12 week challenge Jan 9th

fleur23xx Posts: 37 Member
Hey girls! Anybody starting the 12 week challenge January 9th? I will be starting BBG 2.0 on that day for the challenge since I will be wrapping up my first round of BBG 1.0 at the end of this week.


  • JuliaBu1
    JuliaBu1 Posts: 1 Member

    Congrats to the completion of the first bbg, I could never make it past week 5;-(
    I plan to start with bbg 1.0 on January 9th!:)
  • valeria3984
    valeria3984 Posts: 6 Member
    I started 1.0 today. My legs and butt are sore lol. Does anyone have the PDF of 2.0 they can share with me? Thanks.
  • Courtney_TN
    Courtney_TN Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I just started my first round today. I did the circuit training and found it to be really difficult to get through, and I had to make a couple modifications and was completely winded by the end of the workout. I am following the diet plan and had a chicken wrap with homemade tzadziki for lunch, delish!

    What kind of results has anyone seen after completing 1.0?
  • aquadolly_
    aquadolly_ Posts: 19 Member
    Completed BBG 1 and was in week 18 of BBG 2 but restarted 1 with everyone on the 9th :) I use the app. It can be a little expensive but I like it. Haven't ever followed the meal plans but kind of do my own thing. My results have been slow but steady (typical for me I guess because of my body type). Feel great and this program has been something that I can stick with. Around week 9-10 it gets a little tough and there may be moments where you want to give up but keep going!
  • aquadolly_
    aquadolly_ Posts: 19 Member
    @Courtney_TN Even after a few months I still modify some of the exercises. I absolutely hate Commandos lol. I try not to focus on speed too much since it's better to do less laps and use good form than rushing through trying to do as much as you can in 7 minutes and doing an exercise incorrectly. You will definitely see changes after the 12 weeks. The scale may not reflect it, but be sure to take progress pics and you will be able to see a difference.
  • katelaurel390
    katelaurel390 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi! I just started my first round today. I did the circuit training and found it to be really difficult to get through, and I had to make a couple modifications and was completely winded by the end of the workout. I am following the diet plan and had a chicken wrap with homemade tzadziki for lunch, delish!

    What kind of results has anyone seen after completing 1.0?

    Hey! So about a year and a half ago I completed BBG 1.0 and while I only lost a few pounds, I lost over 10 inches on my body!! Here's a before/after pic. (Of course, since then, I've gained the weight back due to a number of reasons - but if I had kept up with working out and eating healthy, I would have maintained the loss!!) Hopefully it'll help motivate someone! :)

  • katelaurel390
    katelaurel390 Posts: 88 Member
    Also - right now I'm currently following Anna Victoria's 12 week Fit Body Guide (very similar to Kayla's BBG) and plan on doing it again once I'm done.. but then I will be starting BBG again with my roommate the first week in June!!
  • fleur23xx
    fleur23xx Posts: 37 Member
    edited January 2017
    I didn't realize anyone responded to my post! I just finished week 2 for the challenge. I decided to restart BBG 1 with everybody so I am on round 2. I think I only got so far because of the support on IG. I met some great women through the community and I am planning on attending on meetup on February! So excited. It just makes the program so fun and I love it.