

  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    Thank you @b3achy and @RaeBeeBaby for the shout out. The race felt great and I hit my pace marks for each mile. The course is downtown, so I had a chance to preview it a couple times. The first mile is almost all downhill, followed by a steep incline and steep decline for mile 2, then mostly uphill the last mile.

  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    @geminiswede -- I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for getting your minutes and challenges posted!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    OK, so we have 2 people this week who haven't done any of the challenges or posted any minutes and a few others with only 1 challenge completed and minimal minutes.

    Is everybody sick or have we had some dropouts? Not sure how it works with non-reporters. Do we get someone new from the waiting list?
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited February 2017
    @geminiswede - you've done more than your share. And challenge points are key, so you've definitely done what you needed to do. Rest up and feel better. Migraines stink as that is what happened to me on Thursday night.

    @RaeBeeBaby - I'm kind of hoping we have some last minute posters, but hope they don't wait too long to do it. We still have 145 challenge points on the table.

    I can't believe Team 3 passed us and we're now in 5th place (by 35 points); and a 105 points out of third place. But we do have a number of injuries and sick folks this week. We're still in third place overall for the race (but only by 85 points at this point).
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,122 Member
    Did another 60 minutes tonight on my Glider. Not sure it made much difference, but I know one week when I could have put in some last minute time and didn't, it meant we didn't get 10 extra bonus points because others filled in their time near the end and it just missed breaking over to get a final bonus.

    Glad to see the empty spots are getting filled in, but we have less than an hour before the spreadsheet closes. Hope the rest of the folks come alive or at least fill in with zeros so we're not left hanging to see.

    At least we're in 4th place instead of 5th. Still hoping we can move into third again, and we can regain some points for our overall race lead. Let's go Fab Fives!!
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    I posted on a few of our players feed and had sent messages earlier. @RaeBeeBaby - yes we can request someone from the wait list if there are still some available. Right now it looks like only Jen hasn't reported at all.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    Sorry team I don't think my miles will be many this week and I don't think I will be able to do the challenges .due to my back giving up on me... :'( ouch . I will try but just letting you all know just incase .
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    @2016summerfun: Hope you are feeling better! We head back home tomorrow and then I'll work on the challenges.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited February 2017
    Sorry you aren't feeling well @2016summerfun !! Heal up! Your health is more important than our minutes. Same to you @MiamiSeoul! We want you ladies around for the long haul! Take care of yourselves!

    For all those that have been sick too...feel better soon! That crud that has been doing around is a monster. (I'm glad I got through it in Jan before the race started).

    Looks like ME missed our thread when he posted the final standings from last week, so I got it from one of the other threads:

    Kudos to Team 1 and Team 4 for maxing their challenge point minutes (they both got all 500 points) and tying for first for the week. We fell to 4th, but still are maintaining our 3rd place standing for the overall race. Let's get it done this week Fab Fives!

    Remember challenges are key. Even if you can't log a lot of minutes, work on getting those challenges done!
    Also, if you are having trouble with the spreadsheet, log your minutes here in the thread and ask someone to post it to the spreadsheet for you. We can't take your minutes off your news feed and fill in your missing time for you, but we can do it if you post here.

    And for anyone like me who was surprised there was only a single polar bear picture for the 'wild life' was my favorite critter when I visited Alaska...though they are pretty scary if you see them along the side of the road...

    We also went to a farm to see these guys...

    And even some of these guys while I was on Glacier tour...

    So, I requested, and hawkins said I could also paddleboard for the race challenge (since skiing was allowed, I figured I'd ask). My goal is to do the Iditarod Dare Challenge in one session, hopefully tomorrow (but may have to push it to Thursday if the conditions aren't reasonable ~ predicted winds are looking a little iffy for the route I want to take). We'll see if I can do it since the farthest I've been on my race board in one session has been about 5.5-6 miles (with one break). 10.49 is going to be a stretch for me, and I'm sure I'll need a few breaks to get it done. I'm estimating 20 minute miles which is a nice pace, but not too hard; which means I'll be paddling for 3.5 hours. That a lot of calories and sun. Say some prayers.

    Funny part is instead of doing weights today because of my challenge goal, I took a fitness class at the gym...Good grief, it kicked my hinney (I should have done the weights)...I did a TRX class today (remember that goal at the end of the last race, to do something different...I finally accomplished that goal, which was to take a class at the gym). Wow, that's a serious workout. So, not many minutes today, but hope to make up for it tomorrow (or Thursday).

    I'm still trying to figure out which vice to break. I have a few ideas, and might try to do multiple things to see if one sticks for 5 I would have liked it to be my habit of not drinking enough water (it's a continuous struggle), but since we just did it last week, I feel like I need to choose something else.
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member

    Thanks for all the well wishes guys. I'm feeling about 60%. I will get some minutes in this week & I'm committing to getting all the challenge points. I don't know if I'll make 700; I hope I feel better with each passing day <3


  • mvfeathers2
    mvfeathers2 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi friends! I'm giving up chocolate for these next 5 days. This is always a challenge, but I know it's worth it. I easily fall into the sugar addiction and the challenges help me break that.

    Also, I'm striving for the 10.49 miles. I got in 4 miles yesterday using the treadmill & bike.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    edited February 2017
    The food vice I'm leaving behind is after supper snacking! I can do really well all day and then I fall apart before bed. Today is our travel day, so I'll do it Wednesday-Sunday.
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    The food-related vice I'm giving up is fast food. It's so easy for me to just grab something out instead of cooking, especially because I hate cooking, even if it's pre-prepared. Rationally I know I can eat more food for less calories at home, but the convenience part tempts me too much. I did it yesterday, knew I wasn't going to today because of a no lunch break (got a Pita at Pita Pit, which is kind of like subway for pitas, so at least it wasn't the worst) and rushing from an interview back to work, but going to focus on doing it for the rest of the week too.

    Also planning on 5k outside after work today. Hopefully the rain stays away long enough. If not, guess I'll get a pre-shower in too. :p
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    Happy Mardi Gras!! (Figured that would be better than Happy FAT TUESDAY)!

    Since the challenge for the food vice coincides with the start of Lent, I had planned on giving up my beloved ice cream, so will do that for both. I abstained last night, but I will probably have some tonight for the last time for the next 6 weeks.

    For the Iditarod challenge, I am going to do the 10.49 miles running outside. I did close to 4 today and have running days tomorrow and Thursday that I will be able to complete by.


    Here's an update on some of our teammates...

    I heard back from Jen @lja860813 this morning and she was sooo apologetic that she was MIA last week... parent/teacher conferences, sick kids, sounds like the gamut of what could go wrong.

    I heard back from @getsa yesterday and she too was sorry she missed the deadline to post her time in... she had done some exercise, just didn't get it logged on the spreadsheet.

    Finally, I received a message from @jackiep248 that she was in the hospital and not sure how much, if any, she would be able to exercise, so it seems our team injury woes are continuing.

    @MiamiSeoul -- glad you are recuperating, but don't overdo it!!


    So, Fab Fives, we need to really pull together as a team to get as many minutes and challenge points that we can... we really don't want to fall behind and lose our 3rd place position.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    We're in need of back-up players for the Wait-List. If you know of anyone who might be interested in trying out the race over the last few weeks, please refer them to the sign-up sheet, which is found on the Main Group page under "Announcements".

    Thank you! :)
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    Completed the 5k Frostbite footrace outside on the walking path we have near the river here.

    I mostly walked, because it's too cold to swim and no snow to skii on. :tongue: There was also some hurried jogging as I tried to beat the rain. I didn't succeed. :D
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    We had three flights today with very tight connections between each. I think all the flights were running a bit behind so all my running today was from gate to gate! Looking forward to getting back to normal tomorrow! (Although I wish I was still on holidays!).
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited February 2017
    @rusgolden - thanks for the update. Yea, last week was weird. Hope @jackiep248 is okay! Prayers for fast healing! Glad to hear everyone else is doing okay, and @MiamiSeoul is on the mend!

    So, today I completed the Iditarod Dare Challenge (10.49 miles - outside). With approval from Hawkins, I did it on my SUP. Longest single session distance for me ever (over 4 hours on the water). Had to take two breaks (one at the 5 mile mark, and one at the 8.6 mile mark).



    I stand up paddleboarded (SUP'd) 10.49 miles (with pre-approval from Hawkins) because I wanted to see if I could endure the distance on my new race paddleboard since I've never gone that far before in one session. I also wanted to see what the point at Weedon Island looked like since some of my 'pro' SUP racing friends regularly paddle that far.

    Here's what I was planning to do:

    With consult from my local SUP shop, this is what I ended up doing because of the southerly winds - they recommended I head into the mangroves as a buffer to the head wind (I also wanted to do it for a change of scenery). Unfortunately, the tide was still pretty low, so in the mangroves, I couldn't paddle as fast since I could only put about 1/2 my blade in the water (just glad I didn't get stuck with my fin). Since it was my first time paddling this route, I actually got a bit lost in the mangroves too (it happens), so it added a bit more time and distance, but I found my way out.

    My GPS said it was only 11.07, not 11.17 miles, so I'm going with that for my total distance. It took me 4 hours of paddling. I took two major breaks to get some food and rest and reapply sunscreen which was about 17.5 minutes (not included in the paddle time). I also took a break here and there to snap some pictures. I hope to post pictures tomorrow. Nothing spectacular, just some snaps of my 'sled' with equipment (water, food, sunscreen, phone, GPS, PFD, paddle, leash), a few enroute, and some snaps of me after.

    With all the calories burned, I went to a new local eatery, and for dinner got their specialty a "Hott Mess Tots" bowl (Tater Tots, Ground Beef, Melted Cheese, Bacon, Scallions, and a Lime Cream sauce) ~ estimating the calories to be at least 1200, which barely puts a dent in the calories burned). But I'm so tired, there was no way I'm cooking tonight, and I earned those crazy calories!

    It was a glorious day though...smoothest water I've seen almost ever since I started paddling. Nice wind, but not too much. Super sunny (could have been a bit less sunny and hot), but not going to complain. Glad I prepped and knocked it out today. :)

    Not sure when I'll get the other challenge done, since I'm not sure I'll be able to move for a few days. Okay, off to feed cats, get a shower, and pass out.