Janey's Journey 2017

OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
OMAD start date 1/1/2017
Goal 120-130, will know better when I get closer.

1/1/2016 155.6


  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    I've been practicing so I've lost a few pounds already. Almost 3 since 12/28. Noting that because my first week will not show much water loss because of that. I have about 30 lbs to lose. I'm hoping I can edit my first post, I'd like to put my weekly updates there. Maybe not?

    Had a bumpy first day because I'm trying to knock down a UTI. I have to drink diluted, unsweetened cranberry juice outside my window to keep the symptoms at bay. Definitely NOT drinking that for enjoyment, lol. I really don't want to take antibiotics. Hopefully, I can drop that in a day or two.

    Upward and onward!
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    Great job....you can do it!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    1MADGIRL Posts: 838 Member
    Yay so happy about the newcomers! :)
  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    :) Happy to be here! Ended up having to get antibiotics and that's adding a bit of a challenge. I think I'm retaining extra water. The OMAD is going well and I'm back to just drinking water, though. It'll all settle out in about 8 days, lol. Over all, it's going well!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Hey Janey! I'm glad you are doing well in spite of the UTI. You sound serious and won't let things get in the way of your success.
  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    OMAD start date 1/1/2017
    Goal 120-130, will know better when I get closer.

    1/1/2017 155.6
    1/8/2017 155.8

    Well, week 1 wasn't stellar. I had to eat a few pecans with my evening antibiotic to deal with the nausea. I only have 2 more pills left so hopefully this week will be better. Plus, I had the 3 lb. loss right before I started. Otherwise, I did pretty well. It's easy to wait until 11am to eat. The evenings were rough, even with the 1.5 oz pecans. Curious to see how it goes this week. No dry fasting but will start that Monday 7pm to 11am Tuesday.

    I've been dragging all week. Tired, no ambition to do anything. Hope that changes soon! Thanks for the welcomes and encouragement!

  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Is there something you can do to nourish yourself a bit, non-food-wise, to lift yourself up a bit? Massage, perhaps? Anytime your body isn't 100% well it's so much harder to feel positive...I hope you feel better soon!
  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, Flybeetle. I'm going to start walking on my lunch break, which I think will help. It was so cold here last week I couldn't get myself out there. Thanks for the ideas!
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Walking is the best! It's actually the middle of summer here in Australia and I would love to go for a walk today but it's too hot for me! I could use some of your winter cool ;)
  • Anneli_F
    Anneli_F Posts: 76 Member
    edited January 2017
    The first two weeks are the hardest, before your body gets used to your changing eating pattern. For me it took about 7-8 days before my energy levels went up again. It does get better!!
    You had an extra rough start with your UTI, but when it turns around it will all be worth it!

    It's good to have somewhere to talk about how hard it is, this thread is your safe place for that :) We've got your back :)
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Is lunch your eating time then? Most of us drink a lot of water because it does make it easier and I think it helps to lose weight. You may want to consider that. Good luck!
  • SavedByGrace26356
    SavedByGrace26356 Posts: 544 Member
    OMAD2017 wrote: »
    OMAD start date 1/1/2017
    Goal 120-130, will know better when I get closer.

    1/1/2017 155.6
    1/8/2017 155.8

    Well, week 1 wasn't stellar. I had to eat a few pecans with my evening antibiotic to deal with the nausea. I only have 2 more pills left so hopefully this week will be better. Plus, I had the 3 lb. loss right before I started. Otherwise, I did pretty well. It's easy to wait until 11am to eat. The evenings were rough, even with the 1.5 oz pecans. Curious to see how it goes this week. No dry fasting but will start that Monday 7pm to 11am Tuesday.

    I've been dragging all week. Tired, no ambition to do anything. Hope that changes soon! Thanks for the welcomes and encouragement!


    Sometimes having no ambition is due to medication and not feeling well. It's difficult to take medication without eating because it can make you feel sick. You have been doing great. Keep it up.

    I've been using a diffuser and essential oils the past couple weeks and it seems to be helping me feel better while I had the flu and this week too. I've been watching interesting documentaries, movies, and short videos that make me feel good. I also take a bubble bath and put on some nice smelling lotion, listen to easy listening music, and read my Bible. It seems to be helping me but we are all different so I don't know if any of my suggestions are appealing to you.

    Wishing you the best...keep us posted on how you're doing. ♥
  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    OMAD start date 1/1/2017
    Goal 120-130, will know better when I get closer.

    1/1 155.6
    1/8 155.8
    1/15 153.8

    Now, we're cooking. I didn't do any of the things I said I was going to this week, lol. No dry fasting, no walking. Oh well. I ate more meat than I wanted because I made a big batch of Cincinnati chili and nothing else. The result was that I felt heavy. Planning better for next week. I'm going to have one meal today and then some nice cream later this afternoon, for my re-feed day. I'm going to focus more on veggies, fruit, oats and beans this week to see if my energy increases more. I LOVE refrigerator oats!! My energy level was better after I was done with the meds, but still not as good as it could be.

    Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement, everyone! This group is awesome!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Very good! You are doing well.
  • sun_cat
    sun_cat Posts: 114 Member
    I had a similar problem with the antibiotics a while back. It really threw me off having to go back to eating often so I could take my med. I just don't like how that feels anymore.

    Hope things are back on track now, or will be soon.
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    edited January 2017
    Great results!! And now you're off the medication it's game on for continuing to kick butt!! ;) im glad to hear you're feeling better overall..
  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    Well, I'm back. I'm honestly not sure why I let myself get distracted and off plan. I actually gained 20 lbs!! since January. when I realized that I was SO disgusted. That's ridiculous. There is no excuse for that. So I'm back at it. I'm not beating myself up, just very aware now, that I was unaware and didn't pay attention to whatever stopped my focus. I'm on day 4 and doing well. One thing that I think will help me is that I'm eating what sounds good now, not what I think is "healthy". I've been playing that game for a lot of years and it feels great to let it all go. I trust that it will sort itself out as long as I stick to the plan.

    That's all for now, I hope to journal every day or every few days this time so I can get some help before I slide completely off the rails.

    Thanks for the support you have all given me & others, I'm reading through and have renewed determination to make this my plan for life.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    A lot of people say only weigh self once a week but I like to weigh everyday. Nothing sneaks up on you that way!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    edited May 2017
    Welcome back :)
  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm going to count calories & weigh every day through June. I think I need that to stay on track. One problem I think I had before was that I wasn't getting enough calories & ended up then overeating. I'm aiming for a minimum of 1000 calories & will see how that goes for a bit. Here's to a successful June for everyone!
  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    Week 1 173
    Week 2 169.4
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Very nice loss!
  • Vanguard1
    Vanguard1 Posts: 372 Member
    Great start!!
  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you! But I messed up, today was the end of the first week, lol. I was up to 170. I'll still take 3# !

    Does our stomach really shrink? I'm wondering if eating smaller, more calorie dense meals might be better for me during the adjustment period rather than eating larger, calorie lean meals. I kind of remember having issues with this the last time because I tended to eat to feeling overfull just to get in 7-800 calories in the one meal. Also, is there a way to search just the posts in this group? I don't care what anyone else on MFP says, lol.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Less calories I think are going to cause more weight loss. Don't go too low though.
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited June 2017
    OMAD2017 wrote: »
    Thank you! But I messed up, today was the end of the first week, lol. I was up to 170. I'll still take 3# !

    Does our stomach really shrink? I'm wondering if eating smaller, more calorie dense meals might be better for me during the adjustment period rather than eating larger, calorie lean meals. I kind of remember having issues with this the last time because I tended to eat to feeling overfull just to get in 7-800 calories in the one meal. Also, is there a way to search just the posts in this group? I don't care what anyone else on MFP says, lol.

    What I found, was the that first week I couldn't eat much more than 500-800 calories. For some, it may last longer. By week two, I was up to 1200 and I've been slowly adding in more to get up to 1500 calories. I don't want to plateau and go below 1200 calories because it's just not healthy, it's next to starving. An overnight gain is nothing to worry about, could be salt or water weight, or some female thing.

    No matter what you're eating to lose weight, it all boils down to calories in and calories out. :)

  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the input. I understand about the calories, I am wondering more about the volume the calories take up in my stomach. I feel stuffed when eating enough of low calorie foods, I was wondering if that hindered stomach shrinking. Today I'm having Rudy's BBQ so I may answer my own question, lol.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    I think the stomach will shrink either way. you may have to experiment.
  • OMAD2017
    OMAD2017 Posts: 73 Member
    So today I had my meal from Rudy's BBQ. 8oz moist brisket, 1/2 sausage link, beans & a piece of cheese. Oh, and a mess of pickles. I felt full, but not stuffed like when I have a big salad. The calories were about 150 more than the salad yesterday, which I had topped with bacon, egg, ham, salami & veggies. I liked not feeling so stuffed and will mix in at least a few calorie dense meals a week.