Rock Your Resolution: January 2017 Challenge, Week 1 (1/1-1/7)



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    1/3/17 check-in

    Logged - check
    Net carbs - 21
    water - terrible
    exercise - no

    Pretty much my standard daily check in results.
  • ked24_7
    ked24_7 Posts: 11 Member
    January goals--
    1- log everyday- no matter what! Completed
    2- exercise 4x per week completed 1 of 4
    3- stop binge eating achieved- now to manage the carbs!

  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Checking in.

    Did great yesterday, until 10pm.. After I broke into the scotch the rest was history. At least the bottle is finished. Not buying any more.

    New day.
    Calories/carbs: meals all planned out.

    Reminder: Stick to the plan...
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    Still struggling to get through the day fully without resorting to carbs, but the cravings are getting less so I am doing something right, been out shopping today and haven't bought anything Carb heavy for me (although have a few bits for my son as he won't give them up yet) so am keeping them separate away from my stuff so I am less tempted - hoping by the end of the week to be fully back on track
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Lillith32 wrote: »
    January '17:
    1. Don't majorly cheat.
    2. Keep up with ROMWOD (crossfitty yoga), at least 3-4 times weekly
    3. Keep up with crossfit at least three times a week.
    4. Run my half marathon and not hate running afterwards.

    Ok, I have a... problem. Due to the marathon training schedule and some work and travel requirements, I will not be able to do Crossfit three times a week (most likely, twice this week, once the next, and once-twice for the next two weeks after). My ROMWOD time is also suffering because I'm running way more mileage then usual and hence have no time or energy for anything else. I'm going to push for three times a week after January is over and February kicks in, as of right now I will stick to twice a week.

    On the bright side, no major cheats. Went over my protein requirements a bit once or twice, but stayed within carbs and calories. I still don't hate running, but I wish I was faster so it didn't take me two + hours to run 10 miles. Something to work on, to be sure. Oh well, keto on!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    So far I'm keeping carbs right. Weight is within maintenance range. Since the rest of the week is snow and super cold I got a rainy run in last night which makes 2 outdoor jogs this week. I still have to get on with strength training workouts...nothing there plus I forgot to take my collagen again.
  • caseyjfer
    caseyjfer Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2017
    New Years Resolution this year:

    1. Hit goal weight by December 31
    - CW 266
    - GW 165
    2. Readjust calorie goals every 10lbs lost.
    3. Weigh weekly (not daily as I have in the past when adjusting my WOE).
    4. Don't be discouraged by plateaus. Keep calm and keto on.
    5. <20g net carbs daily.

    Started Jan 1

    Ambitious, I know.

  • hadirk
    hadirk Posts: 48 Member
    edited January 2017
    For 2017 I'd like to:
    1. Lose 75lbs
    2. Maintain Keto lifestyle
    3. Keep working out 5x/week
    4. lift heavy
    5. get back to my favorite sport rowing
    6. Take measurements every month

    For January:
    1. Lost 10lbs
    2. stick to 20gm net carbs/day
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    Starting weight Jan. 1 268.2
    January Goal weight 250
    Ultimate goal weight 160/165 by year end

    I started Keto on Dec. 5 and had some cheats over the holidays, a 13 lb. loss so far.

    January Goals:

    - Keto on
    - Drink lots of water
    - Log Daily
    - Increase steps w fitbit, working my way to 10,000
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Welp, starting over for the second time THIS MONTH.

    Let's try this again.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Welp, starting over for the second time THIS MONTH.

    Let's try this again.

    All we have to do is get through today. We can do today. Today's easy. :)
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    Logged everything yesterday-yay
    Can't find my Fitbit-boo
    Forgot to jog this morning-boo
    Cal were about 1200, carbs 78 not bad

    Heading to the gym after work tonight :)
  • ked24_7
    ked24_7 Posts: 11 Member
    January goals--
    1- log everyday- no matter what! Completed
    2- exercise 4x per week completed 2 of 4
    3- stop binge eating - no binges for two days

    I've not been meeting my calorie goals but my eating is cleaning up so I'm progressing in the right direction.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Had a good day today, moving in the right direction. Am releasing a lot of water...maybe tomorrow will be my whoosh!
    Have tried to be more active and today the result was a nice long nap! Hope I can sleep tonite, but sometimes a nap is good.
    Carbs are down, vacillating day to day between IF and OMAD. Both styles seem to help me with cravings resistance. the "no magic in a goal" post. It's so true. It's all about the action and the energy!!!

    Still no specific goal for me...but I'm making the magic happen again. It feels good.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I've done pretty well, though this afternoon/evening I've been extremely peckish and was really struggling to resist the box of movie snacks the ILs had sent for my kids. :/ I had a few bites of carbage but didn't totally fall off the rails. Still starving and almost out of calories so I need to figure out a lower cal, LCHF snack.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Oh and I ended up doing strength today despite the joint pain, so I'm on track so far this week ITO fitness goals.
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    All right. Finally, today, I stayed on the keto plan -- albeit with the help of some keto Riesling :). Went off plan post Christmas and took many days of for various pizza, Asian, Indian etc. meals out. Well, it didn't make me happy. What made me happy was lots of grilled cheese. Finished the tapioca bread I'd got with that. It's sort of lower carb but I realized it's high glycemic. So now, I'll just have grilled cheese with fathead pizza bread. Hopefully, cravings for all things carb will disappear soon. I knew I had to start today when I saw how much heavier I am now then before Christmas. I know a lot of this is water retention from my period approaching plus glycogen etc... but still.

    I want to quit coffee, but if I have bullet proof coffee, I really don't get hungry or feel weak for a very long time.

    I'm determined to focus on this and do well for the next 12 weeks. I'm gearing back on track till Monday and full focus starting then. I hope to be down to the last lowest of 194.6 by Monday with water gone... and then 179 by Feb 1st. That's an average of around 4 pounds per week for the rest of January.

    I need to stop eating earlier. And I need to sleep better and more. Take my meds and supplements.

    I lost a lot of time going off. My goal is to get to 139.9 eventually, but now major goal is 154 pounds by the first week of April. And 179 by February 1st. This will be my most ambitious three months, but I have lots of reasons for wanting this 40 pounds gone in 12 weeks/three months.
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    My mindset is getting better everyday, food yesterday was better and I didn't binge which is a great step forward, my meals were planned and I stuck to the plan, so today I am going to take the leap of faith and see if I can do a full day of LC without the binge in the evening - the really annoying thing is the evening binges make me feel awful and I then don't sleep well but still they were happening, but I am pushing forward today and hopefully it won't be many more days when I am fully back on track - I am aiming to get back to Zero Carb but have decided to be a little lenient within January and allow certain veggies until I am back in total control.

    This is the first morning in a very long time that I have that positive feeling and motivation to achieve
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Cadori wrote: »
    1/3/17 check-in

    Logged - check
    Net carbs - 21
    water - terrible
    exercise - no

    Pretty much my standard daily check in results.

    Rinse and repeat for 1/4/17