tattoomary Posts: 44 Member
i seem to have fallen into a bucket of carbs and am eating my way out of it :(
Was doing great..and then it starts slowly. My mum bought my fav fruit cake...soo i had 1 slice...quickly followed by half the cake...then to the left over tin of roses...and buns...and, and and...you get the picture.
I now feel sick as a *kitten*.
Why do i do this...and how do I stop...Help


  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Stop eating. Throw away the foods that are derailing you. Explain how and why you're eating the way you are to your family to prevent further temptations. Start fresh immediately. Don't figure the day is screwed might as well carb it up and start tomorrow.
  • hale03071
    hale03071 Posts: 63 Member
    You stop by getting rid of those foods from your house, remove the temptation. Next, get back on the wagon of eating low carb. Its when you give up and stop getting back on the wagon is when you have serious problems. I think we've all had days where we've given in and eaten something we regret.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    First, related to the carb binge issue...everyone has already given great advice.

    Second, not related to the carb binge issue and the whole reason why I came into this thread...please make your thread titles more indicative to your issue. Saying "HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP" does not help. Something like "Help - I binged on carbs" or literally anything else would be much more helpful.

  • tattoomary
    tattoomary Posts: 44 Member
    edited January 2017
    Thanks for all the advice from most of you ;)

    Iv thrown out all the old sweets so am going to start anew.
    Just wondering what others do when they fall off the low carb wagon?

    Do you just continue as normal.
    Anyone do a fast ? Would this help at all?

    Im sure there are others that have young kids... so not possible to have a carb free house.

    Thanks :smile:
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    @tattoomary I have done some intermittent fasts after having a high carb day. It would usually be for about 16 hours and I would simply skip breakfast and add those calories in to my lunch and dinner. The important thing is to just Keep Calm and Keto On. Hop right back on the wagon when you fall off and as soon as possible. Don't like "Well I had really high carbs last night that kicked me out of ketosis" turn into "Well since I'm already out of ketosis let me just have this one extra high carb snack/meal". Then it turns into days or weeks before you start again. Just don't let it get you down. And if you feel horrible afterwards (mentally or physically) then let that experience deter you next time.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    edited January 2017
    tattoomary wrote: »
    Thanks for all the advice from most of you ;)

    Iv thrown out all the old sweets so am going to start anew.
    Just wondering what others do when they fall off the low carb wagon?

    Do you just continue as normal.
    Anyone do a fast ? Would this help at all?

    Im sure there are others that have young kids... so not possible to have a carb free house.

    Thanks :smile:

    I have a 5 year old and an 9 year old. The things we have in the house that I don't currently eat: whole oats, whole grain bread, fruit, flavored yogurt. So no, not carb free, but nothing extremely tempting either. I think it's probably easier with young children than with teens because I get to dictate our pantry with a bit more autonomy.
  • whiskeykittentoo
    whiskeykittentoo Posts: 43 Member
    I have been on LCHF for just over 2 weeks now - will be 3 on Sunday - and I only "fell off the wagon" once and it was a small slice of cheesecake. I didn't OVERindulge, so I didn't feel _guilty_ doing it (we went out to eat with some good friends of ours and the rest of my meal was perfectly well controlled low-carb Greek food, so I knew there would be temptations, but mu husband and I counted on it and were ready to climb back on afterwards, if we fell off) but within a few hours, and the entire next day, I felt like hell. Bloated, stomach making awful noises (even my dogs looked at me funny) and I barely slept that night or the next, and my heart was POUNDING from that little bit of sugar.
    So yes, it happens, we all "Stray" - don't let the guilt make you crazy, but DO get back up, dust yourself off, and say "no more carbs today" and make tomorrow another fresh start.
    Your body WILL need a few days (and can even be a week or more - as I explained to my husband who DID indulge in rice and pita bread, which are his downfalls) to recover and get back on track, so be kind to yourself but don't give up!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Make sure you are getting plenty of water and electrolytes while you recover. Otherwise, just acknowledge what happened and start eating low carb again. It will take some time to feel better, but that sick feeling also might help you to have more willpower to turn down such foods next time.

    While you can't completely prevent people around you from offering carb-heavy foods, you can decline to eat it and take steps to minimize this in the future. When I do that, I tell them why. By now, my co-workers already know I eat low carb. Sometimes the "offer" now is: "Are there carbs in xxx?" Of course, my answer is nearly always "yes" because the types of foods people share usually have carbs. It ends there because they know better than to offer me that food. Even better, they don't need to ask next time the same food is brought in. They know I don't want donuts, cake, cookies, and potato chips. They now know that I won't eat a sandwich without removing the meat from the bun. They now know not to offer potato chips. It has taken time, but I've trained those around me to not offer carb-heavy foods.
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    I am unable to live in a carb free house. There are days it is very hard. When I fall off the wagon, I just do my best to re-start as soon as I am able, as in the very next bite. I usually don't intentionally fast and if I'm full of carbs, I wouldn't be able to fast anyway since they just make me hungry. I restart with lowering carbs as much as possible, but don't necessarily incorporate high fat....
  • maggiegbrown
    maggiegbrown Posts: 90 Member
    Hello, when I fall of the wagon and I have a few time. I do what some say and just start fresh the next day like I never did. No guilt. I have a husband in my house that needs huge amounts of carbs with every meal, So when I cook I make him all the sides he wants and I eat my keto sides. It works for me. everyone slips and goes through rough spots. We also have people around us who don't understand why we eat the way we eat, but in my world the less attention you bring to it the better and less stressful it is. Good luck and think positive, you will get through this. <3
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    tattoomary wrote: »
    Do you just continue as normal.
    Anyone do a fast ? Would this help at all?

    To me, a fast is as extreme as a binge, BEHAVIORALLY. I do NOT recommend fasting to offset a binge or period of over eating. Get back on your reasonable plan of intake and continue to monitor it in regards to sufficient calories/foods to keep you satiated.

    You don't have to "forgive yourself". There is nothing to forgive.

    Say oops :/ . Say dammit. :/ Learn. Carry on.

  • healthersize10
    healthersize10 Posts: 10 Member
    can you explain to your family to help you. I didn't know it but I am a Carb Addict, most of us are. So, just like you would need support if you were a drug addict, you need the same support. Ask your family including your mom, not to bring that drug into your home. If your family doesn't understand that, then you may have to stop visiting until your stronger. Strong enough to say NO! No to the drug that causes you pain and keeps you from being well. I hope that helps a little. Be strong hang in there. If that happens again, just start over. I started over 3 times before I was strong enough to be around others and say no without explanation. No needs no explanation. Be blessed:)
  • eileenhernandez456
    eileenhernandez456 Posts: 16 Member
    tattoomary wrote: »
    Thanks for all the advice from most of you ;)

    Iv thrown out all the old sweets so am going to start anew.
    Just wondering what others do when they fall off the low carb wagon?

    Do you just continue as normal.
    Anyone do a fast ? Would this help at all?

    Im sure there are others that have young kids... so not possible to have a carb free house.

    Thanks :smile:

  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited January 2017
    If you can walk by a jar of silver polish without eatng it, you can do the same with a jar of chocolate sauce. It's all how you look at things.

    But, yeah, it's easier if you purge the cupboards and don't have to look at your false friends.
  • eileenhernandez456
    eileenhernandez456 Posts: 16 Member
    I definitely have fallen off and it sucks... I kept wondering just how low when my rock bottom would come.... each processed sugar filled treat would leave me wondering is today the day I commit to getting back on a lifestyle of eating that only my ever brought me health and happiness... the truth for me is that there isnt a rock bottom my motivation has nothing to do with food... I kept thinking.. this is it.. I just ate an entire bag of powdered donuts... but the carb pit seemed bottomless and expect it truly was... this has to be the lowest I will sink... a life event happened that relit the fire and I am on board again... just like that a switch was flipped... not sure if this is at all helpful for you but I also love in a kid filled carb home where I encourage them to eat healthy carbs and let them know that since mom is much older, those type of foods don't work in body but when I was their age, they worked very well... be good to yourself... I do find a bit of an egg fast and at least 2 liters of water a day was enough to make me feel hunger again and appreciate fats and proteins again... I wish you luck, you got this!
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    Make sure you are getting plenty of water and electrolytes while you recover. Otherwise, just acknowledge what happened and start eating low carb again. It will take some time to feel better, but that sick feeling also might help you to have more willpower to turn down such foods next time.

    While you can't completely prevent people around you from offering carb-heavy foods, you can decline to eat it and take steps to minimize this in the future. When I do that, I tell them why. By now, my co-workers already know I eat low carb. Sometimes the "offer" now is: "Are there carbs in xxx?" Of course, my answer is nearly always "yes" because the types of foods people share usually have carbs. It ends there because they know better than to offer me that food. Even better, they don't need to ask next time the same food is brought in. They know I don't want donuts, cake, cookies, and potato chips. They now know that I won't eat a sandwich without removing the meat from the bun. They now know not to offer potato chips. It has taken time, but I've trained those around me to not offer carb-heavy foods.

    I find it really helpful to have shared my diet with my colleagues, it provides me with massive accountability. I've been so adamant that I won't touch carbs, no way, no how, that if I were to break down and eat carbs in front of them now, I would feel soooo ashamed. And they're all so incredibly supportive and encouraging because they can see how much weight I've lost that the shame and embarrassment of eating carbs in front of them now would not be worth the indulgence at all. I'd feel like a huge failure... it's one thing to fail privately, alone, at home, it's another thing to do it in front of everyone you work with. It really helps keep me in line :smiley:
  • CarrieMoritz
    CarrieMoritz Posts: 34 Member
    The fact that it takes a couple days to get back into ketosis keeps me from allowing myself to say, "ahfeckit just this one time won't hurt." Because it does, in fact, hurt. It takes me a full week to get back on track to weight loss again, even if I'm following exactly to plan. So it's a preventative measure more than anything. If I don't start, I don't have to stop. I've also figured out my "allowed comfort foods." i.e. I can bring a baggie of pepperonis to the movie with me, so I'm not feeling deprived while my family passes around the popcorn.