Hello - Introduce yourselves

joanie152 Posts: 159 Member
Hello Keto group! Introduce yourselves - let's get a dialogue going. I am Joanie and have been pseudo ketoing for about two months now. How about you all?


  • jfmp
    jfmp Posts: 264 Member
    Hi, I'm Jeanne. 4 weeks on keto. Doing it (in order) for more energy, not being hungry all the time, potentially help with neurological disorder, and weight loss. I really like it so far. :)
  • trying2day
    trying2day Posts: 6 Member
    I'm Christie. Been doing Keto for 11 weeks. I feel great and love that I don't think about food all the time like I did when my body was glucose fueled.
  • Eclipse_Love
    Eclipse_Love Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all! I'm Vanessa and just started with Keto today. I've used MFP on and off during my journey, solely for tracking meals but this my first time exploring the Community.

    I try to do cross training 6 times a week and managed to lose weight on The Zone Diet, but I hit plateau and still have trouble with fat around my stomach that can't get rid off. I learned a few months ago about Keto and wanted to try it but I've been afraid of the so called "Keto flu". Finally decided to start today following the information in the Rule.Me website.

    Besides improving my BF%, I'm attracted to the idea of increased energy levels and improved focus, plus with my work schedule I could use a diet that doesn't require me to eat or snack every 3-4 hours.

    I would appreciate any input in making my Keto work! My father has Diabetes type 2 and Hypertension as a result of weight gain and his health is not getting better. If successful, I'm planning to get him into the Keto lifestyle as well.

    Looking forward to meet you all and share the journey to reach our goals!
  • Zuzurillo
    Zuzurillo Posts: 80 Member
    Hi there - New to My Fitness Pal as of yesterday - Whoo Hoo! Started Keto 4 days ago. I have about 20 lbs to lose. I struggled with losing just 10lbs since January while keeping my Low Carb routine. I'm 55 and just starting menopause - FUN! I've always been able to stay slim and healthy on a Low Carb diet but decided to make the leap to full Keto as my hormones are fluctuating more than ever and I've put on weight ( and can't seem to lose it ) in spite of a low carb lifestyle. I've lost 2lbs this week on Keto so know I'm on the right track again - yay! :D
  • babyboug
    babyboug Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2017
    I am new to Keto as well about a month in. I started a great program which did kick start my Keto lifestyle future. I am so excited to meet and help others as I change my lifestyle to a healthier one!
  • Digiducky
    Digiducky Posts: 3 Member
    Hi SpaceMomma. I'm 56 as well and have absolutely no metabolism due to menopause and breast cancer treatments. Keto is the ONLY diet that has worked for me. Enjoy the yummy food and don't cheat - you'll reach your goals!
  • Digiducky
    Digiducky Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm Beth and I started this page. Funny I haven't been tracking so I came back today to see you all on here - its fantastic. I lost 12 pounds my first 2 months then had trouble not going out for cocktails with the girls or wine with dinner. So my food is totally keto but just enough carbs to not lose more weight! TODAY is back to tracking and honesty with my self. It felt so much better to be strict Keto than to cheat and have inflammation, lower energy, and stalled weight loss.
  • Zuzurillo
    Zuzurillo Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Digiducky - Thanks for starting the page! Welcome back and best wishes for getting your macros back on track :)
  • nebulah_exe
    nebulah_exe Posts: 38 Member
    I've just started keto this week and I'm still a bit shaky as to whether I'm doing it right or not, so it's great to see feeds like this where everyone is supporting each other!

    Feel free to add me and we can go through this journey together! You can also spy on my diary and tell me what I'm doing wrong :P
  • mznik114
    mznik114 Posts: 82 Member
    edited May 2017
    Just added you Snerr
  • wmagato
    wmagato Posts: 1 Member
    Just started a ketogenic diet. So far so good. A little induction flu but doing fine 5 days in.
  • K2Sakura
    K2Sakura Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! I would like to know more about Keto flu. I have started Ketogenic diet just 3 days back. So far I am not feeling anything like Keto flu. One more thing I wanted to ask that, is tomato allowed in Ketogenic diet?
  • trying2day
    trying2day Posts: 6 Member
    @K2Sakura - When you are on a Keto diet you lose electrolytes very quickly. This is what I take to keep from feeling bad, daily.


    Tomatoes - the plan I follow allows them, I just don't eat a lot of them.
  • coffeegirl1015
    coffeegirl1015 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I have started doing keto in an effort to control my blood sugar and drop the weight I have gained. I used to be an avid speed walker and in excellent shape. Then my blood sugar started crashing. It was so bad I had to stop all physical activity. The worst part was all the tests came back "normal". It was quite discouraging. I recently came across the keto way of life reading a book called, "Keto Clarity". The author, Jimmy Moore, is a cardiovascular surgeon. I finally came across someone else who had struggled with my same issue and found a way to address it! Keto! Everything I have read thus far makes total sense. I feel better. My blood sugar has not crashed at all. I am never hungry anymore. I have dropped 11 pounds in less than a week simply by cutting out the carbs and the sugar. I do 15 grams carbs or less each day and no sugar at all. My protein is at 90 grams and my fat is at 87 grams. I would love any and all feedback and help out there! :)
  • ESinc1118
    ESinc1118 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been doing low carb/keto for about 3 months now. I feel GREAT, have more energy, my skin is clearer, etc but I haven't yet lost any weight so I'm a bit frustrated. I don't think I'll go off Keto because of how much better I feel overall, but I really need to drop about 10 lbs. I would love to connect with anyone who can give me some tips or insights into what I may be doing wrong! Willing to share my diary with whoever, so feel free to add me!