Here is to a New Year! JANUARY!



  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    My work pants, too! Though it seems they either fit a little too snug or I'm constantly giving them a tug because they won't stay up. There is no in between.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    Not staying up could be a major wardrobe malfunction! Yikes!

    Back down under 150 this morning. So happy! B) Forgot to finish my logging last night. But I did good. Even did what Paula would do. Just say NO!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    I just got a text from Paula, and she wanted everyone to know she is okay but her house was lost in a landslide this week. She doesn't have internet right now but will check in when she can. She is okay she just didn't want us to think she'd left us.

  • Momcasciotti
    Momcasciotti Posts: 675 Member
    Oh no! Glad every one is safe. I didn't realize it was that bad. I can't imagine how difficult that is to deal with.
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Oh my goodness! Poor Paula! :cry: I'm so glad she's okay. I can't imagine . . .
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,265 Member
    Chris when you talk to Paula please tell her I'm praying for her and the awful! If there's anything I can do please let me know.

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Is there any way we could help Paula? I just can't stop thinking about her.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    edited January 2017
    This is the email Paula sent out...

    ...long story short. the rains triggered an active landslide under our old house. friends moved us to our "new" house yesterday. the house cannot be saved.

    a landslide went through my house and tore it up. as of yesterday, 8" cracks in floor and foundation. 4' cliffs in backyard. sheet rock falling down. mirrors shattering. it'll be worse today. but we wont see because the house is red-tagged and nobody can go inside again.

    tues-thurs we were moving till we dropped. over 50 people came out and got all the important stuff out and into storage. we moved into the house we owned next door but had to go around the block to get there because the road cracked 2 feet wide. water main broke, too. three houses in danger. ours is ruined and will be bulldozed. hopefully others can be saved. we are overwhelmed with gratitude for this community of friends and new friends who are so amazing. we are in the new house safe with our 3 cats. they even brought the pots with Shelley's iris bulbs over. miss my mfp family.

    This is what I have so far.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    Chris thank you so much for passing this along! I am so sorry that this happened to Paula. But greatful that they are safe. Wow, amazing how people will come together like that. So wonderful. Send her email to me please. I want to email her. Sends shivers up my back.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    OK I keep thinking of Paula. Paula I want you to move somewhere a little safer. Paula if you see this call me. I only had your landline number. :'(

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    Chris thank you so much for passing this along! I am so sorry that this happened to Paula. But greatful that they are safe. Wow, amazing how people will come together like that. So wonderful. Send her email to me please. I want to email her. Sends shivers up my back.


    Shelley, she just forwarded the email to my phone. I don't have her email address. I did send her a text telling her you wanted her to call you.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    She called Chris! Thanks so much!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Hey, guess what. I lost 5 pounds last week!

    (at work, cu l8r)

    <3 paula
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    hey Paula! Congratulations on the weight loss! You deserved some good out of your week!

    Shell o:)
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    Way to go, Paula!!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,891 Member
    Ok somehow a pound snuck back on! Well maybe not snuck. But I do not like it! Will get it back off this weekend.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    Making better choices today. I've just been lazy and using Ronan as an excuse to snack.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    I don't like January so far except for now weighing 166.5 pounds.

    Just checking in from the Puente nonprofit free wifi (bless them). There is now an 8 ft cliff between our houses. It has destroyed three homes. Hopefully no one else is in the path and it will not spread. We are afraid to unpack as the landslide is growing by the hour (mostly dropping down in the earth, not spreading out).

    Need to logoff.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    Congrats on your weight, Paula. I passed on everything else to our Wampus Den just to keep them informed. Hope everything gets settled soon. Can't even imagine.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,416 Member
    Yesterday was a very good day. Today will be the same.
