Keto friends wanted!!! :D



  • Adarah1981
    Adarah1981 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all! Today I am starting Keto again! Last time proved successful but I had to stop very far from my long term goal due to pregnancy. I would love some like minded friends for motivation and support!
  • robinsmith1
    robinsmith1 Posts: 3 Member
    After having the gastric bypass surgery, I lost 100 with in 1 year, I still had more to loose but I was well on my way. I'm very much a bored and an emotional eater. At the start of my second year, my grandmother died. I had lived with her and my grandfather since I was 12. I'm now 33, but I was 31 when she passed. We knew it was coming, she was very sick. Still when it happened, I gained some weight back, only about 25lbs, but that's a lot to gain back when you worked so hard to loose it in the first place. The next year wasn't very good, I got cancer, my Pap got cancer, my sister thought she had cancer and had her thyroid removed. Everything went to *kitten*. Then out of the blue my grandfather goes in for a lung biopsy and comes out dead. The last year we had become very close, he trusted me with doctors appointments, taking notes, helping him make educated decisions on surgeries and tests that needed to be done, etc. So when I lost him, I kinda l lost part of myself. And I know he would be so upset with me for gaining more weight back. So now I've gained about 50lbs back, and this diet looks l like the option that best fits with the outlines I have to follow with the Bariatric menu. The only thing is the fat intake is way higher that what I'm *supposed* to have. But I also don't have the issues (vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, gas, etc) when I eat fat. But I have been getting some of the side effects when I eat to much sugar. So I think I may be okay with this diet, I guess I just have to see, but I really need some support to help me get through this hard time until I can work out all the issues in my head that's making want to eat all these bad things. Please no criticism, just helpful opinions, thoughts, or ideas.
  • RoosterDJC
    RoosterDJC Posts: 93 Member
    Hey I'll help any way I can. There are always peaks and valleys right? Try lean proteins like chicken breast, Turkey and fish. I backed off how many hamburgers I eat for lean turkey meatballs.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @robinsmith1 - Oh, wow!! Sending all the hugs... That is so much to deal with. Luckily the fat part is "to satiety" so you won't have to aim for some random macro. The lowered carbs is the crucial part. Protein is probably a goal range your doctor previous set, if not, I'd ask there, because bariatric patients have different needs... Whatever fat you don't eat will be supplied by your body.

    I am a binge, compulsive, boredom, and emotional eater, as well. The mental side of this is so much harder (TO ME) than the physical stuff... Sending the best of thoughts. (HUGS)
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    @robinsmith1 - I am deeply sorry for your losses! Losing parental figures is devastating, I know. I will skipped the cliche' inspirational words, for both our sake, and go directly to a great resource I just stumbled on sorta specific to your situation.

    2 Keto Dudes podcast episode 52 spoke specifically to 3 ladies, mods at there forum which I don't know if I can link here, who all had bariatric surgery and found and follow a keto diet. They all a different style than you but I believe the info will still be useful.

    Also with respect to the amount of fat you're supposed to be "allowed" after bypass, my wife who had bypass, did not get fat restrictions for any medical reason. She was just urged to drastically limit sugar intake, which puts you part of the way to keto automatically. I think the reduced fat mantra of the lamestream dietetics infiltrated that doctor's head.

    Now as @KnitOrMiss has said and @Sunny_Bunny_ has repeated quite often around here, "If you're body is already High Fat, all you need is Low Carb!"

    My prayers to you and your family!!
  • bluelemonegg
    bluelemonegg Posts: 15 Member
    Hello all. I just finished my first week on keto and am looking for moral support to keep it up. It's working, but my body is still adjusting, and I fear I'm already tired of kale and spinish--which I used to love! But having those veggies a couple of times a day is straining that love...

    I'd like friends to inspire each other and share meal ideas. I'm glad I found this board, that will help a lot I'm sure! I've already found some great resources to check out.

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    he trusted me with doctors appointments, taking notes, helping him make educated decisions on surgeries and tests that needed to be done, etc. So when I lost him, I kinda l lost part of myself. Robin

    ...and it suddenly seems like you have no purpose. It's a very lonely space. Been there. My best to you. <3

  • AngiesCookie
    AngiesCookie Posts: 74 Member
    hi! I usually am in the LCD forum, but checking things out here too. I do lazy keto - track my food, but don't worry so much about macros. Just getting some weight loss. Did last year for a few months, dropped 30 lbs. Started again 1/15/17 and still going strong. Down 16 lbs. Had a few weeks of crazy stalls, but I have faith!
  • RoosterDJC
    RoosterDJC Posts: 93 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    70 pounds in 3 months? You're my hero...
  • rosan7534
    rosan7534 Posts: 14 Member
    Bobzilla54 that is amazing!
  • rosan7534
    rosan7534 Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning! I started keto this year and I'm loving it. I had a couple of challenging days, but I'm loving the weight loss.. down 16lbs this year! Total weight loss of 116lbs.. over 3yrs. Looking for some keto buddies for motivation, feel free to friend me :)
  • ReeseT48
    ReeseT48 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi to all! I'm a 'fast keto'er' which means I adapted very quickly (3 weeks) since Feb 6. My meals don't change much because I believe the simpler I eat, the more success I have :smiley: I don't have much to lose, just 20 lbs by September. I'm going slow so that I can enjoy the process and have the least amount of loose skin. I also workout (weights) and use my FitBit Surge. I enjoy experimenting with keto recipes and posting the meals to FB. I just turned 50 {{GASP}}, so bear with me :smiley: Feel free to add!
  • DisneyaholicDad
    DisneyaholicDad Posts: 1 Member
    Hello to all! I'm new to this site and new to the Keto lifestyle. Today is day 1 for me and I am hoping to knock off some considerable weight before our May Disney trip... yes I'm a grown man and I love all things Disney!!! Please feel free to add me! I would love any tips/advice you could give to help me succeed!
  • KetoCutie
    KetoCutie Posts: 161 Member
    By all means please add me! :) Also - here's a link to my keto recipe board on Pinterest- TONS of ideas here.
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    ashilyyy1 wrote: »
    Hi! I'm Ashley! I'm 23 years old, a momma of a sweet little boy, work hard as a dental assistant , and live in good 'ol VA!
    ....I've recently just started following this Ketogenic diet I heard about from a guy that lost 140 pounds in less than a year...that's insane, right? ..but he swears by keto and he's convinced me to give it a whirl...
    ..I'm looking for other keto people to follow on MFP. We can keep each other motivated and inspired! ....I'm hoping to loose at least 50pounds by April,2016...(I'm a bridesmaid in my cousins wedding..I need to look gooood!) if you're keto, Lets be friends! :)

    (And fyi, I'm totally gonna read your food diarys for meal ideas!)

    Friend me
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    New to keto
  • kelieghjane86
    kelieghjane86 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm new could everyone please add me as I can't seem to add anyone
    Would love to see food diarys for inspiratiion
  • patti349
    patti349 Posts: 72 Member
    KetoCutie wrote: »
    By all means please add me! :) Also - here's a link to my keto recipe board on Pinterest- TONS of ideas here.

    Started following your pinterest board and will go check out your info after checking this board. thanks
  • Suzybread
    Suzybread Posts: 9 Member
    Looking for other MFP users to help stay keto-accountable in my diary. Add me and say hello!