress. Recently I've been gaining. I'm hoping a new year will give me the incintive to get in gear and stay with it.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi I am still hanging onto my last 10 lbs. I have struggled for a couple years now. I recently retired and hope less stress will help.
  • debbiemuz
    debbiemuz Posts: 194 Member
    Hi, I'm coming from your last challenge - 15 lbs by Jan 1st. I did well, I've lost 12 lbs so far. I still need more to go, though (about 25). So joining this one to keep accountable and hopefully lose what I need.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Hello! I'm 29 and hoping to lose about 20-25 lbs within the next few months. I've been inactive on MFP for a while, but I want to get back into logging and taking advantage of challenge groups. I'm going to start one of my workout programs (either T25 or Body Revolution) and then Piyo since I got it for Christmas. I like working out at home, but that means I don't always have the accountability I need to stay on track. I'm hoping a group like this will keep me honest about my food and exercise!
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    Hi all, I am a married mother of two, Canadian, and 42 years old. Over the last year I have lost 89 lbs and hope to lose 76 more. I joined this group because I have found that challenges help keep me motivated and accountable.

    I currently weigh 216 lbs and by the end of this challenge hope to weigh 195 lbs.

    I was doing the C25K running program but have been sick most of the last month. I plan on getting back into it when the chest cold I currently have is done.

    Best wishes and success to you all!

    ~ Truth

  • Toxtethogrady
    Toxtethogrady Posts: 68 Member
    52 years old with 42 pounds ( atone to lose). Hoping that weekly updates and others progress will keep me motivated and on track
  • colleenm487
    colleenm487 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 29 with about 20 pounds ish (Probably more-I haven't stepped on the scale in the past week) I'm getting married next December so I have extra motivation to finally loose this weight!
    Good luck everyone :)
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Hi all. I am looking for accountability to lose about 15 pounds (its actually about 6 kgs) by the beginning of March. I have been in maintenance since the beginning of March this year due to some injuries and I found that easier than I thought it would be, but I want to drop a bit more and maintain there. I compete in Brazilian Jui Jitsu and want my maintenance to also be my fighting weight so I don't stress before competitions. I was injured at my last comp, which is why I went to maintenance, but I am ready to push again. The new gym I joined opens on 1 Jan so I am super excited to get back into a great routine and smash out this last little bit of weight.

    I am in South Africa, so we are in the middle of our summer peak season which means epic weather (even though I work crazy amounts at this time of year).

    Friend requests welcome...
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    Hello, my name is Jessica. My end goal is to weigh 108lbs. However, I would be happy with a 20 loss by April, so I am in. My job has a gym and I now have a Hello Kitty gym bag so I think I am ready.
    Good luck to everyone.
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    My goal of the last challenge was to be in the 165s by the new year. I have met that goal and I am so excited for what the new year brings!
  • Skinniedipper
    Skinniedipper Posts: 14 Member
    My name's Bobbi, and I need to get back to working on my weight-loss. Going through 2 pregnancies has put me right back where I started 5 years ago. I got a new fitbit for Christmas, so I'm pumped up to start the new year
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm Megan, I've been in the last year's worth of challenges. I ended up gaining a couple lbs in the last one due to crazy amounts of stress and life kicking me while I'm already down. Trying to get back up on my feet.

    I'm 26, mom of 2, trying to be healthy for my girls and myself. Since my youngest was born (11/18/15) I've lost just over 70 lbs, and looking to lose about 50-55 more lbs.

    I also got a new fitbit for Christmas! So going to be putting that to good use.
  • Mspmpayne
    Mspmpayne Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi, I'm Paula from S. Florida. I'm 60 and love weight training for my gym workouts. I lost a ton of weight ( I started MFP @ 285 some time ago, although I had been as high as 350 before MFP) and finally got to 150, but this past year I'm up 35lbs due to too many back to back vacations. I've been in a few of Kay's challenges, just love them, but last 2 I didn't accomplish much. Ready to get back to 150, which was a good weight for me. Good luck everyone!
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi - I'm Lou from England... at 169lbs I'm the heaviest I've ever been and this sentence has been repeated at the end of every year for about 10 years! I usually loose regularly up until about May then I start to go back up.

    Last July I hit my one year quit anniversary for smoking and decided now that I'd kicked that habit it was time to sort my weight out - my goal is 145lbs by July 2017!

    So far I've put 5lb on!!!!

    I'm sick of crash dieting - I feel focused on my goal... failure is not an option but I need support from people who don't roll their eyes because I'm on yet another health plan!

    24lbs to go!
  • tams644
    tams644 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi I'm Tamara 34 years old married have 4 daughters fell off the wagon over the last year was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Myasthenia gravis i really would love to get back on track feel healthy again and lose 15 lbs. looking forward to this journey with you guys.
  • diggydog2
    diggydog2 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Barbara from New Mexico. I lost 10ish in the last challenge (will weigh this Saturday for final loss) so I'm ready to go for 20 now. I have 40 to go to reach my goal weight and 50 to reach my ideal weight. Right now this is the lowest I've weighed in over 5 years so I'm really excited at the changes and pumped to keep it going. Good luck to everyone. Let's do this!
  • wow_suzibear1
    wow_suzibear1 Posts: 18 Member
    edited December 2016
    hello, My name is Suzanne.. 48, mother of 3, grandma of 4. Ive lost 50-60 lbs a few times and it comes off fast but it goes back on almost as fast. I have to learn to stop that lol. I want to lose it and keep it off this time. Im taking it slow this time and not being so hard on myself when i give into temptation. Im jumping over to this challenge from your last.. ive lost 13.6 of the 15 so far but im waiting to the very last day for the final result.. Im hoping to exceed the goal but im happy with what ive done so far