Calories and LCHF

aimos87 Posts: 55 Member
Hi, When you eat LCHF do you stay within a calorie allowance? I imagine this is difficult to do as fats are high in cals?


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    It isn't are hard as it would seem. Often, it is hard for people to stay above their minimum calorie goal.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    I'm actually finding it far easier to stay in my calories. When I eat now I actually feel satisfied because I have eaten so much fat and minimal carbs with my meals. I was struggling with binge cycles before.
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    Not really. The times I do go over calories its because I over eat and I know I'm overeating lol. This WOE has taught me to listen to my body and to recognize TRUE hunger from just wanting to eat cuz its delicous food lol. For example, I love wings. Low in carbs, but high in cals. Now, I WILL be full on 4 wings from Buffalo Wild Wings but sometimes I will cram in that last one cuz its so darn good not because I am still hungry. See? But when I really lock in and stay focused I will stay under cals because I feel satisfied with LCHF.
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    Same here! I tend to be under calories I monitor that pretty closely. A couple under days I don't mind but if it starts getting out of hand I work to fix it. I'm one that believes under 1200 Cal for an extended period is bad news so YMMV on that :)
  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    When first going keto I did, but I get so full on fats and protein that I don't really pay as much attention to it now.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I have days when I have to have fat bombs to get to the MFP limit, otherwise I can't submit my diary. This is a whole other way of eating. I still log but I think I would do just as well if I didn't. I log mainly because some people like reading my diary since I eat a lot of ethnic foods and it inspires them to try new things. I have always been a serious foodie type person and love to play around with new recipes and ingredients. A habit that is serving me well with this WOE.
  • WG_Keto
    WG_Keto Posts: 33 Member
    I'm finding I eat far less volume than I used to. Idk the exact calories I took in each day previously, but my goal is set to 1800, and now i find it hard to meet this on many days.
  • aimos87
    aimos87 Posts: 55 Member
    Awesome thanks everyone
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited February 2017
    Honestly? Yes. For me. I find it hard to stay within my calories most of the time.

    On the upside, I'm at maintenance and have been for a couple of years. I got there via a non-high fat diet as a calorie counter and food logger then switched to keto for a health reason other than weight.

    On the downside, this keto food is "fattening". Now that I'm using more oils, fattier cuts of meat, etc, when I log all that stuff in my diary it adds up fast. Fat is quite satiating for me so that is a good thing but the sad truth is I have had years of practice at excessive eating. I don't have any diseases/disorders/conditions that mess with my metabolism. I got fat because I ate too much too often.

    Losing weight has never been a goal for me on keto. Good news is, I've not gained. Keto has helped me become aware of my eating habits (grazing, etc) that are unrelated to hunger. I'd love to be able to graze through a party nibbling on fatty nuts, cheese, salamis then have a fatty dinner, then have a fatty keto appropriate dessert. Can't do it. I'd be back where I started weight wise. Quickly.
  • croftie4
    croftie4 Posts: 221 Member
    This is interesting - I am finding it hard to hit 1500 calories now i know why. I wrote on another thread that as a newbie gluten and wheat free I was worried I wasn't eating enough as I'm not used to my new way of eating and the dietician didn't mention that I'd be fuller.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited February 2017
    kirkor wrote: »
    I have days when I have to have fat bombs to get to the MFP limit, otherwise I can't submit my diary.

    You can log without hitting the "Complete My Entry" button and retain all functionality.

    I never complete mine. I don't need MFP to be judgey or to lie to me with its goofy false predictions.
    Of course I was always too hungry to worry about not completing due to calories, but still... :smirk:
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Yep. I've not "completed" my diary for a couple of years. I believe "completion" simply gives the 5 week projection and announces completion to your newsfeed if you have it checked in "settings" to announce. I unchecked that "box" long ago. My diary is open to my friends to look at if they choose to look. It's not real interesting. I also don't read or comment on pals food diaries or even check "like". I guess I could "like" that they kept one but since I didn't look at it, I don't know if I "like" it or not. LOL. Besides, it really shouldn't be important to others whether or not I like what they eat. If someone asks for suggestions, I look and offer an opinion.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I am trying to lose that last 6 pounds. I aim for 6 weeks of deficit (1250 cals) followed by 2 weeks of maintenance (1740 cals)...if I am hungry I will eat back up to half of my exercise calories, but I try to avoid that if I can manage it without being miserable.
  • tierrafuego
    tierrafuego Posts: 34 Member
    Yes, I track and watch calorie counts on Keto. When I don't, I don't lose or I gain a bit. That said, I do find it easier to stay at or under calorie on Keto b/c I'm satisfied and not walking around like a hangry woman. But it's a fine line. With beef tenderloin and horseradish cream, glorious cheeses, deviled eggs, I can go overboard if I'm not tracking.
  • Violet_Flux
    Violet_Flux Posts: 481 Member
    aimos87 wrote: »
    Hi, When you eat LCHF do you stay within a calorie allowance? I imagine this is difficult to do as fats are high in cals?

    My first 6 or 7 months of LCHF I did not count anything. I read labels / nutritional information, and just eyeballed the portions. This worked for me up until the point when it stopped working. Then I started using MFP primarily to count carbs. In my experience, finding and eliminating the hidden carbs also eliminated hidden calories.

    My opinion is, if you're making progress without worrying about calories, then that's fine. However, if you find you're not seeing the results you want, then it's time to start counting everything to make sure you aren't unintentionally slipping up somewhere.

    Having said that, I definitely find I'm satisfied and not hungry, and I almost never hit my calorie goal. I've even been 'scolded' by the app for trying to complete my diary with < 1000 calories lol. Even eating high fat foods, I find it difficult to go over my limit -- I'm full long before then.

  • JohnnyLowCarb
    JohnnyLowCarb Posts: 418 Member
    I am new to MFP and LCHF, I do want to lose so I have a daily calorie goal, macro nutrient goals, and I track my exercise. I do this everyday, however I think once I reach my ideal weight I might not log in as much. I might continue to monitor my weight and make sure I dont go the wrong way. But for now I am all in on tracking everything!