Don't understand

sbtripp Posts: 44 Member
I am on day 38 and have lost 13 pounds. I have lost nothing over the past 7. I always have 400 calories left at the end of the day, am eating 15g of carbs (not net carbs), under on my protein intake. I occasionally actually make the fat goal, but not every day.

It sounds like folks on here eat a lot more than I do and I cannot figure out how to get veggies in (if green beans have 9 carbs, I don't particularly want to eat them since that only leaves 6 for the day). Here is my plan for today. Please advise.

So far I have had 4 cups of water and two cups of coffee.

1 egg with 1 slice of American cheese
2 slices Kirkland's thick slice bacon

3 slices Land of Frost black forest ham wrapped in 1 slice Provolone
4" piece of celery with 1 teaspoon Smart Balance peanut butter

1/2 ounce cashews

1 Costco hamburger
1 Sargento cheddar cheese stick (1 oz)

Thanks for looking at this and helping me figure it out.


  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    It is not uncommon for losses to be stair step versus continual. You likely lost some water up front along with fat. Now your body is doing some recomp. If you do measurements, it is likely you are getting smaller even though you are not losing this last week. If you are not taking measurements, you should. At a minimum, pay attention to how things like your belts/pants fit.

    Also, don't worry about a time period as short as 1 week. If it gets to 3-4 weeks, then you may need to make a change.

    If a change is needed, there is another thread with a link @Sunny_Bunny_ posted with reasons for stalls. One of them is dairy. For SOME people, dairy can cause people to stall. I only mention this because of the two mentions of cheese in your post.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    What is the reason you are set at 15 carbs? Is it medical? I know sometimes with seizures and things people need to be lower on the carbs and higher on the fat.

    We have people here from the whole low carb spectrum nearly zero to 150 so some of us can have more veggies than others. Usually the under 50 people are keto. Then we have the regular low carbers or the slow carbers. Personally I usually get around 30-40 carbs a day. This keeps me in ketosis which I find is good for managing my RA flares.
  • CarrieMoritz
    CarrieMoritz Posts: 34 Member
    Height, current weight, goal weight, activity level, macro goals (calories, fats, proteins)? It looks like you're eating very little calories, which while that works for some people, it backfires for others. I was eating 1250-1300 a day for five months until I stalled out, and now I'm playing around with up to 1500 calories and 110g fat, 120 g protein, 20 g carbs. I'm 5'7" and within 20 lbs of optimal bodyfat%.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Also, how is your hunger level?
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Hi @sbtripp. Waving at you from across Jordan Lake :p . I'm your age and gender.
  • motorcyclekopp
    motorcyclekopp Posts: 96 Member
    edited February 2017
    I have only recently discovered the social benefit of MFP here. Some of the people who have added me as a friend in this app have an open diary. And I have found it very beneficial to check out what they are eating every now & then -just for new food ideas. I have mine open to anyone who friend requests me -just for that very reason. I figure that we are all here to achieve similar goals of weight loss & health, so if my food diary can help someone else with new ideas (even a little bit) -I'm all for sharing it. So anyways.... my point is to maybe look at some other people's food diary to get some more ideas on how to get more veggies in & eat more, while still staying around your target zones.
    (-that is, of course, assuming that you don't do this stuff already).
  • sbtripp
    sbtripp Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks everyone for your willingness to help.

    Mm15g carbs, 90g protein, 87g fat, 1200 kcal are the goals. I chose 15g based on advise from my son who has been very successful on keto diet. He told me to be sure to eat enough fat. I am 63, 5'6", and now at 163 pounds down from 176. Would like to get to 150 and then reevaluate.

    Any other info I can provide to help you help me?

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited February 2017
    We're almost Twinkies! I'm 5'6" also.

    I had to get some exercise in order to lose. Are you getting any exercise? I do mostly brisk walking and it helped. An hour of brisk walking isn't all that much of a burn (regardless of what MFP says) but it allowed me to eat and still have a deficit. Are you hungry on 800 calories a day? I'd be famished.

    I lost OK on ~1200-1300 down to 140. Do you have any metabolic disorders like insulin resistance or Type 2 Diabetes than might be getting in your way?

    Congrats on the 12 pounds lost already. How long have you been dieting and how long keto?
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    You are older, and you only have a little bit to lose. These are factors which will contribute to slower weight loss. Also, 7 days is nothing, especially for a woman. Weightloss is definitely not linear. If you haven't lost a gram after 6 or 8 weeks you might say you'd stalled and do something about it.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    sbtripp wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for your willingness to help.

    Mm15g carbs, 90g protein, 87g fat, 1200 kcal are the goals. I chose 15g based on advise from my son who has been very successful on keto diet. He told me to be sure to eat enough fat. I am 63, 5'6", and now at 163 pounds down from 176. Would like to get to 150 and then reevaluate.

    Any other info I can provide to help you help me?

    How's your hunger? Are you finding it hard to stay under your calorie goal or are you easily finding yourself feeling satisfied?

    The numbers look fine to me. Assuming hunger is fine and you've no new exercise that maybe creating temporary water weight, I suspect you're experiencing a similar phenomena as I have, where you will continue to lose fat without weight loss for a bit. Maybe consider it a "maintenance pause"... there's a theory that after some decent fat loss, the body will work on some of the tissues that were once stretched out more from the previous fat. It's the only way I can explain the changes I've had losing a full size without weight loss but my skin tightening up. Though, it's got a loooooooong way to go on that still.
    I haven't lost a single pound in way over a year now. I'm 5'4", 140 pounds and decided my goal was 126. Probably too aggressive in hindsight. I started at 165. For whatever reason, I just cannot lose any more scale weight. But that hasn't stopped me from losing scale weight :)

    Hang in there.
    7 days ain't "kitten"!
  • BishopLord
    BishopLord Posts: 55 Member
    shalooop wrote: »
    I don't think you're eating enough food

  • swing72
    swing72 Posts: 20 Member
    my weight will bounce around for a week then i will have a proper drop - if you are not hungry on what you are eating it looks fine to me - just keep at it :)