20 Weeks of Strength Building - Team Finish_No_Matter_What



  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    Team finish no matter what. Love that! ❤
  • cherrybomb333
    cherrybomb333 Posts: 332 Member

    Set 1: 45 lb x 5
    Set 2: 45 lb x 5
    Set 3: 47.5 lb x 10

    Accessory lifts:

    Cable Face-pulls
    30 lb x 10 x 3

    10 lb x 7 x 3

    So far so good. It's been a weirdly busy week, so I'm hoping to squeeze in day 4 tomorrow. Hopefully now that the holidays and family stuff are over I can push for a more regular schedule.

    Hope those of you feeling under the weather are getting better! Have a good week everyone!
  • klove808
    klove808 Posts: 346 Member
    Great job all. And for the sick and injured, keeping ur head in the game is half the battle, so seems like yall r winning that. Hope everyone feels way better really soon!

    Strong lifts:
    Squat: 30 still
    Ohp: 15 / 20
    Deadlift: 70 - the only increase.

    Feeling weak today, been working hard and Latin dancing the last two days. Sleeeep my pretty....nite all.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-16 X7X 30

    I will be at our fourth of five Christmas celebrations. I will be MIA all day. Everybody have a fantastic day!
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. Let week 2 begin.

    Still have a little sore throat and expelling lots of mucus but feel better with each passing day.

    Week 2
    Workout #1

    83 lb 4 × 6

    OHP Press
    38 lbs 4 × 6
    I really suck at these right now. Never was very good at them but definite lost strength on this one.

    Inverted Rows
    4 X 6 (5th notch from top of rack - had to start somewhere.)
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Skipped my workout on Saturday to to a tight hip, and since my #4 & #5 goal is injury and pain prevention, I took it easy instead. Hoping to get 2 SL workouts in this week, but might focus on stretching and Epsom salt baths. Maybe some body weight exercises.
    Last week I did #2 &3 pretty well. :)

    Start Date: 12/17/2016 204#
    Current:1/9/17 201.6 #
    End Date: 05/06/2017 179#
    1. lose 25# of fat
    2. stick to a low carb diet
    3. Follow hunger cues, and only eat when hungry
    4. Improve mobility and be rid of the pain in my leg
    5. Strengthen my back and hips (injury prevention)
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    I think I've finally hit the turnaround! Started antibiotics for the double-whammy secondary bacterial sinus infection that moves in as the viral one slowly moves out, and actually woke up feeling less like death on a stick. Still not back to 100% but depending on how long the energy lasts, I may try a few bodyweight squats and see how that feels. If I wake up feeling proportionally better tomorrow, I'll consider a very deloaded workout at the gym. On the upside, I've lost 5 lb in 2 weeks from having no appetite and and consuming only soup, tea, and coffee!
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Awesome goals Kirstie! Amy, 5 lbs? At least something good came out of it. :smiley:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2017
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squat- 1X5X 50/60/70, 5X5X 75
    BP- 1X5X 45/50/55, 5X5X 60
    BR- 5X5X 80

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-17 X7X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27
    Fitness Test
    Push-ups-3X 15
    Sit ups-3X 15
    Jumping jacks-3X 15

    I have been steadily increasing the weight amount on my StrongLifts exercises. I am working my way back up to my highest lift amounts. I have also been increasing the number of swings with the Kettlebell . And this week I am doing three sets of 15 of each of the fitness test exercises.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    Great workouts ladies! Glad to hear you are feeling better Amy and DD.

    I'm pushing hard towards an 8-10 pound loss this month so even my "rest" days are active with some easy walking or aerobics.
    Yesterday got 3 miles in and some light dancing.

    Today SL 5x5
    Warm ups plus
    Squats 115
    Overhead press 55
    Deadlift 150

    Also walked ran 3 miles on treadmill

    Let's keep it up ladies! We are killing it!
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Wow Fanncy and Rachel! You guys really are killing it.

    Fanncy, that is a kick butt routine girl. I like the way you state your fat loss goal with your workouts. Keeping it front and center. You are back to the very serious workouts. Very motivating.

    I hope to step up my game once feeling 100 again.

    Go Team Finish_No_Matter_What.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    edited January 2017
  • cherrybomb333
    cherrybomb333 Posts: 332 Member
    WEEK 2

    DAY 1 - CHEST

    Flat Bench
    Set 1: 50 lb x 5
    Set 2: 55 lb x 5
    Set 3: 65 lb x 10

    Accessory lifts:

    Incline Dumbbell Bench press
    50 lb x 10 x 3

    Incline Push-up
    10 x 3

    Diet has been staying relatively on point. Should be easier now that the straggler holiday/family get togethers are out of the way.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-17 X7X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th
    Fitness Test
    Push-ups-3X 15
    Sit ups-3X 15
    Jumping jacks-3X 15
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    Great job Cherry and Fanccy!
    6 miles in the snow for me today. Nothing was plowed so it was slow but beautiful!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Great job Rachel! It is very difficult to go that far trudging through the snow! Way to go!
  • klove808
    klove808 Posts: 346 Member
    ^^In the snow - impressed. Sounds like hot chocolate+book+cat weather to me.

    Feeling a little quilts for taking a day of total rest yesterday. Wasn't feeling like doing today's workout ... But, once I looked over the routine I got all excited. :)

    Strong lifts and Charlie mike.only one round - newish moves for me. Numbers didn't change much, maybe next go around.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Week 2 Workout 2

    Still waiting for my workouts to feel good but I'm getting them done. I do enjoy my daily 25 minute walk at work each day. Just looking forward to feeling 100% again -- I'm getting there with each passing day.

    Rachael, I am envious of the snow you got to enjoy. I only got about 1/8th of inch in Georgia this past weekend. But I was grateful for that. :smile:

    Set 1: 53 lb × 6
    Set 2: 58 lb × 6
    Set 3: 58 lb × 6
    Set 4: 58 lb × 6

    Bench Press
    Set 1: 53 lb × 6
    Set 2: 53 lb × 6
    Set 3: 53 lb × 6
    Set 4: 53 lb × 6

    Lat Pulldown
    Set 1: 50 lb × 6
    Set 2: 50 lb × 6
    Set 3: 50 lb × 6
    Set 4: 50 lb × 6
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 50/60/70, 5X5X 80
    OHP- 1 X5X 45/50/60, 5X5X 55
    DL- 1 X5X 95/105/110
    I am still weak on the OHP. Everything else feels good.

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-18 X7X 30
    I am still doing this work out with my husband in the morning before he leaves for work. We are slowly adding one set of swings every other day. Physically he's strong enough to swing way more than that but it is the back and other body parts that aren't cooperating with him! I'm definitely not going to push him I like that he is working out with me!

    40lbs loss by May 27th
    Fitness Test
    Push-ups-4X 10
    Sit-ups -4X 10
    Jumping jacks-4X 10
    I decided to do an extra set instead of increasing the number of reps.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi Ladies, hope your week is going well!

    Current weight:1/9/17 201.6 #
    Current loss: 2.4#
    Goal weight 5/9: 179#, 25# fat loss

    My hip and leg are feeling better, time to try another 5x5 workout tonight! Ive been drinking bone broth, and have been telling myself that is helping with my joints and tendons.
    I'll post again after my workout!