Need friends

lindasain Posts: 163 Member
I work in a special needs group home a stressful job but fun needing support plus new friends please add me


  • amymamie96
    amymamie96 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm Amy.
  • 2017Jupiter
    2017Jupiter Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hello Linda and Amy ! I'm Jupiter, I'm a highschool teacher and I'm in the process of writing a thesis and I find myself eating from stress. Let's support each other.

    What's your weight gain/loss story? Did you ever lose weight? How, why didn't it last? What changes are you planning on doing?

    For me, I'll take it slow, 2 days of exercice, 30 minutes each with an elastic band.
    Also, removing sugar and allowing only 25 grams of carbs / day (whatever that means, I'm yet to test it cause veggies contain lots of carbs so...I don't know how this will go!) Already stopped driniking coffee cause it deplets me of energy.

    +++Lots of green tea, protein and veggies for this new beginning!

    Waiting to know your stories.

    Good luck to us, friends!! Strong ladies that we are!
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Hi linda, amy and jupiter!

    I'm retired, married and found out that quiting sugar and keeping carbs under 100 at least, under 80 even better, and eating lots of vegetables and fish has helped tons with my overeating over my emotions.
    Linda, stress, so difficult, but then, you probably have so many wondèrful experinces helping others.
    Amy, glad you're here!
    Jupiter, great good stuff hearing your journey! Please share more. :)
    I find chcking in here and other groups affiliated with overeating helps me a lot to keep accountable and maintain abstinance from the foods that trigger my overeating. Also, its good to xpress some of the things that are the worst triggers emotionally for me. Over holidays avoiding drama, my own and others is challenging! I'm reading some books about how to develope inner strength so I don't get pulled around by my emotions. Its helped already.
  • knottyknitwits
    knottyknitwits Posts: 3 Member
    I'm newly back on MFP and I don't even know how to ADD friends!! :s
  • dawling11
    dawling11 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi knottyknitwits! The way i figured out how to add friends on user name you want to add, you will come to the screen that says send message/ignore. Click on the pic of the user and then you will see the add friend icon. Hope this makes sense. :)
  • MagneticGanymede
    MagneticGanymede Posts: 180 Member
    Gamliela wrote: »
    Hi linda, amy and jupiter!

    I'm retired, married and found out that quiting sugar and keeping carbs under 100 at least, under 80 even better, and eating lots of vegetables and fish has helped tons with my overeating over my emotions.
    Linda, stress, so difficult, but then, you probably have so many wondèrful experinces helping others.
    Amy, glad you're here!
    Jupiter, great good stuff hearing your journey! Please share more. :)
    I find chcking in here and other groups affiliated with overeating helps me a lot to keep accountable and maintain abstinance from the foods that trigger my overeating. Also, its good to xpress some of the things that are the worst triggers emotionally for me. Over holidays avoiding drama, my own and others is challenging! I'm reading some books about how to develope inner strength so I don't get pulled around by my emotions. Its helped already.

    I'd love book recommendations! I'm new and anyone can add me too.
  • krmsotherhalf68
    krmsotherhalf68 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi there - would be glad to be friends with all of you! Feel free to add me. I've been on MFP since August of 2014 and have lost over 100 lbs. The stress for me is keeping it off and losing more weight. Since the beginning of the month, I've been working on recommitting to my original goal: to be healthier. That said, I'm exercising more and slowly cutting out the larger portions I've been eating over the holidays. Slow and steady wins the race! (My mantra as of late.). Looking forward to sharing the journey. Peace.
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    I'm back on MFP after losing 45 lbs in 2015 and gaining 35lbs in 2016. I'm always looking for kind supportive people to share the journey with!!!
  • krmsotherhalf68
    krmsotherhalf68 Posts: 122 Member
    fruitydelicious, feel free to add me as a friend. <3 You're back and THAT'S what matters! We all hit bumps in the road on our journey. It's life-long, this eating healthier, etc. So, we chalk it up to a "bump" and move on. Remember: we are not defined by the # on the scale. We are wonderfully made! <3
  • caz30uk
    caz30uk Posts: 25 Member
    Hi im returning back to myfitnesspal as I fou it helps me in past and I've let my weight get bk on top off me and have a Gd 5stone to lose just really struggling mentally
  • freelingfree
    freelingfree Posts: 50 Member
    Add me!
  • motivatedeeat74
    motivatedeeat74 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello all
    I would like to join in the discussions as I am a food addict and have lost weight but now I am at a standstill need some suggestions!!
  • motivatedeeat74
    motivatedeeat74 Posts: 69 Member
    Please add me to your group! I am in dire straits but coping !
  • Justme8888
    Justme8888 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. I too am back for another try. I am 53 and finally accepting that I cant eat like I used too. That leads to binge eating. LOL I need all the support i can get. Please add me.
  • sarahwylder
    sarahwylder Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Linda, welcome and good luck on your journey. I’ve been a yo-yo dieter my whole life since I was about 8 years old until a few years ago. I've had to look long and hard at my relationship with food because I had serious emotional eating and bingeing tendencies. No diet will ever address these problems - they need a completely different approach. I've found it all starts with self compassion.
  • N0703989
    N0703989 Posts: 97 Member
    Good Afternoon all - what a lovely friendly group of people! I've just had a look at the groups and this one jumped on me. I've been here on MFP for years, more of a spectator than a competitor and I'll be honest not a lot has changed in the passing years. I lose and gain the same few pounds over and over again.

    If the definition of emotional eating is 'eating when you're not hungry' then that's me! I've had more counselling then I cared to admit to and to make things easier I end up blaming my mother which seems to please the counselor, though I don't know if that is particularly true or fair. I do know I eat as a reward, as a punishment, if I'm sad, bored, angry... so a new approached is definitely in order.
  • DeniseB12luv
    DeniseB12luv Posts: 21 Member
    You can add me!
  • jus4ninny
    jus4ninny Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! I too am an emotional eater. I also learned I am a habitual eater. Any suggestions on how to break the cycle? Thanks in advance for any tidbit.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Hi, read some of the threads in the top of the group page. I learned a lot from those. Glad you are here. :)
  • kpeterson19
    kpeterson19 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 35 and a high school teacher. I love my job but the stress is a lot sometimes and food is my go to stress reliever. Love to makes some friends here to help keep me accountable!