(ETL) Feasting in February



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Glad to hear your gallbladder pain is subsiding Carla.

    I'm having a super busy couple days, but keeping up with eating good stuff. I made a big batch of garlicky kale last night and some more brown rice for lunch bowls with roasted sweet potatoes and chickpeas. So good, light but filling. Need to get some lettuce cleaned tonight for salads though.

    Off to work!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys! I am going crazy at work again suddenly, I thought it was supposed to be quieter. Sounds like story of all of our lives, right? Anyway, it's beautiful and warm here today which is crazy for February 23, so I'll take it. Also, it is so nice not having to worry about slipping on snow and ice!
    My eating has been better lately, I'm not so obsessed with sugar which is a massive plus. I've actually started to enjoy salads again too. The baby feels like she's getting big already and kicking away at my ribs. I've got around 10 weeks left which is crazy! 3/4 there.

    Carla, AWESOMe re your gallbladder! that is a huge load off, and so nice knowing that you can have a positive impact on it too. I've decided I'm going to try the Instant Pot route, but I keep putting off actually buying and spending the money on it lol.

    Mihani, how's work going this week? Good for you for the house work! It's amazing how much better it feels to have the place all cleaned up. I can never get ahead of the dog hair though, it's insane... Sounds like you've had a good food week though!

    B- Green smoothie, and then I got hungry before lunch and had a clif bar lol
    L - Tortilla soup (never sick of this)
    S - celery, apple
    D - Broccoli and something else...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Wow Lia, the time is flying by! I bet you can't wait to get the pregnancy part done though. I can't believe how warm it has been this winter. I am not complaining. The past couple years were brutal. On the other hand, I came home and found a couple ants in the kitchen, and I have a feeling it's going to be a really bad summer for ants with not getting good long cold spells. This neighborhood is just awful for ants, my neighbors all complain about them. I just added ant bait traps to my grocery list! Anyway sounds like your diet is solid right now! I love the tortilla soup too. Maybe I will make a batch of that on Sunday.

    Saturday is the annual (vegan) sushi party and there will be no worrying about healthy eating and calories that evening, including lots of wine. I even have a designated driver so I can indulge all I want lol. I've done pretty well with eating healthy the past couple weeks, and dropped a few pounds, but I am still eating too much and too many starchy carbs so the weight isn't really coming off like I want, plus I'm still rather sporadic on the treadmill. I did get in 3 days this week, but I'm not exactly pushing it to a fitness level. I'm just trying to get back in the habit right now. But the plan is to get more strict after Saturday. At least the last couple weeks I've got my cravings under control and got back in the habit of eating lots and lots of veggies and beans.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My kung pao chickpeas recipe started with just this: http://theveglife.com/kung-pao-chickpeas-vegan/ but then I wanted to add veggies to it to make it more rounded out. So then I made extra sauce and stir-fried veggies first, then added the chickpeas and then the sauce. I used veggies as suggested by this: http://www.sanjeevkapoor.com/Recipe/Kung-Pao-Vegetables-Sanjeev-Kapoor-Kitchen-FoodFood.html

    delish!!! :smiley:

    It took me the whole week, but I'm back down to the weight that I have logged here in MFP. So hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to record some new loss!!

    This looks fabulous!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Has anyone (other than me) been following the hoopla in the real world and on the main boards following the announcement that we should be having TEN services of vegetables and fruits to stave off illness.

    The average SAD dieter gets no where near the previous 5!


    challenge accepted!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Sabine, my guess is they are figuring if they tell people to eat 10 maybe they will start eating 5 lol.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Sabine, my guess is they are figuring if they tell people to eat 10 maybe they will start eating 5 lol.

    Could be!!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Oops! Haven't posted in a while. I've meant to several times, but I kept getting distracted.

    Lia, I'm jealous of your lack of snow! What a winter we're having here. We had an inch the other day, and today out of nowhere we've got a couple inches and more falling. I hope you are able to rest when you need to! Have you purchased any baby clothes lately that we need to see? :)

    How was your sushi party, Mihani? My treadmill is still buried under art supplies, so you're miles ahead of me in that regard.

    I made a big batch of 'baked' beans in the instant pot the other day. They have molasses and maple syrup added so Dr. F. wouldn't approve, but we started eating cans of baked beans from the store and this is a way to wean ourselves off and control the sweetness. They turned out really good.

    I dropped my art off at the art center this weekend and opening night is this Thursday. We'll see if we're even able to go or will be snowed in. I haven't made any new paintings because I'm into weaving right now. I finished my first project, the one I posted the first inch of, what seems like months ago!


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,948 Member
    Oh wow, beautiful scarf Carla! You're so multi-talented!

    I've been running around like crazy the past few days and and partying like I'm 33 not 53, I wasn't feeling too well yesterday lol. Better today... smoothie and sprouted grain toast for breakfast, Subway veggie sub and baked chips for lunch. Made a batch of southwestern tofu scramble for dinner and gobbled it up, lots of veggies and some kale in it. Barely enough left for lunch tomorrow. I am going to get back to 6 week plan strict the next week or two, I am not going to say I'll do 6 weeks, I never do, but I knew this weekend was going to be fun and food and alcohol, and I'm ready to get back on track again after a few days off.

    I'm going to bed super early. Lots of work staring me down this week.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Carla! Your scarf is stunning!!! Amazing first job!! I love that you played with techniques on it; it's so visually interesting!

    I'm pooped. I'll post again a bit later....
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    I know it's March but
    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MIHANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad you got to enjoy some sushi and hopefully some especially needed R&R? How was it? Mmm I think I need to make some tofu scramble soon.

    Man Carla that is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you made it, it's gorgeous. Are you bored with the loom now? LOL. Or going to make something else? Also, ugh baked beans is something that I could never get behind! I don't know why, considering I love everything sugary lol.

    Hi Sabine! Nice that that is becoming more "common sense" science lol.

    We have our prenatal class this weekend. I'm actually pretty excited for it (especially because I have no practical knowledge on babies lol). I am starting to feel super tired. Carla I will totally post some pics of the baby stuff I've been buying! I keep forgetting about my preggo belly pic too. I have been trying not to buy too much stuff but I love all the girly onesies and outfits lol.

    Happy March! Any title ideas?
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Here are my latest purchases!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member