Looking for friends with similar stats!

I'm 51 F 5"9
LW 163
CW 168
Goal was 165
I was a 26/28 now a size 10 and medium or large shirt
I'm a stay at home Mom and caregiver to my elderly parents
Every day is hard, I still see a big girl in the mirror.....working on that!
Oh..... lap band in 2009 had it removed in October 2016 and bypassed in March 2017


  • Elyseinchi
    Elyseinchi Posts: 71 Member
    Hi. Ill be your friend... we don't have similar stats.... but I am always up for friendly help! I am 48, 5'1", sleeved on 1/30/17. down 31 so far.
  • MissDeeg
    MissDeeg Posts: 2 Member
    How do I add friends here
  • lizloves2laugh
    lizloves2laugh Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 51 F 5"9
    LW 163
    CW 168
    Goal was 165
    I was a 26/28 now a size 10 and medium or large shirt
    I'm a stay at home Mom and caregiver to my elderly parents
    Every day is hard, I still see a big girl in the mirror.....working on that!
    Oh..... lap band in 2009 had it removed in October 2016 and bypassed in March 2017

    Hi :)
    I'm 28, 5'10. High weight about 355. Current weigh 295. Just got my sleeve today! Goal weight around 175.
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    @MissDeeg click on the person's name then again when the pop up screen comes up. Once you are viewing their profile it should have a button to click that says "add friend". This is the way I do it - there might be another weight.

    These are my stats -
    HW - 281.6
    SW - 263
    CW - 183.2
    Surgery was 8/23/2016 - and I began my pre-op diet on July 19th with the high weight listed above.
  • necoady
    necoady Posts: 11 Member
    I have similar stats weight wise, I'm just a lot shorter :-).

    I'm 45, 5'2"
    HW 310
    SW 278.4. 8/31/16 (VSG)
    CW 177

  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    Just sent a friend request. I had gastric bypass 4/18/16. I'm 42, 5'4", starting weight 239.6, surgery weight 203, current 152.
  • jamielslater
    jamielslater Posts: 125 Member
    edited March 2017
    @jcavanna2 what is your goal weight? I think we have pretty similar stats. I'm 40, 5'4.5" HW 241, SW 217, CW 160, GW 145. I've been stuck between 160 and 163 now for about 3 weeks. I think our one difference is I had VSG and my surgery was 10/5/16.
  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    @Jamieeldred I haven't assigned myself to a goal weight and neither has my surgeon. I see him in a couple of weeks for my one year post op so will see what he thinks. If I can land in the normal weight range somewhere I will be happy - would love to land in the lower 140s or high 130s if possible.

    How about you?
  • jamielslater
    jamielslater Posts: 125 Member
    @jcavanna2 my surgeons office set my goal at 148 and my personal goal is 145. I have been sruck at 160-163 for the past several weeks, but I'm trying to remind myself how far I've come and it has only been 5 1/2 mobths since I had surgery.
  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    Agree - sometimes Inhave to remind myself as well. I weigh myself every Saturday at Weight Watchers to keep myself accountable. Was diagnosed with the flu this past Thursday and I didn't go, and the week before I was up 1.4 so I have to keep telling myself I've lost 87 pounds and 1.4 is nothing. Plus that is after i went a bit off the rails. I am working from home today and tomorrow and feel like garbage so it's tough when I am home. Am flying to Miami Sunday for a conference and plan to bring some snacks and make good choices while I am there. MFP has been such a great resource for support and ideas!