Calories & Carbs

k_e_l Posts: 44 Member
Hey guys!!! I'm new here. Glad to be a part of the group, thank you!


  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member
    Welcome to the low carb side. This is a great place to learn about this WOE. There is a list of stickles that have a lot of information. Are you a newbie to low carb or an old hand who has just found this site? Again, welcome.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    Like your profile pic. Wonder Woman is 75 this year. May we all look as good as she does at that age >:)
  • k_e_l
    k_e_l Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you both! I see my question was cut off, haha, sorry! I have done low carb in the past & was successful losing weight without counting calories or carbs. But that was 10 yrs ago & my metabolism isn't what it used to be. Just wondering how many of you watch either? both? & have you done it since the start, or once you got closer to your goal weight? i have 70 lbs to lose. (Wonder Woman is 75 this year? Wow! :-)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    I pay the most attention to my macros, keep the carbs low, high healthy fats, and moderate protein. Only when I stop losing do I look into the calories, but honestly, I eat fewer naturally with this WOE. Some days I am over my calorie goal (1450 with adjustments from my Fitbit), a lot of days under it. I started out on MFP as a Zoner, 40carbs/30fat/30 protein. I try to hit 5c/75f/20p, but rarely am spot on, as long as my carbs don't go over 10%, I'm good with it.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    In the early days, I only watched carb grams. I still focus most of my energy on that. However I'm cognizant of calories and do try to make choices that make caloric sense for me as well.
  • rebekahabbott
    rebekahabbott Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, I am old here but trying to make a come back. I really need some help with meal planning and keeping my carbs below 100 g a day. Please if anyone has any sample menu's I would be grateful. It seems that when I reach out for help with sample menu's I am always told just look up the carbs. Lets be realistic here, I don't have time to do this throughout my day, everyday. My goal is to make a meal plan that I will eat. I am taking the next couple days to work on this plan so any advise would be greatly appreciated. I am diabetic and over weight, so carbs are my main concern at this point. I am also allergic to the sweeteners so this makes things a bit difficult for me. I am not sure how Motorcyclekopp has kept his carbs to 20g let alone 16g a day but if you have some ideas on sample menus it would be greatly appreciated.
  • k_e_l
    k_e_l Posts: 44 Member
    @motorcyclekopp congrats on hitting your goals ! and in such a short amount of time! thats awesome! and very encouraging! i actually tried low carb around xmas time, but wasn't counting calories or macros & gave up on week 3 because i didn't see the scale moving as fast as i thought it should. well, duh, now i know why it was so fast the first week (after researching further), & that i was actually doing ok. i should have just stuck to it cause it really didn't feel like a "diet" to me. i enjoyed it! thanks for your advice & encouragement! :-)
  • motorcyclekopp
    motorcyclekopp Posts: 96 Member
    Hello everyone, I am old here but trying to make a come back. I really need some help with meal planning and keeping my carbs below 100 g a day. Please if anyone has any sample menu's I would be grateful. It seems that when I reach out for help with sample menu's I am always told just look up the carbs. Lets be realistic here, I don't have time to do this throughout my day, everyday. My goal is to make a meal plan that I will eat. I am taking the next couple days to work on this plan so any advise would be greatly appreciated. I am diabetic and over weight, so carbs are my main concern at this point. I am also allergic to the sweeteners so this makes things a bit difficult for me. I am not sure how Motorcyclekopp has kept his carbs to 20g let alone 16g a day but if you have some ideas on sample menus it would be greatly appreciated.

    I'll send you a friend request on here. That way you can view my food diary (-it's open for viewing to anyone who friend requests​ me on here). I've logged about 99% of everything that I've eaten since I've started Keto in January. If you want, you can go through my whole food diary, day-by-day, to see what I've eaten since the beginning (I count net carbs, btw). I even occasionally view some of my other friend's food diaries for new food ideas too. Feel free to check mine out if you want. It may not be the "perfect diet" nutritionally speaking, but I also take vitamin supplements (which I usually don't log) to try making up for it. It must be working good enough thus far because I haven't gotten sick once yet.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    Personally, I know my carb count is low, but TbH, I'm still getting the hang of being precise in my daily tally - I haven't kept a single record since practically joining the forum - but I DO know that it's not high at all. Calories - I'm not counting them at all, but I'm frustrated, inspite of being quite severe with myself, that I don't seem to be on a downward shift in weight, at all.

    Still, according to my research (not just this link, I should add....) metabolism begins to really slow down at the menopause (yeah, thanks for that!) so maybe that's to blame. People used to think it was around the 30 - 35yr mark, but it seems that's a fallacy. Hmmm...Dunno. Open to contradiction, because everyone has an opinion, and a right to that, too.....
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    @k_e_l there's a thread on here that's called The Ultimate Keto Food List for the 1st 2 weeks. Also Lower Carb on a Shoestring. Also What Does Your Low Carb Meals Look Like. Tons of ideas there. I don't fill out my diary much any more. Random day or two every couple of months or I'd friend you. 100 g carbs gives you a ton of leeway just try to do without processed breakfast cereals and breads, have only rare proper sized servings of grains if you must. Stick mainly with non-starchy veggies, beans or legumes, nuts, fresh lower carb fruits like berries, higher fat unsweetened yogurt or other dairy for your carbs. You'll get it figured out with a bit of practice.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I don't know if I have that much time, LOL!! I make my own yoghurt (why pay a huge premium when a litre of milk does the job just fine?!) and eat very few nuts as it is. But I think I need to increase on some veg and reduce others; I 'spiralise' my carrots, omitting the sugar-laden core (seems a waste, but I want a waist - ! :D ) and I do the same to courgettes, but I think they're not high on the fibre scale, so I'm going to add more collard/mustard greens; sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauli.... I love broad beans, but I think they're quite starchy....Peas too, seem a bit on the high-carb side. A pity. We love 'em, and peas are one of the very few veg my H will willingly eat.....
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,621 Member
    k_e_l wrote: »
    Thank you both! I see my question was cut off, haha, sorry! I have done low carb in the past & was successful losing weight without counting calories or carbs. But that was 10 yrs ago & my metabolism isn't what it used to be. Just wondering how many of you watch either? both? & have you done it since the start, or once you got closer to your goal weight? i have 70 lbs to lose. (Wonder Woman is 75 this year? Wow! :-)

    I track both, but if I keep the carb grams low, the calories take care of themselves. It takes a little mental adjusting (or it did for me) to keep protein high enough. The fat really controls the hunger, and you find yourself looking for the fattier cuts of meat. A little heavy whipping cream in the drippings of a roast make a wonderful gravy.
  • WVWalkerFriend
    WVWalkerFriend Posts: 575 Member
    I've done both but lately only carbs. I will occasionally plug everything in to see how I'm doing but I much prefer to keep it simple. I eat carbs in the form of vegetables with a little dairy, protein at every meal, and enough fat so I'm satisfied.
  • 1thankful_momma
    1thankful_momma Posts: 298 Member
    Everyone seems to find the way that works best for them. I'm 'a little bit of everything' method. I put in my info on the Keto calculator to get both my grams, percentage and calorie max. I make sure not to eat over my carb grams, reach my protein grams, ideally hit my fat percentage and under my max calorie amount.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    It's okay to just watch your carbs if this means that you will naturally eat under your weigh loss calorie target. For many people this is not the case. It's easy to eat too many calories when your diet is high fat. An extra 500 calories means no weight loss and it's incredibly easy to do. I've been keto for over 4 years, and I can tell you it's not magic. You still need to eat at a calorie deficit. Calculate your macros IN GRAMS as the total grams will equal your calorie target. Don't use percent. You can eat the "right" percentages and still eat 4000 calories. The number one reason people give up and say low carb isn't working for them because they haven't lost any weight is because, quite simply, they're eating too much.
  • k_e_l
    k_e_l Posts: 44 Member
    It's okay to just watch your carbs if this means that you will naturally eat under your weigh loss calorie target. For many people this is not the case. It's easy to eat too many calories when your diet is high fat. An extra 500 calories means no weight loss and it's incredibly easy to do. I've been keto for over 4 years, and I can tell you it's not magic. You still need to eat at a calorie deficit. Calculate your macros IN GRAMS as the total grams will equal your calorie target. Don't use percent. You can eat the "right" percentages and still eat 4000 calories. The number one reason people give up and say low carb isn't working for them because they haven't lost any weight is because, quite simply, they're eating too much.

    Yep, it would be very easy to go over without measuring. I am starting tomorrow!
  • k_e_l
    k_e_l Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks everyone! :-)
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    k_e_l wrote: »
    Hey guys!!! I'm new here. Glad to be a part of the group, thank you!

    Hello and welcome! I watch both cals and carbs. Carbs for blood sugar control (I'm diabetic) and cals for weight loss. Eating low carb helps me to eat LESS overall but since turning 40 my metabolism has slowed down sooo much that calories matter in my case :(