Snippy doctor comment (resting heart rate question)

MzLazyBones Posts: 63 Member
I’m one of those frustrating patients for my doctor. I’m 5’9” and about 277-277.5lbs, depending on which day I look at the scale. My doctor tests me for high blood pressure and pre-diabetes every visit (I don’t go often). I’m in danger of neither, and for that I feel fortunate. My blood pressure is that of an athlete or child. This isn’t to sound braggy, this is for context.

My doctor, apparently mad that I don’t have these things she feels I should have because I’m obese, she told me that a low resting heart rate meant I couldn't eat as much energy. She said it in such a snide way that I've put in for a new doctor, someone who doesn't suffer from a dislike of heavy people would be a nice change of pace.

But could I, because my heart beats slower than someone else, require less energy? I know the heart is a muscle, but I have good conditioning because I climb a lot of stairs, use a stationary bike regularly, and I work out my legs a lot (especially since I was injured and am recovering). So, how much less energy do I really need? Should I worry about this?


  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I support you to find a doctor who acknowledges your good health markers. Obesity is not always caused by or the cause of bad health.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I haven't seen your previous posts... My H is your height, but has lost around 22lbs, and is now at around 194lbs.... are you looking to lose weight, or just maintain good health?

    My daughter is 'big' (she has also called herself fat, but is keen to do the LCHF to lose weight) but is also extremely healthy, with all tests normal and sound.
    So what is your aim?
  • MzLazyBones
    MzLazyBones Posts: 63 Member
    edited April 2017
    @Replies - It's tough finding health professionals that don't look at you and assume you're diabetic, arthritic, in terrible shape, and have high blood pressure. Hope I can.

    @AlexandraCarlyle I've only been active in the group a few days. My goal is to lose weight; I'd like to hit 150, but anything below 180 would be a big improvement (I have some great jeans I want to fit in again). Regardless of weight, I don't intend to give up my physical activity, ever. I love the endorphins.

    I'm just wondering if 1530 calories is going to be low enough when combined with induction carbs (just started yesterday, before I was closer to 50-70carbs), or, if because my heart rate is low, I need to drop the calorie levels. So far, I've lost (averaging, it spikes and unspikes week to week) about a pound a week for a month and I haven't gone over my base calories even when I exercise (so if I burn 600 calories exercising, I don't eat any of them).
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    First of all, I would discount what your Doctor tells you on the opinion of your heart rate, because it seems clear to you that she's basing her advice on a certain amount of personal frustration.

    I suspect that when she tested your heart rate you hadn't exerted any great amount of energy, or had just finished a 10k run in 5 minutes - ! So in other words, her opinion was based on an already resting heart rate.

    I would, in your shoes, consider discussing the matter with someone at a gym, or contact a dietician, to see what they say.... Don't base your concerns on the comments of one person alone, however qualified.
    Especially if she was 'snippy', which is a dead give-away, isn't it?
  • 1thankful_momma
    1thankful_momma Posts: 298 Member
    doesn't make sense to me... a lower heart rate is supposed to mean good cardiovascular health as long as you are feeling fine (edema, not able to move, fainting, etc would be a major cause of concern).
    my go to guide for calories and macros is keto calculator..
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    I think it's a reliable Mantra for you @food_lover16 ... and yes, it's a great site, once I managed to get the hang of it. I am what's loosely known as a techno-doofus.....
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I tend to have a lowish BP (usually 90 to 100/50 to 60) and an average to good heart rate (65-75). I lost very easily at about 1500 kcals, and taking meds for hypothyroidism. I had about 40 lbs to lose, at 5'8" and 40 something.

    I'm not sure what your doctor was on about. A lower heart rate is generally good. It indicates pumping efficiency, as I understand it. As long as it rises well during exercise you are fine. There might be a slight difference in metabolism for someone with a slower heart rate but that seems to be majoring in the minors.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    @MzLazyBones - First check out this thread and the link in it. It is how I found my current doctor after firing both my PCP and endo.

    Second, define "low" resting HR. I am in maintenance now with a resting heart rate (according to my FitBit) of between 49 and 55, although it drops into the 40's every night at some point. I think the lowest I have seen is 43. I say that because, as a 6'1" 185 lb 46 yo man who is active, I am still able to consume/burn well over 3000 calories a day, so the low HR doesn't seem to affect me that way.

    The way I understand it is the heart rate is lower because it is pumping more efficiently. Basically, it is working more like the super soaker than the little squirter water gun. The muscle is stronger and therefore able to pump the same volume of blood in fewer contractions. I don't see how that would negatively impact your TDEE.

    As for the pre-diabetes part, be careful. I very much doubt your doc is testing properly to really know any risk here. He is probably only testing blood glucose. Prior to that being elevated, your fasting insulin will increase. Very few docs will test this. This happens first and can take decades for your cells to become insulin resistant enough to cause the elevated blood glucose to move you to pre-diabetes then to T2.

    If you find a doctor on this list in the referenced link, s/he will almost certainly be familiar with and in favor of checking your insulin to see if you do actually have any risk. Dr. Joseph Kraft did an amazing study of over 15,000 patients showing how the elevated insulin is actually the first sign of pre-diabetes even while BG remains "normal."
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    1530 cal/day should be fine for weight loss, my per day average is 1625 and I'm the same height as you and have been bouncing between 145-150 heart rate is usually around 60 when I go to donate blood, not sure if that qualifies as totally resting since I usually have to walk around the room, but nothing strenuous in terms of activity...
  • MzLazyBones
    MzLazyBones Posts: 63 Member
    edited April 2017
    I don’t like my doctor, no secret, I just worry about things like this (I'm a worrier, it's what I do). My husband, who’s fairly laid back, doesn’t like my doctor, either—she’s made comments in the past about my weight that were more jabs than helpful. “You’d recover faster from your knee injury if you were half your size”, to which my husband said “No *kitten*, really?” then asked her to snap her fingers and make it so, otherwise it would take time.

    I guess I should have swapped doctors then, but I’d just had a serious injury, and it felt like a lot of effort to find someone new when I could barely walk and she was my link to not only refilling my prescriptions (which was SO important at the time, I was in bad shape!) and the physical therapy I was starting. I’ll take a look at that list, no excuse now that I’m at a gym for my physical therapy and can get around pretty well again.

    BTW, for those asking, my resting (sitting down, watching tv etc) BPM is between 55 and 61 (I know 60 is the lower end of normal), and yes it definitely goes up when I’m working out. I just sat down (I was making dinner in the kitchen) and its 57BPM right now.

  • MzLazyBones
    MzLazyBones Posts: 63 Member
    Just checked the list, none even in my country. There's one in Sweden and one in Germany, both several hours away (one way) by train.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    Just checked the list, none even in my country. There's one in Sweden and one in Germany, both several hours away (one way) by train.

    Sorry. Didn't know what country you were in. Good luck.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I read conflicting information regarding nearly everything I research and whether or not a slower heart rate results slower metabolism is no different. Conflicting information. Both sides can be equally convincing.

    Regardless of what actual truth might be, I'm inclined to say if you are satisfied with your current rate of loss, keep on with your 1530 average daily calories and good for you for exercising for your overall health/rehab.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Just to play devils advocate a little. Not because I disagree at all just to throw out a perspective that's probably driving your doctors assumptions that you'll end up testing negatively eventually.
    The 2015 statistics from the CDC show that 1 out of 3 people are pre diabetic and 9 out of 10 of them don't know it. These are the people with normal fasting blood sugars and A1C's because even though their cells are in the early stages of insulin resistance, the pancreas is able to keep up with the increased demand. At this point, all tests show nothing negative but weight begins to pile on especially in the abdomen.
    So having good blood work doesn't actually clear you of being hyperinsulinemic. They never bother to actually test fasting insulin which is what could actually catch it early on.

    I always though a low resting heart rate was a good sign also. But I do know that one reason people abuse Adderall is for weight loss. And it raises your heart rate.
    Even now that I've dropped my dosage to half what I used to take, I rarely see a heart rate below 80. It takes hardly any effort at all for me to reach what's considered the aerobic heart rate level for my age. Just a brisk walk can maintain 140 easily. I don't actually know if that's one reason it is often used for weight loss or if it's the appetite suppression that often comes with it. For most people taking it long term, the appetite suppression is only temporary though.

    Anyway, just food for thought.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I always though a low resting heart rate was a good sign also. But I do know that one reason people abuse Adderall is for weight loss. And it raises your heart rate.

    Considering one of the medications offered by "weight management clinics" is an amphetamine (the same class as Adderall), because of its appetite suppressant effects, I doubt the reason for weight loss is the heart rate.
    I’m one of those frustrating patients for my doctor. I’m 5’9” and about 277-277.5lbs, depending on which day I look at the scale. My doctor tests me for high blood pressure and pre-diabetes every visit (I don’t go often). I’m in danger of neither, and for that I feel fortunate. My blood pressure is that of an athlete or child. This isn’t to sound braggy, this is for context.

    My doctor, apparently mad that I don’t have these things she feels I should have because I’m obese, she told me that a low resting heart rate meant I couldn't eat as much energy. She said it in such a snide way that I've put in for a new doctor, someone who doesn't suffer from a dislike of heavy people would be a nice change of pace.

    But could I, because my heart beats slower than someone else, require less energy? I know the heart is a muscle, but I have good conditioning because I climb a lot of stairs, use a stationary bike regularly, and I work out my legs a lot (especially since I was injured and am recovering). So, how much less energy do I really need? Should I worry about this?

    If you see that doctor again, challenge that statement by a request for a Medgem test. It's a device that measures your resting metabolic rate based on the carbon dioxide amount you breathe out.

    "Let's test your hypothesis, doc, and measure my RMR!"
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    I'm sorry that you are dealing with such a snippy doctor, and I can understand why you are frustrated. Have you ever had your thyroid levels checked? A low heart rate is a very common symptom of hypothyroidism as are weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Your low heart rate and relatively low weekly weight loss (given your current weight) could point to a thyroid problem. These were among my first symptoms. Low energy level is another symptom, which you don't have. Other symptoms include needing extra sleep, dry skin, loss of hair in the outer third of the eyebrows and thinning hair on the head, and many more. You may want to discuss getting comprehensive thyroid testing with your current or preferably a new doctor.
  • Kellyh01
    Kellyh01 Posts: 23 Member
    Can I ask how old you are? I'm assuming young adult 20-40? If you are not a frail elderly person then a low resting heart rate is rarely a problem. Athletes typically have low resting heart rates. If means your heart beats strong and efficiently. If a person's heart contractions are not very strong it will pump faster in order to maintain circulation. If the heart contracts stronger then if can do so fewer times and still obtain adequate blood circulation. With your physical activity and excess weight (which is essentially weight training) your heart has become strong and efficient.

    Good luck in your search for a doctor with some bedside manner.
  • MzLazyBones
    MzLazyBones Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 35, not quite old but some days I feel pretty darn frail (I tore my ACL and a week ago I sprained my wrist) ;)
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    what is your blood pressure and heart rate?

    I have a low heart rate. When I'm in shape running, fasted and rested it is around 42-45 beats/min (I'm 55). If I eat something, it immediately goes to around 55 beats/min. I've timed it at 38 beats /min in the last year a few times (I have an app on my phone that uses the camera light to read my pulse by putting my finger over the light).

    In college as a young guy who ran a lot it was normally 41-42 rested and I could get it down to 36-39 if I really relaxed.

    My dad had a minor stroke due to slow pulse rate (high 20's) so too low is not good.

    I have freaked out a couple of doctors.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    My whole family has lower RHR - my normal has always been 60 avg which is fairly slow for a woman and a BP of 110/60. Get the full on thyroid panel and fasting insulin tests once you get a new physician. That will let you know if you need to be concerned about the RHR.