What's your goal for 2017 ?

size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
I lost 63lbs last year ill gained 33 back
So 40 lbs is my goal

What's yours ?


  • asherertel
    asherertel Posts: 3 Member
    My goal is to have more energy and loose 40lbs.
  • jules8284
    jules8284 Posts: 3 Member
    I just want to be healthier...recently gained 22lbs, total of 48 to lose.
  • Angua16
    Angua16 Posts: 22 Member
    I've got three months to lose 10kg. I've had two knee reconstructions (on the same knee) in three years. I've piled on 17 kg since I tore my ACL in May 2013 and my extra weight is hampering my recovery (and then I eat to console myself). I used to play sport and lift weights religiously but now I'm so fat and unfit I get puffed walking short distances. I'm determined to stop making excuses and start controlling my weight instead of my weight controlling me!!
  • smcinto
    smcinto Posts: 55 Member
    26lbs by the end of June as I will be doing my PADI Advance
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm really not new to the weight loss scene, or My Fitness Pal. I have a lot of weight to loose though. I'm having some health issues, although not serious yet. Last March 2016 I went to the gastroenterologist, because I was vomiting and getting stomach and bowel cramps. Many tests later I have IBS and Barrett's Esophagus. I'm taking medication, daily, which helps, but need to lose weight and eat small meals. Since last year I've lost 27 pounds. I have a doctor's appointment this Friday, and haven't lost anything since Fall. I've been up and down, but just kind of maintaining that 27 lb loss. I'm only 5' 1" tall and still weigh 181.8 this morning. I should only weigh about 105 lbs, but will probably not get to this goal. I would like to see 120 lbs though. I hope to be down to 140 - 150 lbs by the end of 2017. I think that's realistic. Glad that this group is here, and hope you all have success in 2017 too!

    PS: I have 76.8 lbs to lose, but hope to lose at least 40 this year!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Thanks for telling us all how your doing and we will do this :)
  • DanElizKim
    DanElizKim Posts: 14 Member
    My goal is to get down to 115 by the end of the summer and also get into a daily exercise routine. That's about 20 lbs more but nothing drastic. (I am only 5"1.5") Would like to hike the entire White Mountains Presidential Trail. Last year I did half of it. Also, would like to do some group bike rides.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    DanElizKim wrote: »
    My goal is to get down to 115 by the end of the summer and also get into a daily exercise routine. That's about 20 lbs more but nothing drastic. (I am only 5"1.5") Would like to hike the entire White Mountains Presidential Trail. Last year I did half of it. Also, would like to do some group bike rides.

    Sounds like a fantastic goal you will do it and I'll look forward to hearing your goal post :)

  • wtxchick
    wtxchick Posts: 4 Member
    Love the idea of this group!!

    My plan for the year is to lose 60 pounds!

    I am an empty nester and my husband and I are enjoying finding ourselves as a couple again. I would just like to do it in a body that has a little more energy and not so weighed down!!
  • tberkley1
    tberkley1 Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hello everyone! It looks like everyone is getting off to a great start for the year with their health and desire to change! I'm glad about it! Keep it up! My goal for 2017 is to lose 80 pounds in the year and if my math is correct I would have to lose almost 9 pounds a month starting in March in order to do so. I plan on starting in 30 minutes though for some extra drop offs! Please any support and encouragements will help! THankss!!
  • sari_endipity08
    sari_endipity08 Posts: 160 Member
    I've been dealing with an awful plateau for awhile now so my goal for this year is less about the scale and more about my measurements. I'm going to take them tomorrow and hope with my diet and increased exercise I'll start to feel better despite the scale not moving....
  • hkaccompanist
    hkaccompanist Posts: 100 Member
    When I started MFP (Jan 4, 2017), I was 169.2lbs. I have lost 15 lbs since then and have extra 35 lbs to lose. My main goal is establishing good, healthy habits.
    Phase 1 (till I reach 145 lbs)
    1. Drink lots of water
    2. Stay within calorie budget
    3. Track everything
    4. No food after 8:30p.m.
    5. Sleep before midnight

    Then I'll keep doing the same and start to exercise :smile:
  • leej0422
    leej0422 Posts: 5 Member
    My goal is to lose a total of 16 lbs by the end of May. I started off at 174 in the beginning of January, and I'm at 165 right now. My aim is to have abs unflexed by the end the of this. I hope everyone has keeping up with their goals, because yall got this!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I have to much weight to lose! 5 stone minimum, but I'll be happy with 3 stone by the end of the year. I need to get in a routine of exercising again, and not making excuses, log my food daily regardless of if its good or bad day and work on improving my choices.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    How are you all doing ?
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Not had a good weekend, as was ill and comfort ate :-( Lots planned this week though.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Hestion wrote: »
    Not had a good weekend, as was ill and comfort ate :-( Lots planned this week though.

    Oh no hope your better today
    Forget the comfort food today a a new day :)

  • Hi all.

    New to MFP and enjoying the app. Got 27kg to loose. Haven't given myself a time frame but would like to loose 8 or so kg's by June. Turning 50 :# Been exercising 6 times a week. Not lost anything yet but very motivated.

    Samantha for Cape Town South Africa
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Hi all.

    New to MFP and enjoying the app. Got 27kg to loose. Haven't given myself a time frame but would like to loose 8 or so kg's by June. Turning 50 :# Been exercising 6 times a week. Not lost anything yet but very motivated.

    Samantha for Cape Town South Africa

    Hi Samantha well done on your new journey
    How much are you eating calorie wise ?
  • MFP says 1200cal a day but I'm also doing IF. Not a brekkie person. I work out early in the morning and take BCAA instead of breakfast.