Due June 2017!

Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
Oh my goodness! Can I just say that I'm super excited to have stumbled upon this group. I really need some pregnant friends! I'm 28.5 weeks pregnant right now with my third, and just started using this app again. Wanting to finish this pregnancy strong and healthy. Please add me!


  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I'm due June 17 :) So we're close! I'm probably about 1 week behind you? How are you feeling?
    I am already having trouble reaching my feet... and I'm not even as big as I will be :open_mouth:
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    Yay! Congrats to you @VeryKatie! Do you know what you're having? Is this your first?
    Lol...having issues reaching down to put on my shoes. The floor seems so far away now! Lol
    ;) I'm feeling pretty good though. So far this has been my easiest pregnancy so I can't really complain too much. Baby is starting to get heavy though, and he's sitting extremely low, so the past two weeks I've had a lot of pressure and tenderness. But I saw my Dr yesterday and he gave him a prescription for a maternity brace (to use for work. My job keeps me very active and on my feet all day) and I'm loving it! I'm eager to try it for working out tonight!
    How are YOU feeling??
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Nicki_pick wrote: »
    Yay! Congrats to you @VeryKatie! Do you know what you're having? Is this your first?
    Lol...having issues reaching down to put on my shoes. The floor seems so far away now! Lol
    ;) I'm feeling pretty good though. So far this has been my easiest pregnancy so I can't really complain too much. Baby is starting to get heavy though, and he's sitting extremely low, so the past two weeks I've had a lot of pressure and tenderness. But I saw my Dr yesterday and he gave him a prescription for a maternity brace (to use for work. My job keeps me very active and on my feet all day) and I'm loving it! I'm eager to try it for working out tonight!
    How are YOU feeling??

    I feel ya on the baby being heavy! This is #2 for us - a 2nd girl :) And I swear she has doubled in size in the last day and a half. I'm going to have to start wearing my support band to work. Bending over is starting to be uncomfortable - too bad I can't wear slippers to work! I'm due June 16th... which seems so far away... and yet I feel like I've been pregnant forever!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited March 2017
    @Nicki_pick Thank you :) We aren't finding out the gender of the baby. I have a feeling the ultrasound tech slipped up and said it though... but I didn't ask for clarification so I still can't be sure lol. This is my first baby and so far I'm quite enjoying being pregnant. It's been a really easy pregnancy... to the point where other women who have had babies look at me weird if I talk about it hahaha. I hope all my future pregnancies are like this, not going to lie. If they were, I'd be totally up for having 5 kids (though the husband might stop me bwhaha).

    Is this baby number 1 for you? Too bad it's uncomfortable since the baby is low. But I always thought women who carried low were the cutest haha. I'm carrying high for now. We'll see how it changes.

    @Hurricane_C - I hear you on the slippers! I might be one to kick my shoes off and walk around without them at work lol.
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    @Hurricane_C oh my gosh bending over is the worst. And so much of my day is spent this way! I can totally relate. I DO get to wear slippers all day though, I must admit. :D It's awesome. Lol
    June is really not that far away - but I feel the same. It's going fast AND slow at the exact same time. Don't ask me how. Haha
    Congrats on your little girl! How wonderful for both your girls - the sister bond is one of the best this world has to offer. So special. :)
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    @VeryKatie Aww...I love that you aren't finding out. We did it that way with my second. It was very special. And so glad to hear you're feeling so well! Taking good care of yourself and baby. Good job mama
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    @VeryKatie oops...it cut off some of my message to you I think.
    This is my third. We have a 12 yr old son and a 10 yr old daughter and this little peanut is our big surprise
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Nicki_pick wrote: »
    @Hurricane_C oh my gosh bending over is the worst. And so much of my day is spent this way! I can totally relate. I DO get to wear slippers all day though, I must admit. :D It's awesome. Lol
    June is really not that far away - but I feel the same. It's going fast AND slow at the exact same time. Don't ask me how. Haha
    Congrats on your little girl! How wonderful for both your girls - the sister bond is one of the best this world has to offer. So special. :)

    Luckily our daughter, who is 20 months, can follow basic directions like "can you get mommy's shoes?" So I don't have to bend over as much. Lol. And she loves trying to help me put away groceries so she'll get stuff out of the bags and had it to me.
    Thanks! I'm kinda worried about how she'll react to having a baby around all the time. She's around other kids, older and younger, at the babysitter's but thats different.

  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    @Hurricane_C Lol! How adorable ...and handy! :D I think everyone worries about that with their second child. Your daughter will adjust, and you will be amazed at how much joy this baby will bring her. She's going to absolutely love being a big sis, and I'm sure she'll want to 'help' with the baby as much as she likes helping you now. :)
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I passed my glucose challenge!! WOOHOO!!! I don't have to do that horrid 3 hour GTT this time :) Sorry, super excited and had to share.

    Hope everyone is doing great! :)
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    @Hurricane_C Yay! That's wonderful news! Congrats! :smiley:
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    No recent updates... how is everyone doing?

    I'm 32 weeks today, and man, I'm starting to get really uncomfortable. I hate to rush things along, especially if we decide this is our last... but my heavens... It was definitely easier the first time around! Probably because I wasn't chasing after a 21 month old! LOL. She wears me out - these girls are going to be the death of me!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited April 2017
    @Hurricane_C I'm 32 weeks now too. I kind of feel like... there's still a while to go but at the same time there's no time left. I'm starting to get stressed a bit actually. Because my husband and I left everything to the last minute (typical us). We haven't shopped for anything baby, I haven't done any meal prep, and we only just started this week on planning our landscaping (and we want it done in 10 weeks). So I'm getting less sleep and finding myself feeling more bummed than usual.

    Getting harder to reach my socks. The BUD (baby under development) has only kicked me once so hard it hurt so far though. It's still being gentle. Are you getting any painful kicks yet? Or is that yet to come?

    I want to pack my hospital bag and I want to go buy a car seat. But we don't have time until MAY. Ugh. At least our birthing class is coming up so I have that one thing that should help me feel more prepared.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @VeryKatie I didn't do meal prep with our first one and tbh prob won't with this one either. I might buy a few Stouffers dinners and call that meal prep. Lol.

    Have you had a baby shower? Or will you? If you are you should get enough to get you started. Definitely need a car seat, diapers and wipes, but you could potentially wait until after baby to get most other things. Not that I would recommend that, lol. My anxiety prob wouldn't allow me to do that. I'm already like we need to get the newborn clothes out so I can wash them!! And I have 8 weeks. I did get my FMLA paperwork turned in and contacted the insurance company about a breast pump. So I'm working on getting stuff ready... slowly but surely. I still need to pack a bag, but I feel like I have some time (watch her surprise the crap out of me!!)

    Painful kicks, oh yeah. Most days. And she's always trying to stretch her leg so there's always a foot trying to come out of my abdomen.... I'm trying to remember to enjoy this wonderful experience- especially if it ends up being our last... but damn, she's making it difficult!!
  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Ladies, thought I would jump on this thread. I'm technically due July 8 but I've never gone past 38 weeks in a pregnancy, so I'm thinking she will be a June baby! I am 29+2 today. Starting to feel more uncomfortable. Not getting great sleep plus my toddler just got the courage to climb out of his crib, so... yeah that's not helping either! Up just over 22 lbs, still doing kettlebell training twice/week.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I'm right there with ya on being uncomfortable. At least you're still working out!! Hubby is on an off shift right now so my workout is chasing the toddler and getting up and down out of the floor to play with her.

    I'm up about 15 pounds since I found out I was pregnant, so she's keeping me on my toes. We were able to do a family hike last week for an hour which was amazing! Until I spent the rest of the night contracting :-/ (a good excuse to rest and have hubby chase the toddler, right?!)
  • farabovepearls
    farabovepearls Posts: 28 Member
    Hi there! I am 20 weeks pregnant and told that I can't gain any more weight! I've put on 15 lbs and need to make sure to keep it that way. I need all the support I can get!
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    Hey @farabovepearls I'm gonna add you as a friend. We allllllll need a little extra support right now. Growing a human is hard work! :smiley:
  • GenesisBodiford
    GenesisBodiford Posts: 17 Member
    hey ladies!!! I'm due June 27, my third girl. Husband still wants a boy. So I'm sure I'll be pregnant again shortly after June. I've been pregnant for the last two years. My 10mo old just started walking! Can't believe I'm about to have a newborn too. My 6 year old loves having a sibling and is super excited for another. I was 240 at beg of my first pregnancy and got to 265, had the baby and went back to 240. Got pregnant with current girl 2 months later at 240 and got up to 264 2 months ago. That's when I started MFP account and started logging everything. My doctors didn't want me to gain more than 10lbs and I was already at 24?! I've sine lost 13, and am at 251. I just injured my back, and am in recovery, but I'm still logging and watching my food choices. Made lots of changes in the last two months. Excited to get to know you girls! We are in the homestretch!!!! How are ya'll doing?
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @GenesisBodiford So when does your 10 month old turn 1? Our daughter turns 2 in July and this one is due mid-June and I feel crazy and overwhelmed some days already!

    Back and hips are starting to hurt - but I guess that's to be expected. At my last appointment my OB said I'd gained 20 pounds and that was good - I almost corrected her - according to my scale at my morning weigh in, its 15. Although I think I'm up to about 17 by now.

    Hope everyone is doing well!