Rock Your Resolution: January 2017 Challenge, Week 4 (1/22-1/31)



  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @anglyn1 HBD2U, HBD2U, HBD Deear Anglyyyynnn, HBD2U!!

    Did ok yesterday.. Getting ready to head out for my walk! Tuna and Avocado for lunch, wasn't bad.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    End of the week summary:
    Carbs : around 100 each day all week
    Calories: around 1400 each day.
    Long walks 2x.
    Water: great!

    Looking forward to getting some exercise in this weekend.

    Happy Friday!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    End of the month summary - I'm going to wrap up since it's the last Friday and I usually end my weeks on Friday or Saturday (tomorrow will be crazy busy):

    5 day avg start weight: 147.4
    5 day avg end weight: 145.2
    this is good, looks like the weight is slowly coming down despite still being up from December (141)

    days over on net calories - 2
    days over on net carbs - 1
    this is also good, pretty consistent but not perfect

    days exercised less than 90 min - 7
    days exercised less than 30 min - 1
    this is awesome

    days not logged - 2
    these two days I was out of town and very active with very little time to eat, so I'm sure my eating and exercise were really good despite not logging, plus only 2 days in the month without logging is pretty darn good for me
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    End of the month summary - I'm going to wrap up since it's the last Friday and I usually end my weeks on Friday or Saturday (tomorrow will be crazy busy):

    5 day avg start weight: 147.4
    5 day avg end weight: 145.2
    this is good, looks like the weight is slowly coming down despite still being up from December (141)

    days over on net calories - 2
    days over on net carbs - 1
    this is also good, pretty consistent but not perfect

    days exercised less than 90 min - 7
    days exercised less than 30 min - 1
    this is awesome

    days not logged - 2
    these two days I was out of town and very active with very little time to eat, so I'm sure my eating and exercise were really good despite not logging, plus only 2 days in the month without logging is pretty darn good for me

    The closer we are to our goal, the harder and slower it gets. You did pretty great this month.
  • caseyjfer
    caseyjfer Posts: 13 Member
    Week 4... 3.2 pounds down as of Sunday, so we will see if the trend continues of approximately half the weight loss of the prior week each week this coming Sunday. I can't really complain too much though, since 23 pounds in 3 weeks is a win, IMO.

    Logged every day for the last 27 days, so that's not the issue. Adjusting my calories down each week based on CW, so also not it. Staying under most days. Some days I don't even feel like eating, and I'll end up 350-1000 calories under. I've been having hunger pangs the last few days which is strange, like I just can't wait to eat. I figured this far in I'd be solidly in ketosis. Might need to grab some stix at Walgreens.

    SW: 266
    CW: 243
    GW: 165
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    caseyjfer wrote: »
    Week 4... 3.2 pounds down as of Sunday, so we will see if the trend continues of approximately half the weight loss of the prior week each week this coming Sunday. I can't really complain too much though, since 23 pounds in 3 weeks is a win, IMO.

    Logged every day for the last 27 days, so that's not the issue. Adjusting my calories down each week based on CW, so also not it. Staying under most days. Some days I don't even feel like eating, and I'll end up 350-1000 calories under. I've been having hunger pangs the last few days which is strange, like I just can't wait to eat. I figured this far in I'd be solidly in ketosis. Might need to grab some stix at Walgreens.

    SW: 266
    CW: 243
    GW: 165

    You may be in ketosis. Low enough carbs for long enough means your body will go into ketosis. But if you ate several days under by as much as 1000, it's possible to boomerang and need those calories later. So your appetite will temporarily increase to compensate. As long as there is a consistent deficit over time, you'll lose. Undereating by 1000 cal isn't necessary nor a good idea long term. So if you are hungrier one day than another, as long as the total calorie intake for the week ends up in a deficit, you are ok to eat a little more to offset those lows.

    An increase in physical activity can also temporarily increase appetite.

    I'm sorry to say from experience, that your rate of loss will pause and slow over time.
    You might want to read this thread as it is a discussion of the change in rate of loss.

    I lost 3lb per week for awhile, then after a month it began to slow and slow gradually until the average went down. I now lose fractions of a pound every few weeks close to goal. As long as the trend is downward, then it's all good. The chart won't be linear forever. Eventually you'll hit a stall. Which is ok, because the body needs to pause and regroup to balance out and deal with all the changes. You'll continue to lose again. And don't forget that physical activity (inflammation in building/healing muscle) and fat loss (fat cells fill up with water as placeholders before it gets that the fat isn't coming back and releases) actually retain water sometimes.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I'm waiting impatiently for tomorrow to weigh and take measurements since the tea bloat is leaving. I'm constantly sore so I'm going to probably have about a half pound of water weight. The Hero 90 program is pretty intense. But I actually like it because workouts are different every day and in intervals that go by quickly so I don't get bored.

    I've figured some "oops! Spousal Sabotage" calories and carbs figured in for today. A little higher than I want, but much more tame than it has been prior weeks. And I'll prelog tomorrow as well. My journey is obviously going to be a "to be continued" into next month since I'm doing a 90 day program. Anything 159lb or under is technically fine. But I want my 155. So I'm going to keep pursuing it.

    I have to stop taking all my cadre of supplements starting Monday next week to prepare for the bloodwork at my dr appt on the 8th. I really do hope this guy isn't a useless lump. It doesn't matter. I'm going to be like dog with a bone. I'll keep hounding him until he complies. Poor guy. :lol: And if he won't do the bloodwork I want, I'll order it myself and have it done. I'll bring him the report. :wink: I'm not going to be a mousy victim anymore. I AM DONE with this garbage. It's going down. It's time to fight. RAWR!
  • sweeteakate
    sweeteakate Posts: 11 Member
    Seeing as I probably won't be on the blog again until February, I wanted to share that KETO is definitely been helping me on so many different levels. Unfortunately the last week has been a bit messed up because I have been sick, however, I'll still share my stats.

    Starting date Jan 2, 2017

    mini victories: clearer skin, no migraines this month at all (usually get at least 3), feeling more motivated and energized, learning how to cook really delicious food!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,369 Member
    Welcome to the group @sweeteakate and congrats on the progress so far!
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Saw a bit more progress today with more bloat gone. 191.8. Every new number feels good even if way far off than what I imagined I'd be at by now. If I see 189.99 on Feb 1st, I'll be golden. I don't expect it but I'm still bloated so maybe. Eating keto, though today might have had too many calories. Warm miso soup with spinach inside seems to be helping to move things, also eating berries again at night.
    I've had one big fry and I'm wondering if it's possible that it affected my blood sugar, I doubt it but felt a bit like those moments of after eating too much sugar. It could be the sugar in the bacon too though I just ignore it considering it's minimal. I did have a lot of it though. Or maybe just fatigue from so much lack of sleep... This constant gray weather too is taking a toll.
    Few more days till the end of the month. Hopefully there will be progress.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Great day in terms of cals and macros.
    Keto SW: 150.6
    Goal range for maintenance: 130-133
    CW: 131.4
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    SW: 160
    CW: 160

    Despite all my efforts, and jumping around intensely this month, the scale is still not impressed.
    I lost 1/4 inch on my waist. It's the same everywhere else. Except I gained 1/4 inch in my biceps and in my chest. That's nice. But I'm not trying to gain muscle. I'm trying to lose fat. My body is so super silly.

    So far yesterday was kept close. And today I've planned to go over calories by 200, much more tame than usual for a Saturday.
    I may exercise today even though I was planning a rest day.

    Is 5lb too much to ask? Seriously! :rage:
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'm sorry, @baconslave. Been there and it's exasperating!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Hit 131.0 this morning, which made me happy.
    I truly noticed a difference in losing vs plateau when I started adding 1/2 Tbsp MCT oil to my coffee in the mornings. I tried it for energy/brain benefits and maybe this was pure coincidence but I really think it may have helped me get back down to my goal range.
  • verdejt
    verdejt Posts: 24 Member
    Hi my name is Keith and I just discovered this group. Summer before last my wife and I started to get into shape and then between work and life we sort of fell off. Well this past Christmas my wife and I made a solemn vow to get back into shape and stick with it. So since I just found this group and missed the initial "Resolution" post here is mine. I was 217 when I started on Dec 31st. My ultimate goal weight is between 175 and 185. Having said that my January goal was to lose 7 pounds for the month of January. Saturday's are my "official" weigh ins. Well today I was 209.3 for a total loss for January of 8.2 lbs. I dropped my calories and especially carbs to get to this goal. Before changing to low carb I was trying the low fat way with a calorie goal of about 2100. I really wasn't getting anywhere, after some reading (my wife did a lot more reading than I did) so I changed it up to low carb (115g per day) and dropped my calories to about 1960. I've been at this stage before and never was able to really get below the 208/209 range. Having said that my February goal is to drop 5 pounds. Wish me luck.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a good day. Over carbs with lasagna and cake but already showing ketones on the stix tonight!

    1/27: over carb. Weight good. No collagen. Strength trained.

    1/28: carbs and weight good. Did a short turbo fire workout. Took Collagen.
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    I overindulged at an Indian buffet tonight. Stayed keto but ate too much. And something had well a hidden ingredient most likely as I've been suffering since. I'm sure the scale will punish me tomorrow too. Still, being able to go out for Indian and not eat naan, that was a first. And it felt good.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    solska wrote: »
    I overindulged at an Indian buffet tonight. Stayed keto but ate too much. And something had well a hidden ingredient most likely as I've been suffering since. I'm sure the scale will punish me tomorrow too. Still, being able to go out for Indian and not eat naan, that was a first. And it felt good.

    I love Indiana food! Sorry you are feeling the effects!

    My scale bounced up a bit this morning. I made chicken chili last night and it was relatively low carb (no corn or hominy like in the original recipe, higher ratio of chicken to black beans, a little salsa) but I'm guessing that was it since it gave me more carbs in one meal than I've had in a while.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    verdejt wrote: »
    Hi my name is Keith and I just discovered this group. Summer before last my wife and I started to get into shape and then between work and life we sort of fell off. Well this past Christmas my wife and I made a solemn vow to get back into shape and stick with it. So since I just found this group and missed the initial "Resolution" post here is mine. I was 217 when I started on Dec 31st. My ultimate goal weight is between 175 and 185. Having said that my January goal was to lose 7 pounds for the month of January. Saturday's are my "official" weigh ins. Well today I was 209.3 for a total loss for January of 8.2 lbs. I dropped my calories and especially carbs to get to this goal. Before changing to low carb I was trying the low fat way with a calorie goal of about 2100. I really wasn't getting anywhere, after some reading (my wife did a lot more reading than I did) so I changed it up to low carb (115g per day) and dropped my calories to about 1960. I've been at this stage before and never was able to really get below the 208/209 range. Having said that my February goal is to drop 5 pounds. Wish me luck.

    Welcome! Sounds like you're doing well so far!
    Your weight range sounds very similar to my husband's. He hadn't been able to get below 208/209 for a good 20 years (he's 48 now and had gotten up to 224 in Aug; 215 had been his average for ages) but recently on a lower carb diet and working out hard he's made great progress and weighed in at 200.4 the other day (his goal now is 190)! Good luck to you in February! Hope you're able to break through that plateau, too!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Well, I haven't lost any weight or inches. So I'm going to need some hard data. This week I'm going to work out 6 days, and after that I'll go to 4-5 days a week. Not sure why I stopped, I've been like this all month. I'm also going to count my carbs, at least for this week. Make sure they truly are in the 50-100 range. I believe they are...I'm having all the side effects of them being in a lower range (i.e. clear skin, less puffiness, getting completely hammered off one vodka soda) but I need to know what is going on. Never tried keto stix...maybe I'll give those a whirl. The exercise will help with my mental health as well. Here's to a better February! Great job to everyone else on your successes and everything you have learned and accomplished.