December Weight Loss 2016-Please Join!



  • viaTess
    viaTess Posts: 24 Member
    viaTess wrote: »
    viaTess wrote: »
    I'm excited for progress, but also disappointed from a neck/shoulder/back muscle sprain that has kept me sedentary for 6 days and could affect me for a week or more! UGH!

    My goals are simple for the month -
    CW 137.2
    GW 136
    Fitness goal - once it is safe, get into a schedule with strength training every other day and cardio when I want to watch Netflix (while I'm on my bike). Also, create an exercise plan for the 3-6 nights away for Christmas.

    SW 137.2
    CW 136.2
    GW 136

    Well this is surprising! I decided to change my daily calories down to a little over my estimated basal (to be safe) and I make sure I eat 1-100 calories more than that minimum, whether I exercise or not. I'm going to be doing cardio to get back into exercise and continue to let my neck/shoulder/back heal, but I'm glad to get back on my bike! Strength training will begin hardcore like it used to be after another week or two probably, and I'll bring my weights to holiday!

    SW 137.2
    CW 135.8
    GW 136
  • lps1dragonfly
    lps1dragonfly Posts: 111 Member
    12/5/16 119# (actually measured a week prior)
    GW 120# (this is my maintenance)
    Today's weight: 121#

    I'm bloated and cranky! I haven't made my goals that I said I would. UGH!

    Today is a new day and I'm already drinking water and skipping that extra cup of coffee today. I brought a salad lunch today and I think I will take the yoga mat tot the scout Christmas party tonight in hopes of avoiding the sweets!!!
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    Dec 3: 145.1
    Dec 9: 144.6
    Dec16: 145.7 :(
  • BananaBite
    BananaBite Posts: 135 Member
    December 2, 2016: 117 lbs
    December 9, 2016: 115.8 lbs
    December 16, 2016: 115.8 lbs
    December 23, 2016:
    December 30, 2016:

    Consistency is good, right?
  • haoshencai
    haoshencai Posts: 96 Member
    haoshencai wrote: »
    It was last December that I began to gain weight (from ca. 114 to ca. 123 in April 2016). Since joining MFP this summer I have been benefiting from the useful tools and our supportive community. My goal this December is to maintain weight/waist line; a more toned body around the New Year would be a bonus.

    Height: 5' 4.5"
    Dec 9: 113 ibs
    Dec 16: 111 ibs, BF: 19.8%

  • mimishat
    mimishat Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is to lose 5 lbs during December instead of the typical gaining of 5 lbs.
    SW: 139.5 LBS
    GW: 134.5 LBS
    Eating low carb, high protein foods and working out at bootcamp 4-5 X per week. Let's rock this Christmas season!
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Was a very bad week for me, it was bitter cold the past 2 weeks and I was eating too much and not exercising. And it showed on the scales, time to get my butt in gear and my mouth in neutral lol

    12/02/16 116.4
    12/09/16 116.4
    12/16/16 118.7
  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm joining just a tad bit late. I've lost 1 pound so far this month, so I'm shooting for another 4-5. I weigh in on Mondays, so I'll update then.

    Current: 137
    End of Dec goal: 133

    First check-in in 3 days!

    First check-in was disappointing. That just means next week ought to be great!

    Dec. 12: 137.4

    Checking in for December 19th: 135.8
  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    Lol, I did say I planned to gain weight this week... and I did! *shrugs* Good luck to everyone (including me) on next week! Let's do our best, but not beat ourselves up. :)

    Decemeber 2016:
    SW (Dec 1st): 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 03: 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 10: 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 17: 128.6 lbs.
    Dec 24:
    Dec 31:
    GW (Jan 31st): 120 lbs.

    We learn something even on the bad days / weeks. All of it moves us forward even if we can't see it yet. We "will" get there!
  • viaTess
    viaTess Posts: 24 Member
    viaTess wrote: »
    viaTess wrote: »
    viaTess wrote: »
    I'm excited for progress, but also disappointed from a neck/shoulder/back muscle sprain that has kept me sedentary for 6 days and could affect me for a week or more! UGH!

    My goals are simple for the month -
    CW 137.2
    GW 136
    Fitness goal - once it is safe, get into a schedule with strength training every other day and cardio when I want to watch Netflix (while I'm on my bike). Also, create an exercise plan for the 3-6 nights away for Christmas.

    SW 137.2
    CW 136.2
    GW 136

    Well this is surprising! I decided to change my daily calories down to a little over my estimated basal (to be safe) and I make sure I eat 1-100 calories more than that minimum, whether I exercise or not. I'm going to be doing cardio to get back into exercise and continue to let my neck/shoulder/back heal, but I'm glad to get back on my bike! Strength training will begin hardcore like it used to be after another week or two probably, and I'll bring my weights to holiday!

    SW 137.2
    CW 135.8
    GW 136

    Update - I am now 134 after having much difficulty between my food allergies, intolerances, and preferences during my 5 day stay with family. It was such a hassle to prepare even half the food I needed, and I think if I did it differently I would plan a bit differently next time to make sure I eat enough. I don't consider this a positive milestone and I actually hope to get above 135 by the new year so I can continue a healthy weight loss journey.
  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm joining just a tad bit late. I've lost 1 pound so far this month, so I'm shooting for another 4-5. I weigh in on Mondays, so I'll update then.

    Current: 137
    End of Dec goal: 133

    First check-in in 3 days!

    First check-in was disappointing. That just means next week ought to be great!

    Dec. 12: 137.4

    Checking in for December 19th: 135.8

    It's my check-in day again. I have reached lower than this, but since this was my weight today, I'll add my December 26th weight as: 135.2.

    I honestly still think I'll hit my end-of-month goal. My weight had dipped under 134 a couple of days ago. I think I'm currently experiencing some bloating. :/

  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    Well, getting back into good habits can be difficult. I took a break and ate wayyy too much! It's ok though. I'll lose it soon enough. Still, I'm unhappy about having made a goal and then appearing to ignore it. Happily, just New Years Eve to go and then back to getting serious.

    Decemeber 2016:
    SW (Dec 1st): 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 03: 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 10: 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 17: 128.6 lbs.
    Dec 24: 129.4 lbs.
    Dec 31:
    GW (Jan 31st): 120 lbs.

    We learn something even on the bad days / weeks. All of it moves us forward even if we can't see it yet. We "will" get there!
  • haoshencai
    haoshencai Posts: 96 Member
    haoshencai wrote: »
    It was last December that I began to gain weight (from ca. 114 to ca. 123 in April 2016). Since joining MFP this summer I have been benefiting from the useful tools and our supportive community. My goal this December is to maintain weight/waist line; a more toned body around the New Year would be a bonus.

    Height: 5' 4.5"
    Dec 9: 113 ibs

    Dec 16: 111 ibs

    Dec 28: 111 ibs

    To maintain my current weight is tough. Consistency is reassuring.
    Happy New Year to everyone!

  • Not very happy with myself
    SW: 62,5 kg
    GW: 61 kg

    Dec 03: 62,5 kg
    Dec 10:62,5kg
    Dec 17:
    Dec 29:62,5kg
    Dec 31:
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    edited December 2016
    I forgot to enter my weight on the 23rd but i did have it recorded so it is correct. I did manage to drop for that check in but the final one won't be as kind. I am up at this point but not as much as other years and still have a couple of days to go. At this point I feel not too bad considering how much I ate over the past 5 days
    12/02/16 116.4
    12/09/16 116.4
    12/16/16 118.7
    12/23/16 117.6
  • lps1dragonfly
    lps1dragonfly Posts: 111 Member
    So I am really sucking with this "project" here with you guys. I finally got to run the other day since my broken foot. I hope to remember to measure tomorrow and I'll update y'all. Hope you have a great New Year! We will crush our goals/resolutions!!
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    Dec 3: 145.1
    Dec 9: 144.6
    Dec16: 145.7
    Dec 30: 147.3
  • viaTess
    viaTess Posts: 24 Member
    viaTess wrote: »
    viaTess wrote: »
    viaTess wrote: »
    viaTess wrote: »
    I'm excited for progress, but also disappointed from a neck/shoulder/back muscle sprain that has kept me sedentary for 6 days and could affect me for a week or more! UGH!

    My goals are simple for the month -
    CW 137.2
    GW 136
    Fitness goal - once it is safe, get into a schedule with strength training every other day and cardio when I want to watch Netflix (while I'm on my bike). Also, create an exercise plan for the 3-6 nights away for Christmas.

    SW 137.2
    CW 136.2
    GW 136

    Well this is surprising! I decided to change my daily calories down to a little over my estimated basal (to be safe) and I make sure I eat 1-100 calories more than that minimum, whether I exercise or not. I'm going to be doing cardio to get back into exercise and continue to let my neck/shoulder/back heal, but I'm glad to get back on my bike! Strength training will begin hardcore like it used to be after another week or two probably, and I'll bring my weights to holiday!

    SW 137.2
    CW 135.8
    GW 136

    Update - I am now 134 after having much difficulty between my food allergies, intolerances, and preferences during my 5 day stay with family. It was such a hassle to prepare even half the food I needed, and I think if I did it differently I would plan a bit differently next time to make sure I eat enough. I don't consider this a positive milestone and I actually hope to get above 135 by the new year so I can continue a healthy weight loss journey.

    Final - 134.8

    I'm glad I gained a little after the holiday stress and now I know I can comfortably lose 2lb per month, which helps me realize my goals for the future.
  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    Goal weight was 133 and final weight for 2016 is 133.4. I'm not even disappointed with that. I'm hoping to lose 4 pounds in January!
  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    Happy New Years everyone! :)

    Decemeber 2016:
    SW (Dec 1st): 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 03: 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 10: 124.8 lbs.
    Dec 17: 128.6 lbs.
    Dec 24: 129.4 lbs.
    Dec 31: 127.6 lbs.
    Jan. 01: 127.6 lbs.
    GW (Jan 31st): 120 lbs.

    We learn something even on the bad days / weeks. All of it moves us forward even if we can't see it yet. We "will" get there!