The last ten pounds

Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
Well, I'm here: at my original goal weight, and I want to lose another 10 to put me in the middle of the BMI range. I've read that this is the toughest part of losing. Any tips on how to make this process easier?

Stats: 5'4; 144.8 lbs, lightly active (12-18,000 steps/day), eats 2300 @ maintenance and 1800 @ weight loss


  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    Don't freak yourself out...Really, just keep on what you were already doing (nice job of getting to goal weight BTW...) It will probably just be a slower process from hear on out so you won't get that constant immediate gratification. Best of luck.
  • Ostrea18
    Ostrea18 Posts: 3 Member
    I have 5 more to go to be at a weight I am comfortable at. I had gained 12 Lbs over the past 3 years and since last year lost 7 lbs. Slow and steady lol. Never depriving myself of a cocktail. Now I am looking to finish. Does doing more strength training help with this a lot more?
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Thirding slow and steady. Consistency in the trifecta is key (sleep, exercise and food).

    I hit my goal weight of 154lb pretty fast (approx. 7 months and 58lbs lost) only to gain 12lbs back. I went much slower at losing my regain and was so much happier and have managed to progress on to lose a further 5lbs with an eye to lose 4 more. I've noticed though that the smaller the deficit the more consistent the loss. Your body won't want to give up those final 10lbs, especially if you try and starve them off.

    Probably the biggest helper is keep your diet relatively clean, lots of good fats and dairy and less sugar is working for me. Still eat your treats of course but just keep them to a lower frequency.
  • Skipper111
    Skipper111 Posts: 392 Member
    Thirding slow and steady. Consistency in the trifecta is key (sleep, exercise and food).

    Probably the biggest helper is keep your diet relatively clean, lots of good fats and dairy and less sugar is working for me. Still eat your treats of course but just keep them to a lower frequency.

    This is really nice advise! Thank you for sharing.

    I have an awful sugar binge tendency and know that cutting down on it will make such a difference on my journey.

    I just need to find alternatives to the share bag of chocolates I repeatedly turn to