Week 6: Reflecting on the Challenge

dsdaiga Posts: 12 Member
edited March 2017 in Social Groups
As I reflect over the last 6 weeks of the challenge, I am grateful for the truths that I have learned. Even though my discipline has been shaky at times (even in regards to writing the “weekly” devotional ;)), God is still faithful and gracious and has allowed me to grow spiritually throughout the challenge. Below are some of the truths He has revealed to me:

1. The Bible tells us gluttony is a sin (Prov. 23:20-21, 28:7, 23:2) and I needed to admit that and repent. After repenting, I now have a healthy conviction when I overeat.
2. My motivation for eating healthy and taking care of my body should be to glorify God. (I Cor. 10:31)
3. I need to allow time for prayer and conviction before I eat and stop “stress eating.” (Matt 26:41)
4. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. I need to take up my cross (stress eating, cravings, and other bad habits as it relates to food) daily and let the Spirit reign. (Gal 5:23, Luke 9:23)
5. God’s grace covers all of my shortcomings. (Romans 3:23-24) Thank you, God!
6. We are overcomers because Jesus walks before us in joyful triumph. (II Cor. 2:14)

I would love to hear how each of you have grown during this challenge and the different truths God has revealed to you. Please share in the comments below.


  • catz789
    catz789 Posts: 35 Member
    Not eating sugar has made me feel better! I think I will try to continue eating my honey sweetened almond butter no-bakes when I crave a treat.
  • jonimarie0107
    jonimarie0107 Posts: 4 Member
    This has been a great challenge! It has been really hard but also has really solidified my drive to making health a lifestyle. We had been really bad about going out to eat and not really taking into account the impact it can have. Our children have been watching our mindset change and this has driven them to really think about it in a good way. Mark has been taking Jacob to the gym in the wee hours of the morning with him and that in itself is making a huge difference in his self esteem. We've begun to really crave making good healthy choices now! It has been a great kick start to better health in our home. I'm kind of sad that it's over! But! Like Pastor Adam spoke of this morning, we have the tools we need to get more mature in our walk; we just have to apply the word and make good choices every day :)
    What a great experience! Thank you to Megan and everyone who put out encouragement along the way!