April Monthly Challenge



  • trinitymwilson
    trinitymwilson Posts: 108 Member
    Day 7, 3 sets of both completed. I may be sore tomorrow, though. 3 sets of lunges with 10lb bicep curls added, 3 sets of squats with 10 lb overhead shoulder press added and 3 sets of bridges.

    you rock! keep going :)
  • dmiller4129
    dmiller4129 Posts: 44 Member
    Keeping up with both schedules. The increase in burpees is killing me! I did half at regular pace, but had to slow it down for the remaining half.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Day 7

    10 shoulder presses (FW)
    25 bridges w/10lb round weights (LBD)
    30 jump squats w/10lb round weights (LBD)
    30 reverse lunges w/10lb round weights (LBD)
    10 shoulder presses (FW)

    X 3.............. COMPLETE!

    I caught a cramp in my left hamstring on the last set of bridges :s
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    Rest day for me today on both challenges, will pick back up tomorrow :)

    Got up early this morning and got in a good although cold run and then finished off with some yoga.

  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    Posting Day 9 Workout for Sunday April 9th:

    60 sec plank
    25 Tricep Dips
    25 Mountain Climbers

    10 Triceps x 2
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Day 8...LBD-REST DAY...FW-6 sets of bicep curls (last set -20 rep burnout) - COMPLETE
  • Lapoof420
    Lapoof420 Posts: 56 Member
    Day 8 fw complete
    15 bicep x2
  • trinitymwilson
    trinitymwilson Posts: 108 Member
    LBD Day 9

    60 sec plank x 2 sets
    25 tricep dips x 2 sets
    24 mountain climbers each leg x 2 sets
  • Lapoof420
    Lapoof420 Posts: 56 Member
    Day 9 fw complete
  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    Yesterday I was literally on the go with one set of grandkids or another from 6am to 10pm. Luckily I did yesterday's biceps on Friday so yesterday was a rest day for official exercise. Today I am exhausted so I am going to catch up tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good weekend.
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    LBD day #9 completed 1 set

    FW day #8 & #9 complete 2 sets
  • Mjtckwnow
    Mjtckwnow Posts: 528 Member
    Posting Workout for Day 10, Monday April 10th:

    30 Jumping Jacks
    30 Burpees
    30 High Knees

    Rest Day
  • hannahhooter
    hannahhooter Posts: 129 Member
    Day 9...both challenges ✔️
    Yesterday was my Rest day for both.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Day 9

    10 tricep push backs
    60 second plank
    25 tricep dips
    25 mountain climbers
    10 tricep push backs

    X 3......COMPLETE :smiley:
  • trinitymwilson
    trinitymwilson Posts: 108 Member
    LBD Day 10 ✅

    30 jumping jacks
    30 burpees
    30 high knees
  • SageMolokai
    SageMolokai Posts: 93 Member
    I'll join in with the LBD challenge, even though I'm a bit late :(. I think I'll still benefit from it :wink: .
  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    Day 9

    10 tricep push backs
    60 second plank
    25 tricep dips
    25 mountain climbers
    10 tricep push backs

    X 3......COMPLETE :smiley:

    Great Job, Jessica!!! You are my inspiration today.
  • dbackgrammy
    dbackgrammy Posts: 229 Member
    I am playing catch up a little today so here we go:

    Day 9 LBD: 60 sec plank, 25 Tricep Dips, 25 Mountain Climbers X 3....completed!!
    Day 9 FW: 20 Tricep Extensions w 10 lb X 3 completed!!!
    Day 10 LBD: 30 jumping jacks, 30 burpees (yuck!), 30 high knees X 3....completed!!!
    Day 10 FW: Rest X 3...this might be tough...lol

    All caught up and ready for Day 11 tomorrow, if I can move.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Trinity, how were those burpees...I'm dreading them
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    DAY 10....COMPLETE


    -30 jumping jacks
    -30 burpees (first set I did the real thing, second set I did a high jump with a low squat, third set I did a high jump and walked myself into a plank....I HATE THESE, btw)
    -30 high knees

    X 3

    FW - REST DAY!

    I can't do that many burpees. I'll have to find a replacement.
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