

  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I think EpiPens are only good for 1 year! My husband has never used his and it seems like such a waste!
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    edited February 2017
    Lots of steps again today, but still no time for the videos!!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    CHALLENGE #1: “VOGLIO UN GELATO!” (10 points)
    25-Minute Calorie-Crushing Cardio and Legs Workout
    Complete 2/22

    CHALLENGE #2: “TAKE A GONDOLA” (10 points)
    40-Minute Seated Chair Cardio and Strength Workout
    Planned for 2/23 or 2/24

    CHALLENGE #3: "ACQUA, NON VINO!" (5 points)
    At least 64 oz water for 5 days
    3/5 Complete


    Mon: 75
    Tue: 110
    Wed: 120

    Since we have a 5K planned for Saturday, I wanted to get the cardio/legs workout done early in the week. Don't want wobbly worn-out legs for the race!

    Probably tmi, but I'm sure going to the bathroom a lot this week. :*
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    Got back a little earlier from supper and had time to do the chair workout! Yay, one challenge done!
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »

    Re: the EPI pen, I had also heard there was now a generic available in the US for less than half the cost of that price-gouging name brand. I used to have to carry one around for my son after a serious bee sting reaction (20+ years ago). Not sure how I could have managed to do that at the current prices. As I recall, the shelf-life (expiration) wasn't very long.

    It also seems that I heard Americans can now get medicines from Canada or other countries as long as we have a current prescription. I have ordered some things off the internet in the past (a prescription eye drop that was WAY less expensive). I wasn't sure if it was really legal or not but I was able to get 6 of them for the price of 1 here in the US and it was the same manufacturer. So many dumb rules to follow that make no sense.

    Thanks for the info! @Mrscanmore that's the clincher! I pray that I'll never have to use it. It's a pretty expensive paperweight!

  • mvfeathers2
    mvfeathers2 Posts: 897 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA this week - work took over on T/W, but I'm back on track now. I will complete the water, but it'll be Sunday :( I didn't plan well for T/W & when work emergencies arose I didn't have my H2O.

    Trying to make up for the missed exercise on Tuesday a little at a time.
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,272 Member
    @getsa - I may have messed up your Wednesday numbers. I entered mine, then looked and they were in your line (you're right below me). Sorry about that. I'm obviously not nearly awake enough yet.
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I can't get team 5 page to load up on the spreadsheet. Team 1 loads, when I switch to 5 it just says loading.

    Can someone put 302 minutes for me for Thursday?
  • ldrichmond476
    ldrichmond476 Posts: 157 Member
    edited February 2017
    @My_Butt I entered your minutes for Thursday.
    For myself I got the chair cardio/strength video done today.
    Also got those parsnips roasted tonight that I bought for the food challenge last week. Glad I had the anchovies and persimmons ready to eat so I got the points needed. Those challenge points are super important and really can make the difference in this friendly competition!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    @b3achy - what a cool experience! My stepfather was a Navy pilot, then later a bush pilot in Alaska. When he and my mom got married he had 3 small airplanes (who knows why). He and my mom used to fly around the state nearly every weekend and had invited me and my husband to go several times. My husband hates to fly but I always thought he would come around eventually. About 5 years ago stepdad sold the planes and hung up his wings and we never did go. It's one of my biggest regrets that I never went flying with them. :'(
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    CHALLENGE #1: “VOGLIO UN GELATO!” (10 points)
    25-Minute Calorie-Crushing Cardio and Legs Workout
    Complete 2/22

    CHALLENGE #2: “TAKE A GONDOLA” (10 points)
    40-Minute Seated Chair Cardio and Strength Workout
    Complete 2/24

    CHALLENGE #3: "ACQUA, NON VINO!" (5 points)
    At least 64 oz water for 5 days
    5/5 Complete 2/24 (but can't post until Saturday)

    Mon: 75
    Tue: 110
    Wed: 120
    Thu: 65
    Fri: 115

    5K tomorrow morning (forecast for chilly but no rain) and possibly some disc golf in the afternoon so I should have some decent minutes on Saturday.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,132 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    @b3achy - what a cool experience! My stepfather was a Navy pilot, then later a bush pilot in Alaska. When he and my mom got married he had 3 small airplanes (who knows why). He and my mom used to fly around the state nearly every weekend and had invited me and my husband to go several times. My husband hates to fly but I always thought he would come around eventually. About 5 years ago stepdad sold the planes and hung up his wings and we never did go. It's one of my biggest regrets that I never went flying with them. :'(

    Thanks! It was delightful!!

    My buddy is a retired Navy pilot too, and actually has two planes, which I find odd since it's just him that flies them. But I guess some people have multiple cars, and others have multiple planes. Alaska bush pilot sounds so awesome! And I totally understand the putting it off to go for a trip. I've known this guy for at least 6 years, and this is the first time I got to fly with him. Been wanting to go for a long time, but I'm not one to ask, he has to offer (since it's so expensive). I will admit I was a bit nervous since he can be a bit flaky (and drives like a maniac), but in the air, he's clearly in his element and is an excellent pilot. I was frazzled by the end of the flight since my hometown has a very busy airspace, and he seemed rather unfazed by all the directions from the air traffic controllers (of course, he flies here regularly, so for him it was a usual day). I was quite impressed, and he was great at explaining everything, so I learned a lot too.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,132 Member
    edited February 2017
    I had plans to get something done this evening since I blew off working out this afternoon, but I was thwarted with more work than I estimated. However, I shouldn't have any work to do tomorrow, so hope to catch up with the workout videos and hopefully getting some other exercise in.

    I did at least get my water challenge done today, though it did require me to just suck down about 3 cups of water since I got behind...going to be a middle of the night bathroom night for me. :/

    Thanks to those who are kicking butt on the minutes, since it looks like we've arrived in Venice!! Well done Fab Fives!!!

    And of course there is paddling in Venice...those waterways aren't just for the gondolas!! ;)
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Yay! Finally able to access the spreadsheet again. Deleted the app and downloaded and it works just fine.

    I've been stuck in 4th position on the power rank board for awhile now. So close to bumping #3 spot.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I finally got a chance to do challenge 1. I woke up a bit early and couldn't go back to sleep so I did the workout in the hotel room bathroom! Didn't want to wake everyone else!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,132 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hey Fab Fives!!!

    OMG, I'm so tired, but still working on some more minutes, just taking a quick break to post. Today has been catch up on all my challenges day. So I've been slowly chipping away at them (with long breaks in between) since about 2pm today. :sweat:

    So, all my AR challenges are completed. Got both videos done today, and water was completed yesterday, but logged today. :smiley:

    I even caught up watching the videos for the week (and honestly last week which I never got done) while jumping on my Glider to get some miles. I'm very far behind in all my mileage challenges for this month.

    Working on catching up with the Fab Feb Challenge from @MiamiSeoul's challenge thread. I was 'only' 12 days of workouts behind when I started. Now I'm only 4 days behind having done 85 Situps, 85 Jumping Jack, 85 Back Extensions, 85 Side Crunches, 210 Mountain Climbers thus far. Clearly not the optimal way to do a thirty day challenge. :neutral: Hoping to get at least two more days done of that one before I collapse tonight.

    I think it's going to be hopeless to get any cleaning done today for the Cleaning challenge in that thread even though I redid the list to meet my needs for my home. I still have the list on my refrigerator to do even if it isn't a challenge next month...just hate not doing it again this month since last month I said I'd focus on it this month. Somehow my cleaning always gets back-burnered even though my house desperately needs it. :/

    I actually host a 60 minute / month Plank Challenge thread, that I've not posted to in weeks due to barely getting online except to enter my food and minutes for this challenge (I think I'm now hundreds of posts behind in reading all my bookmarked threads too). I'm way behind in my planking, but at least trying to make my usual end of month showing to at least get close to the goal. Have gotten 12 minutes of planks done so far today (shooting for 15-18 minutes total for today). BTW, not smart to do planking before that first AR challenge video. :open_mouth:

    At least it's all adding up to some nice minutes for the day, especially since I was so far behind in getting my workouts done this week. I'm hoping to get more minutes done tomorrow, if I can move after today. I'm sure it's going to be an Advil and heating pad kind of night. And I need to find some food...I'm feeling like its a good night to find some calorie dense treats that I don't normally eat to treat myself for all this (especially since I'm at negative net calories right :)

    Hope everyone is having a delightful Saturday. Congrats to @rusgolden and @RaeBeeBaby for their excellent race finishes today!!

  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    @My_Butt - amazing pic! I'd be ecstatic to look anything like your picture on the left! You get more exercise in an average day than just about anyone I know, so hard to imagine you'd need to add more for a "schedule"! Anyhoo - looking fabulous!

    @b3achy - Way to play catch-up! Just don't hurt yourself by overdoing it! I've done that before and ended up out of commission for a couple weeks. And thanks for the props for the 5K. I know @rusgolden really killed it with his race time finish!

    For my 5K, the first half has a lot of hills, so I was just happy to beat my personal record for that particular race. The 5K is the kick-off event for the WurstFest (as in bratwurst), so we finished the race with a beer, a brat, and some curly fries. I didn't feel a bit guilty for eating that and drinking a large German beer at 10:30 in the morning. >:) Took a little nap, then played about an hour of disc golf to round out the day.

    All challenges completed and points added.

    Mon: 75
    Tue: 110
    Wed: 120
    Thu: 65
    Fri: 115
    Sat: 130

    I met another personal goal this week of going to aquasize class 5 days in a row, so that helped with the minutes. I also have a walk planned in the morning with a friend, so should be able to get to the 700 again this week.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,132 Member
    edited February 2017
    Congrats @My_Butt !! Looking great!

    @RaeBeeBaby - brats and beer sound AWESOME! Congrats on yet another goal met this week! You are rocking it! And no worries...those 3 hours of minutes took me about 6 hours in total to get, so I was taking plenty of breaks between workouts.

    Okay, Fab Fives, Team 2 has pulled ahead of us, but if we get in our challenge points, I'm sure we can take back third from them for this week!! Know we've still got a lot of illness and injuries, but we'd have 50 more points just if everyone has done their water challenge. We have at least 200 more challenge points to log...we can do this!!


    My totals from yesterday:
    • AR Challenges completed, did both videos; water was done M-F and logged yesterday.
    • 15 minutes of Planks (5 x 60 sec - straight arm, 5 x 60 sec - alternating sides, 5 x 60 sec - dolphin/pike)
    • Days 9-22 of Fab Feb challenge done (125 each of sit-ups, jumping jacks, back extensions, side crunches; 280 mountain climbers) ~ hope to get all caught up today so Monday and Tuesday will be regular days.
    • 75 minutes on the Glider (catching up on videos from last week and this week, and watching TV = 4.7 miles)

    I'm off to get some more minutes before the DOMS from yesterday's workouts kick in. Have a blessed Sunday!