Week 1 Encouragement

dsdaiga Posts: 12 Member
Welcome to the first week of the Abundant Life Biggest Loser Challenge! As Megan mentioned during service this past Sunday, I will be providing some weekly inspiration based on God's Word to (hopefully!) motivate us during the challenge. I look forward to embarking on this journey with you as we learn a little about what God's Word has to say about food, eating, health and nutrition.

Week 1: Food Battle = Spiritual Battle

We all have different reasons for joining the Biggest Loser Challenge. Some of us want to lose weight, while others want to learn more about nutrition. Others may have joined for accountability, and still others because their spouses made them :). Regardless of the reason, the first thing we need to realize in order to have success in the area of eating is that any sort of food problem is a spiritual battle. I think it is easier to tell ourselves that God doesn't care about what we put in our mouths. Regardless of what we want to believe though, God does care about what and how we eat and it says so throughout his Word.

Romans 12:1 says that we are to "present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." How can we have the physical energy to serve God if we don't make good choices when it comes to food?

Gal 6:7-8 says, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life." When we give into cravings and eat foods that are unhealthy or overindulge, we reap drowsiness, laziness, dullness, mind fogs, and tiredness (Proverbs 19:24; 23:21). But when we eat foods that are healthy and eat only the portion we need (Proverbs 25:16), we are more energized, clear-headed, productive, and have physical strength and stamina for God's work.

Realizing that our food problem, whether eating too much, eating unhealthy foods, not eating enough food, etc. is a spiritual issue should not bring condemnation but should bring hope. Jesus died on the cross so that through his Victory we can conquer the desires of the flesh! It’s through Him and His Word that we can win our food battles! We will talk more about this in the coming weeks.


  • adamjmilnes
    adamjmilnes Posts: 9 Member
    Very encouraging!! It is easy to fall into the condemnation trap. Thanks for the message backed solidly with His Word!
  • mnmilnes
    mnmilnes Posts: 32 Member
    This is awesome Daren! Very encouraging ♡ I'm learning there is worship in restraint. The word says we're sinning when we know what to do and we don't do it. When I walk away from the cupcake because I know I've had all I need, giving it to God, I honor Him. We chose to draw near to Him when we honor Him, and He promises to draw near to us. Love ya sister!
  • catz789
    catz789 Posts: 35 Member
    As with any area where I am battling the flesh and choosing to walk in the Spirit, I find peace knowing that I resisted the flesh, I followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and am walking in victory.

    This week so far, I resisted eating candy bars when all 3 members of my family were eating them right next to me and Hannah even held one out to me. I totally wanted to take it, but did not. I told her I was not going to eat due to losing weight, and she said she was sorry, she forgot. Sweet girl made me some energy bites sweetened with honey the next day!!!

    I also resisted Rural King popcorn which was especially difficult b/c my car automatically turns in there for a popcorn stop (haha)!!!

    Anyway, I realized this week that I felt peace not eating the junk food instead of feeling deprived as I have in the past. Physically I felt better too (no aching tummy from too much junk). Baby steps, we are all growing as we choose to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh in all areas of our lives, including food.
  • mnmilnes
    mnmilnes Posts: 32 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good for you Lisa! Hannah is such a sweetheart! Tomorrow Adam is taking the kiddos to see their Great Grandma (while I catch a breather and finish a birthday cake order....pray I may overcome the buttercream frosting temptation!) so I took them shopping for a gift to bring along. We walked past the Valentine's Day cookies, and I asked if they wanted to bring any. Aven first responded with a vibrant YES! then sternly retorted, "No, they're not healthy." Haha! Wren of course piped in that she would kindly take them in Aven's place :) I was encouraged by Aven's sacrifice. She may partake in a cookie tomorrow, but there is joy and strength which comes from knowing my 6 year old has my back ♡