Week #4 Healthy Habits and Weight Management Program

kconnell628 Posts: 28 Member
Congratulations! We are 1/2 way through our Challenge and Everyone is doing great! We've worked out the kinks in the process and I have worked individually with many of you to make sure you are using MFP and understanding the requirements. So, now we're ready to go full speed ahead! The Monday 9 pm deadline requirement to submit your log and weekly weight will be strictly enforced.
This week you will track your water intake. You must drink at least 8 cups of 8 oz. of water daily for 5 days. You must also track your activity and food intake for at least 3 days. On Monday, you should send me your activity and food log for week #3 AND your weight as of Monday, Jan 30 No later than 9 pm!
Keep up the great work!!! The momentum is growing!!!!
