Motivational Monday: March 20th

Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
Morning Everyone!

It's our 3rd weigh-on day today, so please paste your current weights on the thread in the announcements section. I've got a crazy busy day/evening today, so I won't even have a chance to look at the numbers and add them to the spreadshette until tomorrow morning, so I'll leave the weigh-in thread open until midnight tonight :)

We are trying to top last week's 50 pound combined group loss, so please post your numbers and help the group reach this goal!

Our month long March arm challenge is still going on, if you haven't joined yet or have fallen off track there are still 2 full weeks left....So, come join us on that thread and/or jump back in if you have let it slide.

I didn't have the best week but I recognized that as it was happening and tried to make the best choices I could to not completely derail my progress. I know that I have heard from a couple of our members that they have been struggling a little as well and the only advise I can give is no matter how hard it is, if you are disappointed with your lack of progress, or if you find yourself slipping into old bad habits: continue to SHOW UP! Log the binge you stress ate, read other people's posts on Success thread, cut yourself some slack, and keep at it until you fall back into the rhythm of making healthy, smart choices again. The only way we can fail at this is to quit.

I hope everyone has a great day and post below how your week went and add in your motivational quotes/memes help each other along with this great, big journey we are on.7lmrd8dmr111.jpg


  • beckykatewhite
    beckykatewhite Posts: 10 Member
    This week has been much better for me. A girlfriend of mine is super motivated to lose weight too so we've been revving each other. I offered to drive at a party sat night so no wine obviously, very easy to say no to all the yummy food circulating, and lots of happy friends! Thanks so much for the motivational messages @Mjtckwnow, feeling great this week. My motivational mantra:

    It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
  • laureljenn
    laureljenn Posts: 267 Member
    I couldn't quite figure out how to copy and paste with my phone, but I like this quote.

    This month's choices are next month's body!
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