Getting Ready Feb 27th

Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
I noticed we have 14 members so I increased the spreadsheet up to 20. Would like to know if you all would like to have a daily discussion. And tell us how everything is going, what exercises you are doing what is working, what is not. I found some exercises I like on youtube. One is Leslie Sansone. She has several from 1 mile walks up to 5 miles. I started Julian Michaels 30 day shred.
I am on day 3 today but thinking I may take a break tomorrow I am quite sore! lol. If you have a favorite exercise Please share.


  • lionessNV
    lionessNV Posts: 136 Member
    I think a daily discussion would be nice. :)

    My form of exercise is Daily Burn. I started last Monday (Feb. 20) and have only taken one day off since and that was because I have plans every Friday evening. I like the variety, I like that there are many programs to chose from, I like that they have a daily workout (live if you can join at 9:00 a.m. e.s.t.). Last week I didn't feel like doing one of the workouts in the program I chose so I did the daily workout that day instead. The trainers make the workouts fun!! B)
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    On warm days, I love getting out and walking at the track. Being winter time, there are more cold days then warm, so I haven't been very motivated to workout at home. I have a elliptical, rebounder, Dvd's and weights, so I have no excuse. Summer is only 16 weeks away, so I know I better get motivated if I am going to get these arms toned to feel comfortable wearing tanks.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    I will have to check out Daily Burn. I have not heard of that. And I am definitely with you on getting my arms toned. I would love to wear a tank top this summer!