What exercise do you like to do?

Hi! So, what's your go-to exercise for being fit and fabulous while pregnant? I try to walk to and from work, if I can drag myself (and my toddler) out of bed. But I love doing youtube exercise videos or going to a group pregnancy fitness class, it just seems to keep falling away, priority-wise. I also enjoy aquafit but am having trouble cramming it in the schedule with between work and the existing wee one. I should probably just do it. What do you do?


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I was lifting regularly before I got pregnant, so I continued to lift weights throughout my pregnancy (with modifications of course). Also lots of walking, stairclimber and prenatal yoga. Oh and prenatal exercise videos on YouTube too.
  • heffsloop
    heffsloop Posts: 4 Member
    Does anyone have any YouTube videos of strength training safe for pregnancy with resistance bands?
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I did a mix of jogging/modified circuit training (mostly Jillian Michaels DVDs)/body weight moves like squats/yoga and stretching/some dancing during this past pregnancy. I found several prenatal workout DVDs at the local thrift stores for $1-2 that were great for the days where I just didn't have the energy for a real workout. :)
  • almostsuperpowered
    almostsuperpowered Posts: 135 Member
    heffsloop wrote: »
    Does anyone have any YouTube videos of strength training safe for pregnancy with resistance bands?

    I don't know about resistance bands, but I like the series of BodyFit by Amy prenatal fitness videos on the youtube.
  • almostsuperpowered
    almostsuperpowered Posts: 135 Member
  • laurendawnnn
    laurendawnnn Posts: 28 Member
    I've been doing you tube videos of leslie sansone walking workouts. Low impact and easy to do with toddlers in the house.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Zumba has been my thing. I feel like I'm dancing with the baby lol.
  • goldengirljake
    goldengirljake Posts: 21 Member
    I've been doing prenatal yoga and lots of walking
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I was put on some pretty heavy restrictions due to a placenta previa (which has since moved!). So I was limited to walking and prenatal yoga for a while. I'm now doing some prenatal body weight training since my provider approved me adding that back in after I was cleared.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I like to lift, but I feel very uncomfortable now. It sucks!
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    edited February 2017
    I lift, I hike steep mountains, I walk, and I climb the stairs a number of times a day because we live in a 2-floor apartment :)

    And I'm 39+1 today!
  • Kekekylene
    Kekekylene Posts: 112 Member
    I was crossfitting before I got pregnant and have continued. I am still in my first trimester. Continuing to exercise is the only thing that makes me feel good, otherwise it is 24/7 "morning sickness"
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Third trimester. Walk everywhere, to shops and church, 40 minutes at least four times a week. Plus lifting toddler.
  • TheSavatron
    TheSavatron Posts: 18 Member
    25 weeks, with baby #4. I lift weights MWF, do youtube exercise videos most weekdays during naptime (current fave is one called "burn 500 calories in 45 minutes" on FitSugar), take a 30 minute walk/jog through my hilly neighborhood in the evenings.... plus stay pretty active throughout the day. I usually log 16,000-18,000 steps on my tracker- most of them while carrying my toddler on my hip.
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    I do elliptical trainer for at least 30 minutes several times a week. I also do at least 16,000 steps a day (I did not include activity of elliptical). I also dance a couple of times a week either doing belly dancing or some hula. I used to run but when I was pregnant in November after I ran I suffered a miscarriage (which had nothing to do with running) it just gives me bad memories.
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    Does anyone else feel so much better after a workout? It's hard sometimes to motivate yourself to workout but then I always feel amazin after.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Y'all aren't getting crazy contractions when you exercise heavily? Even when I lift my laundry basket and carry it from the basement to upstairs, I'm contracting to the point where I cant stand straight.
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    Y'all aren't getting crazy contractions when you exercise heavily? Even when I lift my laundry basket and carry it from the basement to upstairs, I'm contracting to the point where I cant stand straight.

    Is it normal to experience contractions on my left side like an hour after I work out (I'm 16 weeks by the way)? I just experienced it this weekend. I have an appointment today with my obgyn and will ask her.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Y'all aren't getting crazy contractions when you exercise heavily? Even when I lift my laundry basket and carry it from the basement to upstairs, I'm contracting to the point where I cant stand straight.

    I haven't been exercising (we've ordered a treadmill and are waiting for it to be delivered and that's a WHOLE n'other issue!) but I have been chasing after a toddler and I get contractions all the time. Nothing super consistent and they go away so I'm not concerned. But it seems like every single time I stand from a seated position I contract. Which is super annoying at work because I'm constantly up and down. I don't remember this many with my first - or maybe just didn't realize what was going on.... my husband is constantly like 'are you okay?' ... 'yeah, don't mind me - just contracting over here. Give me a minute'

  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    Y'all aren't getting crazy contractions when you exercise heavily? Even when I lift my laundry basket and carry it from the basement to upstairs, I'm contracting to the point where I cant stand straight.

    I haven't been exercising (we've ordered a treadmill and are waiting for it to be delivered and that's a WHOLE n'other issue!) but I have been chasing after a toddler and I get contractions all the time. Nothing super consistent and they go away so I'm not concerned. But it seems like every single time I stand from a seated position I contract. Which is super annoying at work because I'm constantly up and down. I don't remember this many with my first - or maybe just didn't realize what was going on.... my husband is constantly like 'are you okay?' ... 'yeah, don't mind me - just contracting over here. Give me a minute'

    Are you in your second trimester too? This is my first baby so I was surprised to when I had them. The doctor told me it was just round ligament pain.