How Do I Stop Cheating?



  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Lol Bob Newhart !
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I loved "Stop it" too! That's really what it is though! Cute!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Whoever made this pop up to the top again, thanks. I think I'm going to print it out and put it on the back of my desk now. I need to re-read it a few million more times.
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    This is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing. The piece about recommitting EVERY DAY is so true and least, for me.
  • ajmurray1234
    ajmurray1234 Posts: 163 Member
  • bremm2015
    bremm2015 Posts: 14 Member
    This morning I decided I must return to low carb eating so it has been amazing to read that great post. It has made me even more determined to stick to my lc plan. Thanks for quoting the letter. Great inspiration and motivation. All I need now is determination, persistence, patience, and reading this forum every morning, and any time during the day when I think about being tempted to eat some carbs.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @bremm2015, making it through the first few weeks can be a tough time where many fail. The carb cravings/addiction is really deep in some people. Making the choice to resist is yours alone. But I can tell you that every time you do make the best choice it builds strength. That strength builds, making temptation nonexistent once you've made the choice enough. It does get easier, and making that choice at first will take you very far with this woe. Best of luck to you! :smiley:
  • bremm2015
    bremm2015 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Karlottap for your interest and good wishes. I had an excellent lc day yesterday and will have another one today. Best of luck to you too.
  • tattoomary
    tattoomary Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for this :)
  • trish55011
    trish55011 Posts: 139 Member
    I so needed this post this morning. If I had a printer I would print it out and make copies to paste all over my house and work area.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    @bremm2015, making it through the first few weeks can be a tough time where many fail. The carb cravings/addiction is really deep in some people. Making the choice to resist is yours alone. But I can tell you that every time you do make the best choice it builds strength. That strength builds, making temptation nonexistent once you've made the choice enough. It does get easier, and making that choice at first will take you very far with this woe. Best of luck to you! :smiley:

    Agree wholeheartedly! I have been struggling since Christmas and only I can make the decision to resist. Pretty soon all the cravings will be gone and life will be easier again :)
  • pitbullmamaliz
    pitbullmamaliz Posts: 303 Member
    Amazing. Thank you for bumping this up. I was contemplating a very planned out cheat meal in the future on a "limited time only" food I LOVED, but now I'm reconsidering.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Nice post, thanks for the bump for those of us who weren't around for the original posting.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I think this blog post by Ketovangelist might be helpful with some of the mental stuff
  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    I think this blog post by Ketovangelist might be helpful with some of the mental stuff

    Thank you for this!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Bumpity bump time for this topic.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Bump to read over coffee!
  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    This should not only be a sticky, but the OP original post should be plastered on the main page and required reading for all who join this thread. I will have my Tough Love, brutally honest moment here. The OP summarizes what I have been feeling lately when I see the "Can I cheat", "I fell off the wagon", "I am not seeing any results" and the infamous "I've stalled what do I do" posts.

    Everyone has different reasons for being here and on the LCHF diet. But lets face it, most are here because they want to lose weight and improve their health!!!

    The OP gently and poetically "kicks everyone in the ***". Either your committed to changing your self, your WOE or you are not and want to pretend, but starting the LCHF going off it when you fell like, coming back etc... is simply faking it.

    It really gets down to the main fact: To make a real change it's mental and requires you to be strong! You can be strong...dont let stalls, anyone deter you and give you an excuse to quit. Keep going forward.

    To the OP: Mic'd dropped and leave the stage - it couldn't have been a better post.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I wasn't able to open the link at the end of the original post but having read it before and believing it is on point for many, I looked it up and will post it here just in case others weren't able to open it and want to read it.

    Be advised it does include some profanity so if you are offended by profanity don't open the link.