Holly's OMAD Journey

Hollygma Posts: 3 Member
Date began OMAD: 4/2/2017
Weight: 311 lbs Height: 5'3"
Age: 56

I began this journey after years of trying everything to lose weight. My first diet was at age 11. I've tried weight watchers, fasting (liquid diet) in a hospital program, low carb, medication, everything but surgery. I find it easier to not eat than eat small meals because I'm a food addict. OMAD gives me the ability to enjoy a good meal at the end of the day and I don't have to count calories. I'm sick of that. I usually choose lots of protein and vegetables anyway.

Week 1: I had lots of energy. The few headaches were better with more water or coffee. Day 3 I was very hungry and ate a small low sugar fruit cup. That was a good choice for that day. Now I'm not really hungry until dinner. Some mornings I have half a breakfast drink with skim milk. Two nights I still had issues with binging but it was less than usual. I'm eating between 4-6.

I have not told my family and with busy schedules, no one has noticed. For some reason, that helps. Tonight my daughter invited us over for pizza. I don't need to worry but might take a small salad or veges to round out the meal.

I've lost 4 lbs!


  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    Congrats on the loss, Holly! Enjoy that pizza.
    1MADGIRL Posts: 838 Member
    Enjoy. You're doing well :)
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Having salad with your pizza is a great plan...Welcome to OMAD :)
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Glad to hear the report! Keep up the good work.
  • mikseyniha
    mikseyniha Posts: 442 Member
    Welcome to OMAD :smile: Keep it up!
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Welcome Holly! This is an active group, with lots of supportive members. 4# loss in the first week - well, that's HUGE! Congratulations.