2017 6 Week Goals

My goal is to track my daily macro nutrients in MFP and eat 1400 calories per day containing 60% fat, 20% protein and 20% carbs. I need to lose 10-12 pounds. I am a 57 year old female and am around 147lbs. I do well on the Ketogenic diet but if I go into Ketosis, I get a severe Keto rash so I keep carbs up a little more. I actively do Cross Fit 3x per week but need to add in more brisk walking throughout my day. I need someone to keep me accountable on logging and staying on track. I plan to start 1/2/2017.


  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hi! How many carbs do you eat daily? I'm 53 and want to lose about 15 to get to 123. Will start heavy lifting after the holidays.
  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    My macros are just a little different than yours. I strive for 65% fat, 20% protein, and 15% carbs. Add me for support if you want!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hmmm. I new to really understanding macros. Are they really important if CICO is supposedly all that matters? Do your low carb percentages help with weight loss? Thanks!
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    Hmmm. I new to really understanding macros. Are they really important if CICO is supposedly all that matters? Do your low carb percentages help with weight loss? Thanks!

    I was eating like 50-60% carbs (not excess sugar, but fiber and some starch from whole grains, vegetables, etc.) while I lost weight (45 pounds). So low carb is absolutely not essential to weight loss. It is a type of diet that some people find easier to follow (obviously not me).

    In the next 6 weeks in 2017, I just want to stay in my maintenance range (115-120). I just started maintenance and am creeping up in weight (probably not from excess calories but just from having more food in my digestive tract and such -- also I am still losing inches and am down to size 0 now, without losing any weight from when I was at size 2). So I want to get stable somewhere as I don't really want or need to get any smaller. It is hard enough as it is finding clothes in my size already.
  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim, I follow a low-carb diet because it is a major help in keeping my calories in check. Eating more fats keeps me fuller and less likely to binge eat at night.
  • DiIDE
    DiIDE Posts: 120 Member
    My trainer has set me 40% carbs and 30% protein and fat. I am not trying to lose weight but lose fat and gain muscle.
  • morgan483
    morgan483 Posts: 3 Member
    My 6 week goal is to finish 21-Day Fix (and hopefully continue it for another round). I am 33, mom of 3, 5'7" and 155. My ideal weight is 130-135. I plan to continue on my workouts (strength training, Barre and cardio, 21-Day Fix DVDs) and hope that this first 6 weeks lands me closer to my goal weight.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    My 6 week goal is to lose weight every week and to try to up my fat intake to get closer to keto. And to make sure I can make working out in the morning a habit I can keep up with once school starts again!
  • susannekb
    susannekb Posts: 31 Member
    My 6 week goal is to get back on track with my logging. I got the flu and pneumonia in October and got out of the logging habit. I've maintained over the past few months but have another 15 pounds I want to loose.
  • emilymaya16
    emilymaya16 Posts: 104 Member
    My 6 week goal is to lose 6lbs! I'm aiming for 1lb a week loss until I'm pretty much at goal, I've got 18lbs to lose all together.
    I'm prelogging food on mfp as it helps me to plan and motivates me not to reach for extra snacks! 1100-1300 calories, + extra on exercise days, which should be 3-4 days a week.
    Em x
  • twobirdperch
    twobirdperch Posts: 33 Member
    I am currently 5'4 @ 139 lbs. My 6 week goal is to get to 135lbs through a calorie deficit and exercise. I currently run 2.5-3 miles every other day, and I've recently started a short kettle bell circuit on the other days... so I hope to keep that up as well. Best of luck everyone!
  • dmhmcdaniels
    dmhmcdaniels Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'4 with a current average weekly weight of 130. My 6 week goal is to get to 127 through a calorie deficit and reaching 10,000 steps a day (even on weekends). Ultimately, I want to get back down to 125 and be mindful about staying there.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    My 6 week goal is to lose 5-6 pounds. I only want to lose about 15 pounds total, and I'm giving myself 5 months to get there (I'm in a wedding at that time). I was a vegetarian for 20 years, but I recently made the decision to add poultry back into my diet to help keep my protein intake at a good level.
  • maeganspr
    maeganspr Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! My 6 week goal is to get over my sugar cravings! I would much rather eat junk food than real food.
    I pre-log my food so that I know what I can have. I used to exercise on a more regular basis, but need to get back into the habit.
    I'm 2.5 down with 8.5 to go!
    Looking for some motivation through this group.
    Good luck all!

  • srwarriorraven
    srwarriorraven Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone! My 6 week goal is to lose 7 lbs. I'm back to tracking my meals in MFP. I completed the Betty Rocker 30 then 90 day challenge. I am currently participating in Kaitlyn Neil's Fight the Fat challenge following the eating schedule and the nutrition suggestions for breakfast and lunch and am eating my own healthy selection for dinner. I am also participating in the IdealShape Challenge. All of the aforementioned take 15-18 minutes total to complete. They are typically 3-4 rounds of 3-4 different exercises. Definitely work up a sweat. I walk as much as I can. Need to get back to my 3-4 miles a day - at least. Good Luck to everyone!
  • abchab
    abchab Posts: 6 Member
    My 6 week goal is to lose 10 lbs to get me back to my pre-wedding weight! I am going on holiday in 10 weeks and would like to feel more comfortable in my clothes by then! I have been on weight watchers for the last 18 months and lost 2 stone and am now within my healthy weight range. Just want to lose a bit more as all my weight sits on my bottom half.... !
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    that sounds very good !