I'd love some constructive critique

KatyBell164 Posts: 104 Member
This is me today, I'm 5'11 and 185. Goal weight is 164 and then I'll reassess and hopefully tone and lean out.

I am starting a 3 day running and 2 day lifting program March 1st

Do you think my body will be changed enough at 164, or should I lower my goal?



  • schepaul1991
    schepaul1991 Posts: 3 Member
    How active are you now? It's really going to depend on what you're used to. If you are fairly sedentary right now, adding 3 days of cardio and 2 days of strength will probably do quite a lot for you! However, if you're already fairly active, it may not be as fast or as dramatic as you hope. Good luck! You look great, BTW. :)
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Only way to tell is to see how you feel/look at 164. Have you ever been that weight? You may find it's too much or not enough. Go by the mirror and not the scale.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    What kind of lifting do you propose to do? IMO, it's the lifting--and doing it correctly to meet your goals--that will make the most difference in the long run. If you're on a developed, progressively-heavier lifting program great. If not, I suggest Stronglifts 5x5 (there's an MFP group for women for that, and it's a fantastic resource), Starting Strength, or New Rules of Lifting for Women. There are others, but point being, if you want the look that you indicate, lifting will help you get there as you both continue your deficit AND when you get to your goal weight.

    On a deficit, you're not going to see huge "gains" in muscle GROWTH (as in size), but you can increase your strength (which especially spikes in new lifters, even on a calorie deficit); help ensure that the remaining pounds you lose will mostly be fat, as opposed to both fat and muscle; and lay a foundation for when you ARE at your goal weight to maintain and then slowly build as I'm sure you'll want to "re-comp" (lose fat and increase muscle at the same time, which is where you can achieve that "toned" look you want).