Help! So frustrated.

DeSterren Posts: 8 Member
I can't seem to reach my protein goals (80g) without overdoing it on Fat (80g) and Cal (1200). How are other people managing to do this? I started at 176 two months ago and am only at 170 now. Granted, there have been a few days where I've had too many carbs, but most of the time I think i'm doing OK. Would love it if any of you could look at my food log and tell me what you think.


  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    You can try leaner cuts of meat like chicken/turkey breast and fish (if you like fish).

    One rule to remember:
    Carbs are a limit - stay at or below them
    Protein is a goal - hit or surpass this goal
    Fat is a filler - only use fat to decrease/eliminate hunger signals - you are losing weight so let your body use the fat stores you already have to satisfy this macro.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Six pounds in 2 months isn't too bad. That's almost a pound per week. If it continues you'll be down almost 40lbs in a year. How much do you want to lose? As long as you are not petite, I doubt you have a great deal to lose so weight loss could be slower than what people with more to lose expereince.

    I have a hard time hitting protein too. Adding lean protein helps me hit my protein goals easier. Foods like tuna, shrimp, chicken, turkey and lean read meats bumps up my numbers. I've also used protein powders, (often in my coffee) to bump those numbers up.

    To not go over on calories, I dropped my fats a bit lower using leaner meats and cutting back on cheese, nuts, oils and avocado. I have also recently dropped my carbs very very low (trying the carnivore challenge) to help me slow down my carb creep. Those carbs take the place of protein, and I need protein. We don't need carbs. :)

    Your protein is a bit low but not crazy low. You just need to tweak it a bit to get it to where you want it. Even leaving whipping cream out of your coffee and adding protein powder may almost be enough. Go back though your logs and look at the days that were low and days that were high on protein. You may see the things that worked for you.

  • DeSterren
    DeSterren Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks guys...this helps. I'm 5'8" and my goal weight is 145 (from 176). I guess I just am enjoying the cream and cheese too much, and need to focus on lean proteins.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Read through the sticky thread LCD Launchpad and think about getting a good guidebook.

    Phinney & Volek's books, New Atkins for a New You and Art & Science of Low Carbohydrate Living are packed with good info.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I'm using lots of tuna, eggs, and sunwarrior protein shakes to hit mine...on my low calorie days my limit is 1339, so I have slightly more wiggle room than you, but I totally agree that it's a diary is open if you want to browse, but it's pretty boring, lots of tuna and eggs and protein shakes.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    DeSterren wrote: »
    Thanks guys...this helps. I'm 5'8" and my goal weight is 145 (from 176). I guess I just am enjoying the cream and cheese too much, and need to focus on lean proteins.

    I'd review what your calorie goal should be. At 5'8", I'm pretty certain 1200 is a fair bit too low.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    DeSterren wrote: »
    Thanks guys...this helps. I'm 5'8" and my goal weight is 145 (from 176). I guess I just am enjoying the cream and cheese too much, and need to focus on lean proteins.

    I'd review what your calorie goal should be. At 5'8", I'm pretty certain 1200 is a fair bit too low.

    Especially if you're working out at all. Because you create calorie deficits from reducing calories OR working out, not from both... This is one place double dipping will hurt your metabolism long term and significantly slow your weight loss.