Success Stories



  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Has anyone on here suffered with PCOS as well as hypothyroidism? My thyroid is under control as of now. My PCOS has been managed with birth control. My main issue is weight gain, can't loose it, and some acne.

    I was diagnosed about 5.5 years ago with PCOS and hypothyroid about a year ago. Just curious!

    And thank you for sharing your stories!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    PCOS, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, BCP induced HBP, pelvic organ prolapse, and other things. Found out that with the PCOS and thyroid stuff, that low stomach acid plays in heavily for me, so having to take care of that, in addition to perpetually tweaking meds...but finally feeling somewhat human again...
  • smarrell
    smarrell Posts: 32 Member
    @JulieSHelms - that is a fantastic, inspiring story!! And you're an organ donor!! Congrats on all the success. I'm hoping to see the same hair loss success that you and @spiritsattain saw. Switching BC brands helped for a few months but I'm back to losing again. Started taking 50mg of Spiro twice a day in July but just had to cut back to every other day because of spotting/break through bleeding.
  • JulieSHelms
    JulieSHelms Posts: 821 Member
    @smarrell Thanks! Spiro solved my problem instantly--within 2-3 days of starting it the hair loss stopped. But it did take years to get to a dose I could tolerate. I'm on 50mg/twice a day now. One endocrinologist poo-pooed it and said I was below therapeutic dose. I disagreed--the hair was firmly stuck in my head. Once my testosterone numbers had been normal for about 10 years I tried going off the Spiro--and promptly started losing hair again. So I'm afraid it's a lifetime fix. But I'll take Spiro over the wig any day...
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I just found this group and thread!

    I am pre-diabetic and was told that because of my blood sugars and my weight, I most likely have PCOS. Starting Oct 2015 I re-started myself on the Keto diet and have lost 60lbs so far. At one point I went into the DMV to get my beginners license and they took my picture and asked for my weight. I lied and said I was 290, when in all reality I knew I was around 308lbs but too embarrassed to admit it. Anyway, my Dr prescribed me metformin to help regulate both my pre-diabeties and as a safety precaution in case I did have PCOS, but I decided to not take it. I decided to control everything through diet. So far so good.

    My fertility issues are 100% gone. Back in 2012 I was getting married so I went back on Keto to lose weight because I knew it worked, and did it ever. I dropped some weight and also, unknowingly got my fertility boosted and found out I was pregnant around April 2012. Had my daughter in December :) The doctors did lecture me about my diet, about restricting carbs while I was pregnant (I was losing weight and they didn't like it) so I put myself on a typical diabetic "low carb" diet during my pregnancy. I had gestational diabetes so I knew I had to be careful. The carb amounts were not enough to be in ketosis (somewhere between 80 - 150g) so I assumed that was good enough to keep the Drs happy.

    Anyway - I hope this gives people hope. It can be done, your body can be healed.. and from what I've experienced and what I've read, once your body doesn't have to constantly battle inflammation anymore, your body can use that energy to heal cysts or other things going on in your body.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    on may 1 I was told I was prediabetic was not ovulating and was having horrible periods that lasted most of the month. I started on 1500 mg metformin an's cut out sugar and refined carbs and potatoes. fast forward to last month I am now ovulating. skin cleared up. periods normal. lost 58 pounds and feel great oh and I am not prediabetic anymore. I've been pcos for 20 years and have never felt so good!
  • jersybrook
    jersybrook Posts: 4 Member
    on may 1 I was told I was prediabetic was not ovulating and was having horrible periods that lasted most of the month. I started on 1500 mg metformin an's cut out sugar and refined carbs and potatoes. fast forward to last month I am now ovulating. skin cleared up. periods normal. lost 58 pounds and feel great oh and I am not prediabetic anymore. I've been pcos for 20 years and have never felt so good!

    That's awesome, I started last month on a low calorie low carb high protein diet with weekly shots of trulicity and daily dose of janumet (metformin mix) and I've lost almost 20 lbs in one month with only light exercise! Can't wait till I get all the weight off.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Just remember, high protein *can* be harder on your kidneys. Make sure you're balancing that with moderate healthy fats. It will keep you sustained long term on your plan.
  • jersybrook
    jersybrook Posts: 4 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Just remember, high protein *can* be harder on your kidneys. Make sure you're balancing that with moderate healthy fats. It will keep you sustained long term on your plan.

    Thanks you, it's always nice to be informed. My doctor put me on this program and is watching me closely. Between blood work, weigh-ins, and monthly visits I feel confident I'm on the right track. Feels good to finally shed the weight <3
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member

    That's awesome, I started last month on a low calorie low carb high protein diet with weekly shots of trulicity and daily dose of janumet (metformin mix) and I've lost almost 20 lbs in one month with only light exercise! Can't wait till I get all the weight off. [/quote]

    good for you. hope you are starting to feel better.....keep at it!!

  • jersybrook
    jersybrook Posts: 4 Member

    That's awesome, I started last month on a low calorie low carb high protein diet with weekly shots of trulicity and daily dose of janumet (metformin mix) and I've lost almost 20 lbs in one month with only light exercise! Can't wait till I get all the weight off.

    good for you. hope you are starting to feel better.....keep at it!!


    Definitely feeling better, and oddly enough after cleansing my diet of junk there are no cravings! Makes it easy to stay focused. Now just trying to work in more exercise while being a working mom to a 2 year old.
  • mollosa
    mollosa Posts: 5 Member
    I was prescribed Metformin 21 weeks ago and it, along with LCHF eating and reduced caffeine, has helped me lose 22kg (48.5lb). I do around 1200 cals a day so a big deficit but I am satiated and not hungry. The Metformin is dealing with my insulin resistance and I find I am losing weight in places I have never been able to get it off before.
  • Fhoover
    Fhoover Posts: 62 Member
    NurseMal09 wrote: »
    Thats great! I wonder what in the shakeology helped. I've heard it has alot of great things in it. Never tried but the cost scares me away.

    Me too. I have 2 good friends that use it and swear by it but it just cost WAY too much for me to even try.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @ivanovskaemilija - You look amazing! Congrats.
  • madambutterfly91
    madambutterfly91 Posts: 31 Member
    for me I really struggled to use metformin, it made me sick and although it did help me kick start my weight loss after a year on it I couldn't continue using it because I started having additional reactions to it. I have however cut out my consumption of wheat almost completely. this has done wonders for me. I still eat pasta and bread but not excessively cause it costs more to buy gluten free. I now it may not help everyone but it has really encouraged me to eat more fresh foods and increase my protein intake. since I have stuck to this new diet I have lost 40Lbs over the past year without really trying. granted I have also increased my physical activity at work as well as reducing my stress levels by getting out of an abusive relationship, but my major change that could be replicated really has been cutting out the wheat.
    I feel I should clarify the reason I chose to go this route is not for some fad diet or anything. I found out I was actually having an allergic reaction to it. even when its just in soaps it will irritate my skin, so I don't think this diet is for everyone, but for me it has made a world of difference in my bodies ability to regulate its needs. As the weight has dropped off I have noticed an increase in energy levels and clarity of mind. With the addition of some extra vitamins my hormones have also managed to regulate better as well. At this point my cycles are fairly regular (although still heavy if I get stupid and lift heavy things while on my period which is a bad habit of mine) my hair on my arms and legs has thinned to a normal amount and for the most part my acne has cleared up. I attribute the last part to cutting out the heavily processed foods cause when I do consume fast food (which comes up once every couple months) it does flair up.
    I currently do not take any medications except for the vitamins which I don't take as often as I probably should, and i try to drink herbal tea. When I go too long my body reminds me how important the extra iron and Bs are for my general well being and I get back on track.
    I do have high blood pressure that my drs always freak out about when I go in (140s/90s), but I don't respond well to any of the medications they have thrown at it. at this point I have found the best results with some plain chamomile tea with spear mint. I have found once I started taking the spearmint with it my cycles lightened a bit and my cramps were less extreme. I have not had it this past month and I am regretting it and will be picking up some more to be adding back into my daily tea. I am really bad at doing the daily teas but when I am drinking it twice a day every day I can get my bp down significantly. (once a day gets me down to 130s/80s twice a day have have yet to maintain over long periods but I have actually seen 120s/high 70 low80)
    I have yet to find anything to really help with the depression (possibly bipolar my drs disagree with diagnosis) and anxiety (I suspect PTSD but haven't received an official diagnosis there). I am planing on trying st. johns-wort in the near future as it has been recommended by so many people, so I hope it in combination with other cooping techniques I have already in cooperated into my life will help. If you have any suggestions in this area I am open to listen however I have tried quite a few things.
  • fit_finesse92
    fit_finesse92 Posts: 478 Member
    @ivanovskaemilija you look awesome!!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    50 Days into my lifestyle change and my cycle regulated to 28 days on the dot! I've NEVER, EVER, had a 28 day cycle. Hoping to continue with this trend - follow up at my endo tomorrow so happy to report good news!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    Congrats and good luck!
  • Tine_622
    Tine_622 Posts: 2 Member
    Just joined My fitness pal and this group today, I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned Ovasitol, but it has made a huge difference for me.

    I started taking that in addition to my met 4 months ago. I haven't seen much change in weight but I haven't really been working at it until now. I have however had a fairly regular cycle for the last 4 months, before starting I had a 102 day cycle. Im sleeping better, have more engery, my acne has also calmed down a bit, and my little mustache is less noticable. Im not saying its a miracle powder but Ive tried birth control, actose, and increased my metformin to 3 times a day ( :s ) over a year ago and nothing really regulated me or helped with the acne. Its also supposed to help with A1C levels. fingers crossed when I go back to see my endo that it has.

    Anyway Im hoping to get serious about diet and exercise and love Ovasitol and just wanted to share in hopes that maybe it helps someone else.